Print preview personal data approved: 2023. XII. 04. Publications |
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória, Horváth Rita: “They Drew What Was in Them: The Past, the Present”, SHOAH: INTERVENTION METHODS DOCUMENTATION (SIMON) 10: (2) pp. 50-72. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória: The Impact of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s Aid Strategy on the Lives of Jewish Families in Hungary, 1945–49, In: Adler, Eliyana R.; Čapková, Kateřina (szerk.) Jewish and Romani Families in the Holocaust and its Aftermath, Rutgers University Press (2020) pp. 115-127. type of document: Part of book/Szaktanulmány (to be translated) number of independent citations: 3 language: English
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória, Komoróczy Szonja Ráhel: Synagogue Objects Related to Charity on Shabbat, ARTS 9: (2) p. 63. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 2 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória, Frojimovics Kinga, Gombocz Eszter: Gyermeksorsok a Vészkorszak alatt és után, In: Bányai, Viktória; Frojimovics, Kinga; Gombocz, Eszter (szerk.) A Vészkorszak árvái, Nácizmus Üldözötteinek Országos Egyesülete, NÜB (2020) pp. 13-62. type of document: Part of book/Szaktanulmány (to be translated) number of independent citations: 2 language: Hungarian
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória: Liliom és Dávid-csillag: a zsidó cserkészet kezdetei Magyarországon, 1913-1924, REGIO: KISEBBSÉG KULTÚRA POLITIKA TÁRSADALOM 27: (2) pp. 66-85. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 6 language: Hungarian URL |
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória: Children’s Institutions and Education, 1945–1956, In: Sharon, Kangisser Cohen (szerk.) "My Homesickness Drove me Home...":, Yad Vashem (2018) pp. 109-168. type of document: Part of book/Szaktanulmány (to be translated) language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Komoróczy Szonja Ráhel, Bányai Viktória: Magyarországi zsidó vallási szervezetek, intézmények emlékezetpolitikája, REGIO: KISEBBSÉG KULTÚRA POLITIKA TÁRSADALOM 24: (3) pp. 38-58. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 11 language: Hungarian URL |
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória: Ezekiel Landau prágai rabbi (1713-1793) döntvényeiből, MTA Judaisztikai Kutatóközpont type of document: Book/Edition of primary source number of independent citations: 13 language: Hungarian
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Bányai Viktória: Zsidó oktatásügy Magyarországon, 1780-1850, Gondolat Kiadó type of document: Book/Monography number of independent citations: 42 language: Hungarian
from data base, 2023. XII. 04. |
Komoróczy Géza, Frojimovics Kinga, Pusztai Viktória, Strbik Andrea, Komoróczy Géza: Jewish Budapest, Central European University Press type of document: Book/Monography number of independent citations: 89 language: English
| Number of independent citations to these publications: | 168 |