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from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Stefanie Konanz, László Kocsányi, Claus Buschmann: Advanced Multi-Color Fluorescence Imaging System for Detection of Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Leaves, AGRICULTURE 4: (2) pp. 79-95. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Buschmann C, Konanz S, Zhou M, Lenk S, Kocsányi L, Barócsi A: Excitation kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence during light-induced greening and establishment of photosynthetic activity of barley seedlings, PHOTOSYNTHETICA 51: (2) pp. 221-230. type of document: Journal paper/Article impact factor: 1.007 language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Dobos G, Somogyi A, Lenk S, Ujhelyi F, Szita Zs, Kocsányi L: Application of the photomodulated reflectance technique to the monitoring of metal layers, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C-CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS 8: (9) pp. 2961-2964. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Barocsi A, Lenk S, Kocsanyi L, Buschmann C: Excitation kinetics during induction of chlorophyll a fluorescence, PHOTOSYNTHETICA 47: (1) pp. 104-111. type of document: Journal paper/Article impact factor: 1.072 language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Jeszenszky É, Kocsányi L, Barócsi A, Richter P: Fourier-Filtering Methods of Interference-Patterned Spectra in Multivariate Calibration and Prediction for Sample Identification and Thickness Determination, MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA 265: (1) pp. 233-240. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Lenk S, Kocsányi L, Barócsi A: Moduláris és szenzortípusú spektrométerek fejlesztése és alkalmazása, In: Szerk.: Ádám P, Szerk.: Kiss T, Szerk.: Varró S Kvantumelektronika 2008: VI.szimpózium a hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményeiről. Budapest: MTA SZFKI, 2008. pp. 1-3. type of document: Part of book/Proceedings Paper language: Hungarian
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Jeszenszky É, Kocsányi L, Richter P: Eliminating The Interference Pattern in Near-infrared Spectra Used For Identification of Thin Plastic Foils, APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 58: (6) pp. 693-697. type of document: Journal paper/Article impact factor: 1.848 number of independent citations: 1 language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Barócsi A, Csintalan Zs, Kocsányi L, Dushenkov S, Kuperberg JM, Kucharski R, Richter P: Optimizing Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil by Exploiting Plants' Stress Adaptation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION 5: (1) pp. 13-23. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 23 language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
Barócsi A, Kocsányi L, Richter P, Csintalan Zs, Szente K: Two-wavelength, multipurpose, truly portable chlorophyll fluorometer and its application in field monitoring of phytoremediation, MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 11: (6) pp. 717-729. type of document: Journal paper/Article impact factor: 0.796 number of independent citations: 9 language: English DOI |
from data base, 2015. V. 11. |
M Jarosz, L Kocsányi, J Giber: Temperature Dependence of the Internal Mechanical Stresses in the Si-SiO2 System, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 14: (1) pp. 122-127. type of document: Journal paper/Article impact factor: 1.457 number of independent citations: 14 language: English DOI |
| Number of independent citations to these publications: | 47 |