Personal data sheet
personal data approved: 2024. I. 25.
Personal data
name Zsuzsanna László
name of institution
doctoral school
SzTE Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences (Supervisor)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. SzTE Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences 100%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Szeged
Contact details
E-mail address
phone number +36 62 546-525
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2001
discipline to which degree belongs environmental sciences
institution granting the degree University of Szeged
scientific degree, title Habilitation
year degree was obtained 2016
discipline to which degree belongs environmental sciences
institution granting the degree University of Szeged
1999 - University of Szeged
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 4
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 2
students who obtained their degrees:
Elias Jigar Sisay PhD 2023  DSES3-SzTE
Ildikó Kovács PhD 2020  DSES3-SzTE
Ildikó Kovács PhD 2020  DSES3-SzTE
Zsolt László Kiss PhD 2015  DSES3-SzTE

completed course requirement:
Elias Jigar Sisay (PhD) 2022/08  DSES3-SzTE
present PhD students:
(50%) Mohamed Sobhy Gaber Ali (PhD) (2027/08)  DSES3-SzTE
(50%) Dinesh Chandola (PhD) (2026/08)  DSES3-SzTE
(50%) Ákos Ferenc Fazekas (PhD) (2024/08)  DSES3-SzTE
(50%) Fernanada Lichet Pantoja Alvarez (PhD) (2024/08)  DSES3-SzTE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Application of advanced oxidation processes (eg. ozone, UV lght, heterogeneous photocatalysis) and membrane separation techniques in treatment of waters and waste waters.
research field in which current research is conducted bio, environmental and chemical engineering
environmental sciences

Sisay Elias Jigar, Kertész Szabolcs, Fazekas Ákos, Jákói Zoltán, Kedves Endre Zsolt, Gyulavári Tamás, Ágoston Áron, Veréb Gábor, László Zsuzsanna: Application of BiVO4/TiO2/CNT Composite Photocatalysts for Membrane Fouling Control and Photocatalytic Membrane Regeneration during Dairy Wastewater Treatment, CATALYSTS 13: (2) 315
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Sisay Elias Jigar, Veréb Gábor, Pap Zsolt, Gyulavári Tamás, Ágoston Áron, Kopniczky Judit, Hodúr Cecília, Arthanareeswaran Gangasalam, Sivasundari Arumugam Gokula Krishnan, László Zsuzsanna: Visible-light-driven photocatalytic PVDF-TiO2/CNT/BiVO4 hybrid nanocomposite ultrafiltration membrane for dairy wastewater treatment, CHEMOSPHERE 307: (1) 135589
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 8
language: English

Gokulakrishnan S.A., Arthanareeswaran G., László Zsuzsanna, Veréb Gábor, Kertész Szabolcs, Kweon Jihyang: Recent development of photocatalytic nanomaterials in mixed matrix membrane for emerging pollutants and fouling control, membrane cleaning process, CHEMOSPHERE 281: 130891
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 28
language: English

Veréb G., Végh J., Kertész S., Beszédes S., Hodúr C., László Z.: Effects of Pre-ozonation on Membrane Filtration of Oil-in-water Emulsions Using Different Polymeric (PES, PAN, PTFE) Ultrafilter Membranes, OZONE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 42: (3) pp. 230-243.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 5
language: English

Veréb Gábor, Kassai Péter, Nascimben Santos Erika, Arthanareeswaran Gangasalam, Hodúr Cecilia, László Zsuzsanna: Intensification of the ultrafiltration of real oil-contaminated (produced) water with pre-ozonation and/or with TiO2, TiO2/CNT nanomaterial-coated membrane surfaces, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 27: (18) pp. 22195-22205.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 23
language: English

Beszédes S, László Z, Horváth Z H, Szabó G, Hodúr C: Comparison of the effects of microwave irradiation with different intensities on the biodegradability of sludge from the dairy- and meat-industry, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 102: (2) pp. 814-821.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 85
language: English

Zs László, Sz Kertész, S Beszédes, Zs H Hovorka, G Szabó, C Hodúr: Effect of preozonation on the filterability of model dairy waste water in nanofiltration, DESALINATION 240: (1-3) pp. 170-177.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 42
language: English

S Beszédes, Sz Kertész, Zs László, G Szabó, C Hodúr: Biogas production of ozone and/or microwave-pretreated canned maize production sludge, OZONE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 31: (3) pp. 257-261.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 35
language: English

Zsuzsanna László, Zsuzsanna Hovorka-Horváth, Sándor Beszédes, Szabolcs Kertész, Ernő Gyimes, Cecilia Hodúr: Comparison of the effects of ozone, UV and combined ozone/UV treatment on the color and microbial counts of wheat flour, OZONE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 30: (6) pp. 413-417.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 38
language: English

Ilisz I, Laszlo Z, Dombi A: Investigation of the photodecomposition of phenol in near-UV-irradiated aqueous TiO2 suspensions. I: Effect of charge-trapping species on the degradation kinetics, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL 180: (1-2) pp. 25-33.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 105
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:371 
Scientometric data
Saját közlemény- és idézőlista list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works: