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Personal data
Árpád László Gergely
name Árpád László Gergely
name of institution
doctoral school
SzTE Doctoral School of Physics (Core member)
Council of the Doctoral School
Természet- és Műszaki Tudományi Doktori Tanács
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. SzTE Doctoral School of Physics 94%
SzTE DSP-SzTE Council of the Doctoral School 1%
SzTE  Természet- és Műszaki Tudományi Doktori Tanács 5%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Szeged
HAC accreditation
full compliance
(2019. X. 11.)
Contact details
E-mail address gergelyphysx.u-szeged.hu
phone number +36 62 544-529
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 1996
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title CSc
year degree was obtained 1996
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title Habilitation
year degree was obtained 2008
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree University of Szeged
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2013
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree HAS
2000 - University of Szeged
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 5.5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 4.5
students who obtained their degrees:
(50%) Emma Kun PhD 2017  DSP-SzTE
Zsolt Horváth PhD 2014  DSP-SzTE
Balázs Mikóczi PhD 2011  DSP-SzTE
Zoltán Keresztes PhD 2010  DSP-SzTE

students with degree granting in process:
(50%) Márton Tápai PhD (2024/12)  DSP-SzTE
completed course requirement:
(50%) Marek Dwornik (PhD) 2015/01  DSP-SzTE
Bence Racskó (PhD) 2022/08  DSP-SzTE
present PhD students:
Attila Fóris (PhD) (2027/08)  DSP-SzTE
Bence Juhász (PhD) (2025/08)  DSP-SzTE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area General relativity, modified gravity theories, gravitational radiation, black holes, accretion, jets, cosmology, dark energy models, gravitational lensing, canonical quantization
research field in which current research is conducted physics

Addazi A., Alvarez-Muniz J., Alves Batista R., Amelino-Camelia G., Antonelli V., Arzano M., Asorey M., Atteia J.-L., Bahamonde S., Bajardi F., Ballesteros A., Baret B., Barreiros D.M., Basilakos S., Benisty D., Birnholtz O., Blanco-Pillado J.J., Blas D., Bolmont J., Boncioli D., Bosso P., Calcagni G., Capozziello S., Carmona J.M., Cerci S., Chernyakova M., Clesse S., Coelho J.A.B., Colak S.M., Cortes J.L., Das S., D'Esposito V., Demirci M., Di Luca M.G., di Matteo A., Dimitrijevic D., Djordjevic G., Prester D.D., Eichhorn A., Ellis J., Escamilla-Rivera C., Fabiano G., Franchino-Viñas S.A., Frassino A.M., Frattulillo D., Funk S., Fuster A., Gamboa J., Gent A., Gergely L.Á., Giammarchi M., Giesel K., Glicenstein J.-F., Gracia-Bondía J., Gracia-Ruiz R., Gubitosi G., Guendelman E.I., Gutierrez-Sagredo I., Haegel L., Heefer S., Held A., Herranz F.J., Hinderer T., Illana J.I., Ioannisian A., Jetzer P., Joaquim F.R., Kampert K.-H., Uysal A.K., Katori T., Kazarian N., Kerszberg D., Kowalski-Glikman J., Kuroyanagi S., Lämmerzahl C., Said J.L., Liberati S., Lim E., Lobo I.P., López-Moya M., Luciano G.G., Manganaro M., Marcianò A., Martín-Moruno P., Martinez M., Martinez M., Martínez-Huerta H., Martínez-Miravé P., Masip M., Mattingly D., Mavromatos N., Mazumdar A., Méndez F., Mercati F., Micanovic S., Mielczarek J., Miller A.L., Milosevic M., Minic D., Miramonti L., Mitsou V.A., Moniz P., Mukherjee S., Nardini G., Navas S., Niechciol M., Nielsen A.B., Obers N.A., Oikonomou F., Oriti D., Paganini C.F., Palomares-Ruiz S., Pasechnik R., Pasic V., Pérez de los Heros C., Pfeifer C., Pieroni M., Piran T., Platania A., Rastgoo S., Relancio J.J., Reyes M.A., Ricciardone A., Risse M., Frias M.D.R., Rosati G., Rubiera-Garcia D., Sahlmann H., Sakellariadou M., Salamida F., Saridakis E.N., Satunin P., Schiffer M., Schüssler F., Sigl G., Sitarek J., Peracaula J.S., Sopuerta C.F., Sotiriou T.P., Spurio M., Staicova D., Stergioulas N., Stoica S., Strišković J., Stuttard T., Cerci D.S., Tavakoli Y., Ternes C.A., Terzić T., Thiemann T., Tinyakov P., Torri M.D.C., Tórtola M., Trimarelli C., Trześniewski T., Tureanu A., Urban F.R., Vagenas E.C., Vernieri D., Vitagliano V., Wallet J.-C., Zornoza J.D.: Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review, PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS 125: 103948
type of document:
number of independent citations: 60
language: English

Barausse E., Berti E., Hertog T., Hughes S.A., Jetzer P., Pani P., Sotiriou T.P., Tamanini N., Witek H., Yagi K., Yunes N., Abdelsalhin T., Achucarro A., van Aelst K., Afshordi N., Akcay S., Annulli L., Arun K.G., Ayuso I., Baibhav V., Baker T., Bantilan H., Barreiro T., Barrera-Hinojosa C., Bartolo N., Baumann D., Belgacem E., Bellini E., Bellomo N., Ben-Dayan I., Bena I., Benkel R., Bergshoefs E., Bernard L., Bernuzzi S., Bertacca D., Besancon M., Beutler F., Beyer F., Bhagwat S., Bicak J., Biondini S., Bize S., Blas D., Boehmer C., Boller K., Bonga B., Bonvin C., Bosso P., Bozzola G., Brax P., Breitbach M., Brito R., Bruni M., Brügmann B., Bulten H., Buonanno A., Burko L.M., Burrage C., Cabral F., Calcagni G., Caprini C., Cárdenas-Avendaño A., Celoria M., Chatziioannou K., Chernoff D., Clough K., Coates A., Comelli D., Compère G., Croon D., Cruces D., Cusin G., Dalang C., Danielsson U., Das S., Datta S., de Boer J., De Luca V., De Rham C., Desjacques V., Destounis K., Filippo F.D., Dima A., Dimastrogiovanni E., Dolan S., Doneva D., Duque F., Durrer R., East W., Easther R., Elley M., Ellis J.R., Emparan R., Ezquiaga J.M., Fairbairn M., Fairhurst S., Farmer H.F., Fasiello M.R., Ferrari V., Ferreira P.G., Ficarra G., Figueras P., Fisenko S., Foffa S., Franchini N., Franciolini G., Fransen K., Frauendiener J., Frusciante N., Fujita R., Gair J., Ganz A., Garcia P., Garcia-Bellido J., Garriga J., Geiger R., Geng C., Gergely L.Á., Germani C., Gerosa D., Giddings S.B., Gourgoulhon E., Grandclement P., Graziani L., Gualtieri L., Haggard D., Haino S., Halburd R., Han W.-B., Hawken A.J., Hees A., Heng I.S., Hennig J., Herdeiro C., Hervik S., Holten J., Hoyle C.J.D., Hu Y., Hull M., Ikeda T., Isi M., Jenkins A., Julié F., Kajfasz E., Kalaghatgi C., Kaloper N., Kamionkowski M., Karas V., Kastha S., Keresztes Z., Kidder L., Kimpson T., Klein A., Klioner S., Kokkotas K., Kolesova H., Kolkowitz S., Kopp J., Koyama K., Krishnendu N.V., Kroon J.A.V., Kunz M., Lahav O., Landragin A., Lang R.N., Poncin-Lafitte C.L., Lemos J., Li B., Liberati S., Liguori M., Lin F., Liu G., Lobo F.S.N., Loll R., Lombriser L., Lovelace G., Macedo R.P., Madge E., Maggio E., Maggiore M., Marassi S., Marcoccia P., Markakis C., Martens W., Martinovic K., Martins C.J.A.P., Maselli A., Mastrogiovanni S., Matarrese S., Matas A., Mavromatos N.E., Mazumdar A., Meerburg P.D., Megias E., Miller J., Mimoso J.P., Mittnacht L., Montero M.M., Moore B., Martin-Moruno P., Musco I., Nakano H., Nampalliwar S., Nardini G., Nielsen A., Novák J., Nunes N.J., Okounkova M., Oliveri R., Oppizzi F., Orlando G., Oshita N., Pappas G., Paschalidis V., Peiris H., Peloso M., Perkins S., Pettorino V., Pikovski I., Pilo L., Podolsky J., Pontzen A., Prabhat S., Pratten G., Prokopec T., Prouza M., Qi H., Raccanelli A., Rajantie A., Randall L., Raposo G., Raymond V., Renaux-Petel S., Ricciardone A., Riotto A., Robson T., Roest D., Rollo R., Rosofsky S., Ruan J.J., Rubiera-García D., Ruiz M., Rusu M., Sabatie F., Sago N., Sakellariadou M., Saltas I.D., Sberna L., Sathyaprakash B., Scheel M., Schmidt P., Schutz B., Schwaller P., Shao L., Shapiro S.L., Shoemaker D., Silva A., Simpson C., Sopuerta C.F., Spallicci A., Stefanek B.A., Stein L., Stergioulas N., Stott M., Sutton P., Svarc R., Tagoshi H., Tahamtan T., Takeda H., Tanaka T., Tantilian G., Tasinato G., Tattersall O., Teukolsky S., Tiec A.L., Theureau G., Trodden M., Tolley A., Toubiana A., Traykova D., Tsokaros A., Unal C., Unnikrishnan C.S., Vagenas E.C., Valageas P., Vallisneri M., Brand J.V., Broeck C.V., de Meent M., Vanhove P., Varma V., Veitch J., Vercnocke B., Verde L., Vernieri D., Vernizzi F., Vicente R., Vidotto F., Visser M., Vlah Z., Vretinaris S., Völkel S., Wang Q., Wang Y.-T., Werner M.C., Westernacher J., Weygaert R., Wiltshire D., Wiseman T., Wolf P., Wu K., Yamada K., Yang H., Yi L., Yue X., Yvon D., Zilhão M., Zimmerman A., Zumalacarregui M.: Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA, GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 52: (8) 81
type of document:
number of independent citations: 116
language: English

Gergely C, Keresztes Z, Gergely LA: Minimally coupled scalar fields as imperfect fluids, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102: (2) 024044
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Kun E., Keresztes Z., Gergely L. Á.: Slowly rotating Bose-Einstein condensate compared with the rotation curves of 12 dwarf galaxies, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 633: A75
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 7
language: English

Kun E, Biermann P L, Gergely L Á: Very long baseline interferometry radio structure and radio brightening of the high-energy neutrino emitting blazar TXS 0506+056, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY: LETTERS 483: (1) pp. L42-L46.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 20
language: English

Ovalle Jorge, Gergely László Á, Casadio Roberto: Brane-world stars with solid crust and vacuum exterior, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 32: 045015
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 86
language: English

LÁ Gergely: Brane-world cosmology with black strings, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 74: 024002
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 58
language: English

Mikóczi B, Vasúth M, Gergely LÁ: Self-interaction spin effects in inspiralling compact binaries, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 71: (12) 124043
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 94
language: English

LÁ Gergely: Generalized Friedmann branes, PHYSICAL REVIEW D PARTICLES AND FIELDS 68: 124011
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 49
language: English

LÁ Gergely, R Maartens: Brane-world generalizations of the Einstein static universe, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 19: pp. 213-221.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 76
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:569 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
further relevant information regarding accreditation (in Hungarian)
Languages: English, French, Romanian. Council member: LIGO Scientific Collaboration. Management Committee member: COST CA21136, CA18108. Editor: Universe. Referee: PRL, PRD, JCAP, PLB, CQG, MNRAS, APSS, IJMPA, D, GRG, EPJC, Plus, Entropy, Universe. Grant Referee: Hungary, Italy, Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Netherlands, Romania, Georgia, New Zealand. Talks at international conferences: 153. Curriculum development in physics and astronomy. PhD opponent: Portsmouth, ELTE, SZTE, Umea.

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )