Personal data sheet
personal data approved: 2021. XII. 02.
Personal data
Károly Szatmáry
name Károly Szatmáry
name of institution
doctoral school
SzTE Doctoral School of Physics (Academic staff member)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. SzTE Doctoral School of Physics 100%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Szeged
Contact details
E-mail address
phone number +36 62 544-666
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title CSc
year degree was obtained 1995
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 1996
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree Szegedi Tudományegyetem (volt JATE) (to be translated)
scientific degree, title Habilitation
year degree was obtained 2002
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree University of Szeged
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2014
discipline to which degree belongs physics
institution granting the degree HAS
1981 - University of Szeged
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 4
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 4
students who obtained their degrees:
Attila Bódi PhD 2019  DSP-SzTE
(50%) Attila Simon PhD 2012  DSP-SzTE
(50%) Péter Székely PhD 2010  DSP-SzTE
M. Gyula Szabó PhD 2005  DSP-SzTE
L. László Kiss PhD 1999  DSP-SzTE

  Thesis topic proposals
research area astrophysics, photometry of variable stars, Fourier and time-frequency analysis of the light curves, study of period changes, exoplanets, exomoons
research field in which current research is conducted physics

Szatmáry Károly, Mészáros Richárd: Léteznek-e a Naprendszerre hasonlító bolygórendszerek?, FIZIKAI SZEMLE 71: (3) pp. 92-96.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Szatmáry Károly, Hegedüs Tibor: Az SZTE szegedi és bajai csillagászati tevékenysége 2019-ben, In: Benkő, József; Mizser, Attila (szerk.) (szerk.) Meteor Csillagászati Évkönyv 2021, Magyar Csillagászati Egyesület (MCSE) (2020) pp. 307-318.
type of document: Part of book/Könyvfejezet (to be translated)
language: Hungarian

Szatmáry Károly, Hegedüs Tibor: Az SZTE szegedi és bajai csillagászati tevékenysége 2018-ban, In: Benkő, József; Mizser, Attila (szerk.) Meteor Csillagászati Évkönyv 2020, Magyar Csillagászati Egyesület (MCSE) (2019) pp. 296-306.
type of document: Part of book/Könyvfejezet (to be translated)
language: Hungarian

Mitnyan T, Bódi A, Szalai T, Vinkó J, Szatmáry K, Borkovits T, Bíró B I, Hegedüs T, Vida K, Pál A: The contact binary VW Cephei revisited: surface activity and period variation, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 612: A91
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 5
language: English

Szatmáry Károly, Hegedüs Tibor, Benkő József, Mizser Attila: Az SZTE szegedi és bajai csillagászati tevékenysége 2016-ban, Magyar Csillagászati Egyesület (MCSE)
type of document: Book/Monography
language: Hungarian

Bódi A, Szatmáry K, Kiss LL: Periodicities of the RV Tauri-type pulsating star DF Cygni: A combination of Kepler data with ground-based observations, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 596: A24
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 5
language: English

Szatmáry Károly, Hegedüs Tibor: Az SZTE szegedi és bajai csillagászati tevékenysége 2015-ben, In: Benkő, József; Mizser, Attila (szerk.) Meteor csillagászati évkönyv 2017, Magyar Csillagászati Egyesület (MCSE) (2016) pp. 313-319.
type of document: Part of book/Könyvfejezet (to be translated)
language: Hungarian

Simon AE, Szabó GyM, Kiss LL, Szatmáry K: Signals of exomoons in averaged light curves of exoplanets, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 419: (1) pp. 164-171.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 28
language: English

Simon AE, Szabó MGy, Szatmáry K, Kiss LL: Methods for exomoon characterisation: combining transit photometry and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 406: (3) pp. 2038-2046.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 27
language: English

Szabó GyM, Haja O, Szatmáry K, Pál A, Kiss LL: Limits on Transit Timing Variations in HAT-P-6 and WASP-1, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS (5919) pp. 1-3.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 4
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:69 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
further relevant information regarding accreditation (in Hungarian)
6 nyertes OTKA pályázat témavezetője, összesen 40 elnyert oktatási és kutatási pályázat, korábban a csillagász szak felelőse, a fizika BSc csillagász szakirány felelőse, a csillagász MSc felelőse, az SZTE TTIK Tudományos Diákköri Tanács elnöke (2005-2011) (to be translated)