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personal data approved: 2023. XII. 03.
Personal data
Imre Lengyel
name Imre Lengyel
name of institution
doctoral school
PTE Doctoral School in Regional Policy and Economics (Academic staff member)
SzE Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration (Academic staff member)
SzTE Doctoral School in Economics (Core member)
(discipline) Habilitation Comittee
Council of the Doctoral School
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. PTE Doctoral School in Regional Policy and Economics 5%
SzE Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration 5%
SzTE Doctoral School in Economics 89%
SzTE DSE-SZTE (discipline) Habilitation Comittee 1%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Szeged
Contact details
E-mail address ilengyeleco.u-szeged.hu
phone number +36 62 544-678
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title CSc
year degree was obtained 1995
discipline to which degree belongs economics
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title Habilitation
year degree was obtained 2004
discipline to which degree belongs economics
institution granting the degree University of Szeged
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2005
discipline to which degree belongs
institution granting the degree HAS
1997 - University of Szeged
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 10.5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 7.5
students who obtained their degrees:
(50%) Mónika Imreh-Tóth PhD 2014  DSE-SZTE
(50%) Zsófia Boglárka Vas PhD 2014  DSE-SZTE
(50%) Benedek Nagy PhD 2013  DSE-SZTE
(50%) Izabella Szakálné Kanó PhD 2012  DSE-SZTE
Miklós Lukovics PhD 2007  DSE-SZTE
Réka Patik PhD 2007  DSE-SZTE
Zoltán Bajmócy PhD 2007  DSE-SZTE
Szabolcs Imreh PhD 2006  DSE-SZTE
László Kállay PhD 2005  DSE-SZTE

completed course requirement:
(50%) Kálmán Bucsai (PhD) 2012/08  DSE-SZTE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area regional economics, regional economic development, local development and entrepreneurship, regional clusters
research field in which current research is conducted regional sciences

Lengyel Imre: Regionális és városgazdaságtan, Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó
type of document: Book/Monography
number of independent citations: 12
language: Hungarian

Lengyel Imre: Látlelet a hazai közgazdasági felsőoktatásról az egyetemek fenntartóváltása előtt, KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 68: (10) pp. 1055-1088.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: Hungarian

Szakálné Kanó Izabella, Lengyel Imre: Convergence Clubs of NUTS3 Regions of the V4 Group, E & M EKONOMIE A MANAGEMENT 24: (4) pp. 22-38.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Nagy Benedek, Udvari Beáta, Lengyel Imre: Újraiparosodás Kelet-Közép-Európában – újraéledő centrum–periféria munkamegosztás?, KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 66: (2) pp. 163-184.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 16
language: Hungarian

Szakálné Kanó I, Lengyel B, Elekes Z, Lengyel I: Agglomeration, foreign firms and firm exit in regions under transition, EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 27: (11) pp. 2099-2122.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 10
language: English

Lengyel Imre: Competitive and uncompetitive regions in transition economies: the case of the Visegrad post-socialist countries, In: Robert, Huggins; Piers, Thompson (szerk.) Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness, Edward Elgar (2017) pp. 398-415.
type of document: Part of book/Könyvfejezet (to be translated)
number of independent citations: 9
language: English

Lengyel I, Vas Zs, Szakálné Kanó I, Lengyel B: Spatial differences of reindustrialization in a post-socialist economy, EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 25: (8) pp. 1416-1434.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 21
language: English

Lengyel Imre: Regionális gazdaságfejlesztés, Akadémiai Kiadó
type of document: Book/Monography
number of independent citations: 396
language: Hungarian

Lengyel Imre: The Pyramid Model: Enhancing Regional Competitiveness in Hungary, ACTA OECONOMICA 54: (3) pp. 323-342.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 165
language: English

Lengyel Imre: A regionális versenyképességről, KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE 47: (12) pp. 962-987.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 546
language: Hungarian
Number of independent citations to these publications:1176 
Scientometric data
Saját közlemény- és idézőlista list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
further relevant information regarding accreditation (in Hungarian)
Elected member, Regional Science Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, from 1990 (deputy chairman 1999-2008, chair 2008-2011); member, Hungarian Regional Science Association (2002-2016); member, European Regional Science Association (from 1992) ; series editor, ’Modern regional science’ Akadémiai Kiadó (Budapest) (from 2008); Knight of Cross from the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic (2015); Award of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2016)

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )