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personal data approved: 2023. X. 05.
Personal data
Petra Varró
name Petra Varró
name of institution
doctoral school
ELTE Doctoral School of Biology (Supervisor)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. ELTE Doctoral School of Biology 100%
accreditation statement submitted to: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Contact details
E-mail address varro.petrattk.elte.hu
phone number +36 1 372-2500/8372
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2013
discipline to which degree belongs biology
institution granting the degree Eötvös Loránd University
2012 - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now
number of students who fulfilled course requirements
students who obtained their degrees:
(50%) Peter Kiplang'At Koech PhD 2024  DSB-ELTE
Veronika Bódi PhD 2024  DSB-ELTE

present PhD students:
(50%) Júlia Puskás (PhD) (2026/08)  DSB-ELTE
(50%) Zsuzsanna Faragó (PhD) (2026/08)  DSB-ELTE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area neurotoxicology (pesticides, mycotoxins) autism, nervous system development neocortical synchronization, epilepsy
research field in which current research is conducted biology

Koech Peter Kiplangat, Jócsák Gergely, Boldizsár Imre, Moldován Kinga, Borbély Sándor, Világi Ildikó, Dobolyi Árpád, Varró Petra: Anti-glutamatergic effects of three lignan compounds: arctigenin, matairesinol and trachelogenin - An ex vivo study on rat brain slices, PLANTA MEDICA: NATURAL PRODUCTS AND MEDICINAL PLANT RESEARCH 89: (09) pp. 879-889.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Annamaria Zsakai, Dorina Annar, Beatrix Koronczai, Kinga Molnar, Petra Varro, Erika Toth, Szilvia Szarvas, Tamas Tauber, Zsolt Karkus, Dora Varnai, Agota Muzsnai: A new monitoring system for nutritional status assessment in children at home, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13: (1) 4155
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Bódi Veronika, Májer Tímea, Kelemen Viktor, Világi Ildikó, Szűcs Attila, Varró Petra: Alterations of the Hippocampal Networks in Valproic Acid-Induced Rat Autism Model, FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS 16: 772792
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Kiplang’at Koech Peter, Boldizsár Imre, Dobolyi Árpád, Varró Petra: Effects of dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans arctigenin and trachelogenin on the motility of isolated rat ileum, TOXICOLOGY REPORTS 9: pp. 1222-1232.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Bódi Veronika, Csikós Vivien, Májer Tímea, Tóth Attila, Dobolyi Árpád, Világi Ildikó, Varró Petra: Zearalenone alters the excitability of rat neuronal networks after acute in vitro exposure, NEUROTOXICOLOGY 86: pp. 139-148.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Csikós Vivien, Varró Petra, Bódi Veronika, Oláh Szilvia, Világi Ildikó, Dobolyi Árpád: The mycotoxin deoxynivalenol activates GABAergic neurons in the reward system and inhibits feeding and maternal behaviours, ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY 94: (9) pp. 3297-3313.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 5
language: English

Bódi Veronika, Csikós Vivien, Rátkai Erika Anikó, Szűcs Attila, Tóth Attila, Szádeczky-Kardoss Katalin, Dobolyi Árpád, Schlett Katalin, Világi Ildikó, Varró Petra: Short-term neuronal effects of Fumonisin B1 on neuronal activity in rodents, NEUROTOXICOLOGY 80: pp. 41-51.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 7
language: English

Balogh Veronika, Szádeczky-Kardoss Katalin, Varró Petra, Világi Ildikó, Borbély Sándor: Analysis of propagation of slow rhythmic activity induced in ex vivo rat brain slices, BRAIN CONNECTIVITY 9: (8) pp. 649-660.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Varró P, Kovács M, Világi I: The insecticide esfenvalerate modulates neuronal excitability in mammalian central nervous system in vitro, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS 267: pp. 39-44.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 4
language: English

Varró P, Szemerszky R, Bárdos G, Világi I: Changes in synaptic efficacy and seizure susceptibility in rat brain slices following extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure, BIOELECTROMAGNETICS 30: (8) pp. 631-640.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 27
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:48 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )