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personal data approved: 2024. I. 05.
Personal data
Balázs Sárvári
name Balázs Sárvári
name of institution
doctoral school
BCE Doctoral School of Economics, Business and Informatics (Academic staff member)
BCE Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science (Academic staff member)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. BCE Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science 100%
Contact details
E-mail address balazs.sarvariuni-corvinus.hu
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2018
discipline to which degree belongs economics
institution granting the degree Corvinus University of Budapest
2018 - Corvinus University of Budapest
other (not specified) (egyetemi adjunktus)
2014 - Corvinus University of Budapest
other (not specified) (tanársegéd)
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 1
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 1
students who obtained their degrees:
completed course requirement:
Xinxin Xu (PhD) 2023/01  DSIRPS-CUB
research area Economics of Sustainability Economic & Foreign Policy of China Political Economics of Globalization Legacy of economic policy implications of high cultures Teaching methods of Economics
research field in which current research is conducted economics

Borda Áron József, Sárvári Balázs, Balogh Jeremiás Máté: Generation Change in Agriculture, ECONOMIES 11: (5) 129
type of document: Journal paper/Review paper
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Kelemen Zoltán, Sárvári Balázs: Az 1956-os magyarországi események hatása a kínai gazdaság- és társadalompolitikára, ESÉLY: TÁRSADALOM ÉS SZOCIÁLPOLITIKAI FOLYÓIRAT Vol. 34. (2023) No. 2.: pp. 18-25.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Vaszkun Balázs, Koczkás Sára, Ganbaatar Tseren, Hsien Kuo Chi, Yu Yanghang, Yao Yuan, Sárvári Balázs, Orolmaa Munkhbat: Does Confucius have a say in management today? Empirical evidence from Asia and Europe, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT 17: (2-3) pp. 198-221.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Sárvári Balázs: A zöld pénzügyi kapacitásfejlesztés trendjei és dilemmái, HITELINTÉZETI SZEMLE / FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC REVIEW 21: (4) pp. 207-218.
type of document:
language: Hungarian

Sárvári Balázs: On the Role of the Belt and Road Initiative and the 16 + 1 Cooperation Within the Sino-European Relation, In: Kim, Young-Chan (szerk.) China and the Belt and Road Initiative, Springer-Verlag (2022) pp. 237-250.
type of document: Part of book/Szaktanulmány (to be translated)
language: English

Papp Dávid, Sárvári Balázs, Varga Márton: Zöld pénzügyek és piaci megoldások a környezeti fenntarthatóságért, In: Baksay, Gergely; Matolcsy, György; Virág, Barnabás (szerk.) Új közgazdaságtan a fenntarthatóságért, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) (2022) p. 591.
type of document: Part of book/Könyvfejezet (to be translated)
language: Hungarian

Sárvári Balázs: The ICT-Paradox: Chances and Barriers for Modernization in Higher Education Institutions, In: Carbonaro, A.; Breen, J.M. (szerk.) Effective Leadership for Overcoming ICT Challenges in Higher Education: What Faculty, Staff and Administrators Can Do to Thrive Amidst the Chaos, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. (2021) pp. 129-149.
type of document: Part of book/Szaktanulmány (to be translated)
language: English

Morris D., Sárvári B.: The Belt and Road Initiative’s New Regional World Order, In: Salát, Gergely; Horváth, Levente (szerk.) Övezet és út: múlt, jelen, jövő, Typotex Kiadó (2021) p. ..
type of document: Part of book/Szaktanulmány (to be translated)
language: English

Sárvári Balázs, Szeidovitz Anna: The Political Economics of The New Silk Road, BALTIC JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN STUDIES 6: (1.(20)) pp. 3-27.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 37
language: English

Sárvári Balázs: A kínai eszmetörténeti hagyomány, KÖZ-GAZDASÁG 4: pp. 191-206.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian
Number of independent citations to these publications:39 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
thesis supervisor László Trautmann
one supervisor or with co-supervisor individual
degree PhD
starting of doctoral studies 2011/09
date of final certificate (year,month) 2014/08
year in which degree was obtained 2018
diszertáció Main findings in the thesis (in Hungarian)Main findings in the thesis (in English)The thesis
data of the public discussion defense

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