Az adott oktató valamelyik doktori iskolában kiírt doktoranduszok számára kutatási témát, amire most jelentkezni is lehet, de még nincsen témavezetett doktorandusza.
business and commercial law, stock corporations, M & A,
research field in which current research is conducted
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
Kecskés András, Halász Vendel: A felelős társaságirányítási jog európai látképe, EURÓPAI JOG: AZ EURÓPAI JOGAKADÉMIA FOLYÓIRATA 22: (6) pp. 8-17. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: Hungarian URL
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
Kecskés András: The Legal Background of Sovereign Wealth Funds and Their Role in National Economies, EUROPEAN COMPANY AND FINANCIAL LAW REVIEW 18: (1) pp. 141-158. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English URL
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
Kecskés András, Halász Vendel, Bujtár Zsolt: Tőzsdeuniverzum, HVG-ORAC type of document: Book/Monography number of independent citations: 21 language: Hungarian
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
Kecskés András: A tőzsdei bevezetések árfolyammozgásai a részvényeladási tilalom időszaka alatt, PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY (1963-) 64: (2) pp. 226-243. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: Hungarian URL
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
Kecskés András: Price Movements of IPO Stocks during the Lock-Up Period, PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY (1963-) 64: (2) pp. 222-238. type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English URL
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
Kecskés András, Halász Vendel: A 2003/71/EK irányelv (prospektus irányelv) szabályozási rendszere és a kibocsátási tájékoztatók új szabályozása, EURÓPAI JOG: AZ EURÓPAI JOGAKADÉMIA FOLYÓIRATA 19: (4) pp. 1-11. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 3 language: Hungarian URL
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
András Kecskés: Recent trends in Hungarian Investment Law, JAHRBUCH FÜR OSTRECHT 59: (1) pp. 69-78. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 2 language: English Full text
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
András Kecskés: The Theory of Economic Law Beyond the Numbers, RECHTSTHEORIE 48: (2) pp. 213-233. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 2 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
Kecskés András: The Sarbanes-Oxley act from a legislative viewpoint, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LEGISLATION 4: (1) pp. 27-43. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 12 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. VII. 01.
András Kecskés: Inside and Outside the Province of Jurisprudence, RECHTSTHEORIE 46: (4) pp. 465-479. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 29 language: English URL
Number of independent citations to these publications:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
The number of citations displayed after clicking on the link may differ from the displayed number because the former displays the current state of MTMT2 and the latter was the case when importing science metrics.