Personal data sheet
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personal data approved: 2023. III. 23.
Personal data
Éva Vígh
name Éva Vígh
name of institution
doctoral school
SzTE Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies (Announcer of research topic)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. SzTE Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies 25%
SzTE György Málnási Bartók Doctoral School of Philosophy 75%
accreditation statement submitted to: University of Szeged
HAC accreditation
full compliance
(2019. VII. 19.)
Contact details
E-mail address eva.vighlibero.it
phone number +36 62 544-375
mobile phone number +36 20 393-4390
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 1997
discipline to which degree belongs literature
institution granting the degree József Attila Tudományegyetem (ma:SZTE) (to be translated)
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2007
discipline to which degree belongs
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title Habilitation
year degree was obtained 2007
discipline to which degree belongs literature
institution granting the degree University of Szeged
1980 - University of Szeged
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 3
students who obtained their degrees:
Annamária Molnár PhD 2021  DSL-USZ
(50%) Noémi Ótott PhD 2020  DSL-USZ
Annamária Szilágyi PhD 2010  
Judit Tekulics PhD 2005  
(50%) Márton Róth PhD 0000  

  Thesis topic proposals
research area The 16th and 17th century literature, history of ideas and cultural anthropology: Italian courtly literature; physiognomy; moral philosophy of modern age; animal symbolism
research field in which current research is conducted literature

Éva Vígh: «Vint’hanno gli animali il seme umano»: figure animali in Franco Sacchetti, RIVISTA DI LETTERATURA TARDOGOTICA E QUATTROCENTESCA 2: pp. 33-56.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Italian

Vígh Éva: Állatszimbólumtár A-Z, Balassi Kiadó
type of document: Book/Handbook
number of independent citations: 11
language: Hungarian

Vígh Éva: Udvari erények és bűnök zooikonológiája, PER ASPERA AD ASTRA: A PÉCSI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM MŰVELŐDÉS- ÉS EGYETEMTÖRTÉNETI KÖZLEMÉNYEI 6: (1) pp. 31-48.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Vígh Éva: "A szép párduc mintha festve lenne, úgy mutatja foltjait különféle színben" - A határtalanság rendje és az állatszimbolika, ACTA HISTORIAE LITTERARUM HUNGARICARUM. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS SZEGEDIENSIS 34 (Új folyam 3): pp. 87-109.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Vígh Éva: Állatszimbolika a közép- és újkori Itália irodalmában, Lazi Könyvkiadó
type of document: Book/Monography
number of independent citations: 5
language: Hungarian

Vígh Éva: "Il costume che appare nella faccia", Aracne
type of document: Book/Monography
number of independent citations: 9
language: Italian

Vígh Éva: Természeted az arcodon I. Fiziognómia és jellemábrázolás az olasz irodalomban, JATEPress
type of document: Book/Monography
number of independent citations: 23
language: Hungarian

Vígh Éva: Az udvari élet művészete Itáliában, Balassi Kiadó
type of document: Book/Edition of primary source
number of independent citations: 27
language: Hungarian

Vígh Éva: Barocco etico-retorico nella letteratura italiana, JATEPress
type of document: Book/Handbook
number of independent citations: 9
language: Italian

Vígh Éva: Ethos és Kratos között, Osiris Kiadó
type of document: Book/Handbook
number of independent citations: 23
language: Hungarian
Number of independent citations to these publications:107 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
further relevant information regarding accreditation (in Hungarian)
Széchenyi István Ösztöndij (2001) Mellon Ösztöndíj (Amarican Academy in Rome, 1999) Mestertanár (2005) Habilitálás (2007) Egyetemi tanári kinevezés (2008) (to be translated)

2024. IV. 17.
ODT ülés
Az ODT következő ülésére 2024. június 14-én, pénteken 10.00 órakor kerül sor a Semmelweis Egyetem Szenátusi termében (Bp. Üllői út 26. I. emelet).

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )