Print preview VALIDITY EXPIRED personal data approved: 2009. III. 22. Publications |
manual entry, 2009. III. 22. |
Koltay J. -Delteil V. -Dieuaide P. -Groux G.: Les relations professionnelles a l'épreuve de l'élargissement. L'Est: nouveau laboratoire des relations sociales?, DARES Paris, 275 p. type of document: Further/Technical Report (published) language: French URL |
manual entry, 2009. III. 22. |
Koltay Jenő: A bőség kosarának illúziójától a nagy kalap valóságáig - A magyar jóléti rendszer funkcióváltozásai, Külgazdaság 2007. 11-12., pp. 97-100 type of document: Journal paper/Review paper language: Hungarian URL |
manual entry, 2009. III. 23. |
Koltay J.-Neumann L.: Industrial Relations in Hungary, In: Fazekas K., Koltay J. (eds): The Hungarian Labour Market. IE HAS / HEF, Budapest, 2006., pp. 25-224 type of document: Book chapter/Monography number of independent citations: 2 language: English URL |
manual entry, |
Koltay J.-Delteil V.: Les entreprises françaises à l’Est : Exportatrices de pratiques sociales, vecteurs de dialogue social ? Une analyse à la croisée de la sociologie et de l’économ, DARES Paris type of document: Book chapter/Part of Monography
manual entry, 2009. III. 22. |
Koltay J.-Neumann L.: A magyar munkaügyi kapcsolatok közelrıől és távolabbról, In: Fazekas K., Koltay J.(szerk.): Munkaerőpiaci Tükör 2005. MTA KTI, 2005., pp. 37-45 type of document: Book chapter/Monography language: Hungarian URL |
manual entry, 2009. III. 23. |
Koltay Jenő: The wage setting system, In: Fazekas, K., Koltay, J. (ed.) The Hungarian Labour Market – Review and Analysis 2002. Institute of Economics HAS 2002., pp. 54-63 type of document: Book chapter/Monography number of independent citations: 5 language: English URL |
manual entry, 2009. III. 22. |
Koltay J.-Jackson M.-Biesbrouck W.: Unemployment and Evolving Labor Markets in Central and Eastern Europe, Avebury, 227 p. type of document: Book/Monography number of independent citations: 2 language: English URL |
manual entry, 2009. III. 22. |
Koltay J.: The impact of the minimum wage on Hungarian wages and industrial relations., In: Standing, G., Vaughan-Whitehead, D. (eds.): Minimum Wages in Central and Eastern Europe: from Protection to Destitution. CEU Press, Oxford Univ. Press, 1995, pp. 85-102 type of document: Book chapter/Monography number of independent citations: 6 language: English URL |
manual entry, 2009. III. 23. |
Koltay J.: Tax reform in Hungary, In: Székely, I., Newbery, D. (eds.) Hungary: An economy in transition, pp. 249-270 type of document: Book chapter/Monography number of independent citations: 13 language: English URL |
manual entry, 2009. III. 22. |
Koltay J.-Dubois P.- Makó C.- Richet X.: Innovation et Emploi a l'Est et a l'Ouest, L'Harmattan, Paris, 350 p. type of document: Book/Monography number of independent citations: 11 language: French URL |
| Number of independent citations to these publications: | 39 |