Personal data sheet
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personal data approved: 2023. XI. 27.
Personal data
name Gábor Anda
name of institution
doctoral school
BME Doctoral School of Physics (Supervisor)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. BME Doctoral School of Physics 100%
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2010
discipline to which degree belongs physics
2022 - Energiatudományi Kutatóközpont
other (not specified) (tudományos főmunkatárs)
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now
number of students who fulfilled course requirements
students who obtained their degrees:
present PhD students:
András Zsákai (PhD) (2028/01)  DSP1-BME
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Fusion plasma physics, alkali beam probe diagnostics, ion source and ion optic development Microwave based proton ion source development
research field in which current research is conducted physics

Kocsis G., Szepesi T., Anda G., Bartók G., Cseh G., Dunai D., Jachmich S., Katona I., Nagy D., Oravecz D., Réfy D., Sándli L., Szabolics T., Vécsei M., Walcz E., Zoletnik S.: Fragment plume diagnostics for cryogenic pellet shattering studies: Development and first experimental results, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 190: 113515
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Zoletnik S., Walcz E., Jachmich S., Kruezi U., Lehnen M., Anda G., Szabolics T., Szepesi T., Bartók G., Cseh G., Boros Z., Dunai D., Gárdonyi G., Hakl J., Hegedűs S., Katona I., Kovacs A., Kocsis G., Lengyel M., Mészáros S., Nagy D., Oravecz D., Poszovecz L., Réfy D., Vad K., Vécsei M.: Shattered pellet technology development in the ITER DMS test laboratory, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 190: 113701
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Pedersen TS, Abramovic I, Agostinetti P, Torres MA, Akaslompolo S, Belloso JA, Aleynikov P, Aleynikova K, Alhashimi M, Ali A, Allen N, Alonso A, Anda G, Andreeva T, Angioni C, Arkhipov A, Arnold A, Asad W, Ascasibar E, Aumeunier MH, Avramidis K, Aymerich E, Baek SG, Bahner J, Baillod A, Balden M, Baldzuhn J, Ballinger S, Banduch M, Bannmann S, Navarro AB, Barbui T, Beidler C, Belafdil C, Bencze A, Benndorf A, Beurskens M, Biedermann C, Biletskyi O, Blackwell B, Blatzheim M, Bluhm T, Bockenhoff D, Bongiovi G, Borchardt M, Borodin D, Boscary J, Bosch H, Bosmann T, Boswirth B, Bottger L, Bottino A, Bozhenkov S, Brakel R, Brandt C, Brauer T, Braune H, Brezinsek S, Brunner K, Buller S, Burhenn R, Bussiahn R, Buttenschon B, Buzas A, Bykov V, Calvo I, Mata KC, Caminal I, Cannas B, Cappa A, Carls A, Carovani F, Carr M, Carralero D, Carvalho B, Casas J, Castano-Bardawil D, Castejon F, Chaudhary N, Chelis I, Chomiczewska A, Coenen JW, Cole M, Cordella F, Corre Y, Crombe K, Cseh G, Csillag B, Damm H, Day C, de Baar M, De la Cal E, Degenkolbe S, Demby A, Denk S, Dhard C, Di Siena A, Dinklage A, Dittmar T, Dreval M, Drevlak M, Drewelow P, Drews P, Dunai D, Edlund E, Effenberg F, Ehrke G, Endler M, Ennis DA, Escoto FJ, Estrada T, Fable E, Fahrenkamp N, Fanni A, Faustin J, Fellinger J, Feng Y, Figacz W, Flom E, Ford O, Fornal T, Frerichs H, Freundt S, Fuchert G, Fukuyama M, Fullenbach F, Gantenbein G, Gao Y, Garcia K, Regana JMG, Garcia-Cortes I, Gaspar J, Gates DA, Geiger J, Geiger B, Giudicotti L, Gonzalez A, Goriaev A, Gradic D, Grahl M, Graves JP, Green J, Grelier E, Greuner H, Gross S, Grote H, Groth M, Gruca M, Grulke O, Grun M, Arnaiz JG, Gunter S, Haak V, Haas M, Hacker P, Hakola A, Hallenbert A, Hammond K, Han X, Hansen SK, Harris JH, Hartfuss H, Hartmann D, Hathiramani D, Hatzky R, Hawke J, Hegedus S, Hein B, Heinemann B, Helander P, Henneberg S, Hergenhahn U, Hidalgo C, Hindenlang F, Hirsch M, Hofel U, Hollfeld KP, Holtz A, Hopf D, Hoschen D, Houry M, Howard J, Huang X, Hubeny M, Hudson S, Ida K, Igitkhanov Y, Igochine V, Illy S, Ionita-Schrittwieser C, Isobe M, Jablonski S, Jagielski B, Jakubowski M, van Vuuren AJ, Jelonnek J, Jenko F, Jensen T, Jenzsch H, Junghanns P, Kaczmarczyk J, Kallmeyer J, Kamionka U, Kandler M, Kasilov S, Kazakov Y, Kennedy D, Kharwandikar A, Khokhlov M, Kiefer C, Killer C, Kirschner A, Kleiber R, Klinger T, Klose S, Knauer J, Knieps A, Kochl F, Kocsis G, Kolesnichenko YI, Konies A, Konig R, Kontula J, Kornejew P, Koschinsky J, Kozulia MM, Kramer-Flecken A, Krampitz R, Krause M, Krawczyk N, Kremeyer T, Krier L, Kriete DM, Krychowiak M, Ksiazek I, Kubkowska M, Kuczynski M, Kuhner G, Kumar A, Kurki-Suonio T, Kwak S, Landreman M, Lang PT, Langenberg A, Laqua HP, Laqua H, Laube R, Lazerson S, Lewerentz M, Li C, Liang Y, Linsmeier C, Lion J, Litnovsky A, Liu S, Lobsien J, Loizu J, Lore J, Lorenz A, Losada U, Louche F, Lunsford R, Lutsenko V, Machielsen M, Mackel F, Maisano-Brown J, Maj O, Makowski D, Manduchi G, Maragkoudakis E, Marchuk O, Marsen S, Martines E, Martinez-Fernandez J, Marushchenko M, Masuzaki S, Maurer D, Mayer M, McCarthy KJ, Mccormack O, McNeely P, Meister H, Mendelevitch B, Mendes S, Merlo A, Messian A, Mielczarek A, Mishchenko O, Missal B, Mitteau R, Moiseenko VE, Mollen A, Moncada V, Monnich T, Morisaki T, Moseev D, Motojima G, Mulas S, Mulsow M, Nagel M, Naujoks D, Naulin V, Neelis T, Neilson H, Neu R, Neubauer O, Neuner U, Nicolai D, Nielsen SK, Niemann H, Nishiza T, Nishizawa T, Nuhrenberg C, Ochoukov R, Oelmann J, Offermanns G, Ogawa K, Okamura S, Olmanns J, Ongena J, Oosterbeek J, Otte M, Pablant N, Alvarez NP, Pandey A, Pasch E, Pavlichenko R, Pavone A, Pawelec E, Pechstein G, Pelka G, Perseo V, Peterson B, Pilopp D, Pingel S, Pisano F, Plockl B, Plunk G, Poloskei P, Pompe B, Popov A, Porkolab M, Proll J, Pueschel MJ, Puiatti ME, Sitjes AP, Purps F, Rahbarnia K, Rasmussen J, Reiman A, Reimold F, Reisner M, Reiter D, Richou M, Riedl R, Riemann J, Risse K, Roberg-Clark G, Rohde V, Romazanov J, Rondeshagen D, Rong P, Rudischhauser L, Rummel T, Rummel K, Runov A, Rust N, Ryc L, Salembier P, Salewski M, Sanchez E, Satake S, Satheeswaran G, Schacht J, Scharff E, Schauer F, Schilling J, Schlisio G, Schmid K, Schmitt J, Schmitz O, Schneider W, Schneider M, Schneider P, Schrittwieser R, Schroder T, Schroder M, Schroeder R, Schweer B, Schworer D, Scott E, Shanahan B, Sias G, Sichta P, Singer M, Sinha P, Siplia S, Slaby C, Sleczka M, Smith H, Smoniewski J, Sonnendrucker E, Spolaore M, Spring A, Stadler R, Stange T, Stepanov I, Stephey L, Stober J, Stroth U, Strumberger E, Suzuki C, Suzuki Y, Svensson J, Szabolics T, Szepesi T, Szucs M, Tabares FL, Tamura N, Tancetti A, Tantos C, Terry J, Thienpondt H, Thomsen H, Thumm M, Travere JM, Traverso P, Tretter J, Trier E, Mora HT, Tsujimura T, Turkin Y, Tykhyi A, Unterberg B, van Eeten P, van Milligen BP, van Schoor M, Vano L, Varoutis S, Vecsei M, Vela L, Velasco JL, Vervier M, Vianello N, Viebke H, Vilbrandt R, Vogel G, Vogt N, Volkhausen C, von Stechow A, Wagner F, Wang E, Wang H, Warmer F, Wauters T, Wegener L, Wegner T, Weir G, Wenzel U, White A, Wilde F, Wilms F, Windisch T, Winkler M, Winter A, Winters V, Wolf R, Wright AM, Wurden GA, Xanthopoulos P, Xu S, Yamada H, Yamaguchi H, Yokoyama M, Yoshinuma M, Yu Q, Zamanov M, Zanini M, Zarnstorff M, Zhang D, Zhou S, Zhu J, Zhu C, Zilker M, Zocco A, Zohm H, Zoletnik S, Zsuga L: Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X, NUCLEAR FUSION 62: (4) 042022
type of document:
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Vécsei M., Anda G., Asztalos O., Brunner K.J., Dunai D., Hirsch M., Knauer J., Hegedus S., Nagy D., Otte M., Pokol G.I., Zoletnik S.: Analysis of divertor island properties at Wendelstein 7-X using Alkali beam emission spectroscopy, In: Giruzzi, G; Arnas, C; Borba, D; Gopal, A; Lebedev, S; Mantsinen, M (szerk.) 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2021, European Physical Society (EPS) (2021) pp. 960-963.
type of document: Part of book/Proceedings Paper
language: English

Zoletnik S, Anda G, Biedermann C, Carralero AD, Cseh G, Dunai D, Killer C, Kocsis G, Kramer-Flecken A, Otte M, Shanahan B, Szepesi T, Vecsei M, Zsuga L: Multi-diagnostic analysis of plasma filaments in the island divertor, PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 62: (1) 014017
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 4
language: English

Vécsei M., Anda G., Asztalos O., Brunner K.J., Dunai D., Hirsch M., Höfel U., Knauer J., Otte M., Pokol G.I., Zoletnik S.: Analysis of density profiles inside magnetic islands with Alkali Beam Emission Spectroscopy at Wendelstein 7-X, In: Riconda, C.; Brezinsek, S.; McCarty, K.; Lancaster, K.; Burgess, D.; Brault, P. (szerk.) 46th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2019, European Physical Society (EPS) (2019) P4.1021
type of document: Part of book/Proceedings Paper
language: English

Anda G, Dunai D, Krizsanoczi T, Nagy D, Otte M, Hegedus S, Vecsei M, Zoletnik S, Gardonyi G: Measurement of edge plasma parameters at W7-X using alkali beam emission spectroscopy, FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 146: pp. 1814-1819.
type of document:
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Anda G, Dunai D, Lampert M, Krizsanóczi T, Németh J, Bató S, Nam YU, Hu GH, Zoletnik S: Development of a high current 60 keV neutral lithium beam injector for beam emission spectroscopy measurements on fusion experiments, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 89: (1) 013503
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 6
language: English

Zoletnik S, Hu GH, Tál B, Dunai D, Anda G, Asztalos O, Pokol GI, Kálvin S, Németh J, Krizsanóczi T: Ultrafast two-dimensional lithium beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic on the EAST tokamak, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 89: (6) 063503
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Zoletnik S, Anda G, Aradi M, Asztalos O, Bató S, Bencze A, Berta M, Demeter G, Dunai D, Hacek P, Hegedűs S, Hu GH, Krizsanóczi T, Lampert M, Nagy D, Németh J, Otte M, Petravich G, Pokol GI, Réfy D, Tál B, Vécsei M: Advanced neutral alkali beam diagnostics for applications in fusion research (invited), REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 89: (10) 10D107
type of document:
number of independent citations: 4
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:20 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )