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Personal data
name Olga Ésik
Contact details
E-mail address olga.esikaok.pte.hu
phone number +36 72 536-080
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 1988
discipline to which degree belongs clinical medicine
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2000
discipline to which degree belongs
institution granting the degree HAS
2003 - Pécsi Tudományegyetem (PTE), Általános Orvostudományi Kar (research institute, not university)
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 3
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 3
students who obtained their degrees:
Judit Olajos PhD 2008  DSMM-UD

  Thesis topic proposals
research area háromdimenziós besugárzástervezés képalkotó diagnosztika a sugárterápia klinikai alkalmazása a daganatok kórlefolyásának matematikai modellezése minőségbiztosítás klinikai sugárbiológia (to be translated)

Kis E., Szatmári T., Keszei M., Farkas R., Ésik O., Lumniczky K., Falus A., Sáfrány G.: Microarray analysis of radiation response genes in primary human fibroblasts, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 66:1506-1514
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 4.550
number of independent citations: 2

Nemeskéri C., Póti Z., Mayer Á., Trón L., Gulybán Á., Sáfrány G., Ésik O.: Induced acute erythema and late pigmentation may not be correlated: with reference to Perera et al. IJROB 62: 1283-1290; 2005, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 65: 309-310
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 4.550

Márián T., Balkay L., Szabó G., Krasznai Z.T., Hernádi Z., Galuska L., Szabó-Péli J., Ésik O., Trón L., Krasznai Z.: Biphasic accumulation kinetics of [99mTc]-hexakis-2-methoxybuthyl isonitrile in tumour cells and its modulation by lipophilic P-glycoprotein ligands, Eur J Pharm Sci 25:201-209
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 2.550

Szavcsur P., Gődény M., Bajzik G., Lengyel E., Repa I., Trón L.50, Boér A., Vinzce B., Póti Z., Ésik O.: Angiography-proven liver metastases explain low efficacy of lymph node dissections in medullary thyroid cancer patients, Eur J Surg Oncol, 31: 183-190
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 3.180

Póti Zs., Nemeskéri Cs., Fekésházy A., Sáfrány G., Bajzik G., Nagy PZ., Bidlek M., Sinkovics I., Udvarhelyi N., Liszkay G., Repa I., Galuska L., Trón L., Mayer Á., and Ésik O: Partial breast irradiation with interstitial cobalt-60 brachytherapy results in frequent grade 3 or 4 toxicity. Evidence based on a 12-year follow-up of 70 pati, Int. J. Radiation Oncol. Biol. Phys. 58. 1022-1033
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 4.550
number of independent citations: 17

Esik O, Csere T, Stefanits K, Szakall S Jr, Lengyel Z, Safrany G, Vonoczky K, Lengyel E, Olajos J, Bajzik G, Tron L.: Increased Metabolic Activity in the Spinal Cord of Patients with Long-Standing Lhermitte's Sign, Strahlenther Onkol, 179. 690-693.
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 3.490
number of independent citations: 4

Désaknai, Sz., Lumniczky, K., Esik, O., Hamada, H. and Sáfrány G.: Local tumour irradiation enhances the anti-tumour effect of a double-suicide gene therapy system in a murine glioma model., J. Gene Med. 5. 377-385.
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 3.700
number of independent citations: 21

Igaz P., Patócs A., Rácz K., Klein I., Váradi A., Ésik O.: Occurrence of pheochromocytoma in a MEN2A family with codon 609 mutation of the RET protooncogene (Letter), J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 87 : 2994
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 5.200

Szakáll S. jr., Ésik O.,, Bajzik G., Repa I., Dabasi G., Sinkovics I., Ágoston P., Trón L.: 18F-FDG PET detection of lymph node metastases in medullary thyroid carcinoma, J Nucl Med, 43 : 66-71
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 4.590

Klein I., Ésik O.,, Homolya V., Szeri F., Váradi A.: Molecular genetic diagnostic program of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma syndromes in Hungary, J Endocrinol, 170 : 661-666
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 2.830
Number of independent citations to these publications:44 
Scientometric data
Publication list in MTMT is not accessible.
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )