Print preview personal data approved: 2024. I. 08. Publications |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Kiss Marietta, Czine Péter, Balogh Péter, Szakály Zoltán: The connection between manufacturer and private label brands and brand loyalty in chocolate bar buying decisions – A hybrid choice approach, APPETITE 177: p. 106145. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 1 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Kun András István, Kiss Marietta: On the Mechanics of the Organic Label Effect: How Does Organic Labeling Change Consumer Evaluation of Food Products?, SUSTAINABILITY 13: (3) p. 1260. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 9 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Szakály Zoltán, Kovács Bence, Szakály Márk, T. Nagy-Pető Dorka, Popovics Péter, Kiss Marietta: Consumer acceptance of genetic-based personalized nutrition in Hungary, GENES AND NUTRITION 16: (1) 3 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 7 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Gazdecki Michał, Goryńska-Goldmann Elżbieta, Kiss Marietta, Szakály Zoltán: Segmentation of Food Consumers Based on Their Sustainable Attitude, ENERGIES 14: (11) p. 3179. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 32 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Szakály Z., Kovács B., Soós M., Kiss M., Balsa-Budai N.: Adaptation and validation of the Food Neophobia Scale: The Case of Hungary, FOODS 10: (8) 1766 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 10 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Farkas Noémi Dóra, Kiss Marietta: Consumer acceptance of food nanotechnology, ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 67: (3) pp. 3554-3565. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 1 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Kontor Enikő, Kovács Bence, Szakály Zoltán, Kiss Marietta: A védjegyekkel kapcsolatos attitűd és az életstílusjegyek összefüggései, STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE 97: (4) pp. 364-386. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 4 language: Hungarian URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Balsa-Budai Nikolett, Kiss Marietta, Kovács Bence, Szakály Zoltán: Attitudes of Voluntary Simplifier University Students in Hungary, SUSTAINABILITY 11: (6) p. 1802. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 25 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Szakály Zoltán, Kovács Sándor, Pető Károly, Huszka Péter, Kiss Marietta: A modified model of the willingness to pay for functional foods, APPETITE 138: pp. 94-101. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 86 language: English URL |
from data base, 2023. II. 14. |
Szakály Zoltán, Kiss Marietta, Jasák Helga: Funkcionális élelmiszerek, fogyasztói attitűdök és személyre szabott táplálkozás, TÁPLÁLKOZÁSMARKETING 1: (1-2) pp. 3-17. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 67 language: Hungarian URL |
| Number of independent citations to these publications: | 242 |