Personal data sheet
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personal data approved: 2023. IX. 15.
Personal data
name Zsuzsanna Varga
name of institution
doctoral school
MATE Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences (Supervisor)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. MATE Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences 100%
Contact details
phone number +36 30 509-7920
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2009
discipline to which degree belongs plant breeding and botany
institution granting the degree Corvinus University of Budapest
2007 - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now
number of students who fulfilled course requirements
students who obtained their degrees:
completed course requirement:
(50%) Laura Varga (PhD) 2023/08  DSHS
present PhD students:
(50%) Salsabil Othman (PhD) (2027/08)  DSHS
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Identification of grapevine varieties, evaluation and classification of grapevine cultivars
research field in which current research is conducted plant breeding and botany

Bodor-Pesti Péter, Taranyi Dóra, Deák Tamás, Nyitrainé Sárdy Diána Ágnes, Varga Zsuzsanna: A Review of Ampelometry: Morphometric Characterization of the Grape (Vitis spp.) Leaf, PLANTS-BASEL 12: (3) 452
type of document: Journal paper/Review paper
language: English

Antal Eszter, Kállay Miklós, Varga Zsuzsanna, Nyitrai-Sárdy Diána: Effect of Botrytis cinerea Activity on Glycol Composition and Concentration in Wines, FERMENTATION 9: (5) 493
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Nyitrainé Sárdy Ágnes Diána, Ladányi Márta, Varga Zsuzsanna, Szövényi Áron Pál, Matolcsi Réka: The Effect of Grapevine Variety and Wine Region on the Primer Parameters of Wine Based on 1H NMR-Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods, DIVERSITY (BASEL) 14: (2) 74
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Nyitrainé Sárdy Diána Ágnes, Németh Erzsébet Krisztina, Matolcsi Réka, Szabó A., Varga Zsuzsanna: The Effect of the Double Reasoned Maturation (DMR) Method on the Chemical Composition of the Juice and Wine of the Bianca Grape Cultivar, HORTICULTURAE 8: (2) 97
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

István Fazekas, Diána Nyitrainé Sárdy, Dóra Taranyi, Varga Zsuzsanna: The prevalence of “world varieties” and other foreign wine grape varieties in Hungary in 2015 and 2020, HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LAND USE BIODIVERSITY 32: (1) pp. 18-23.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Nyitrai Diána Sárdy, Varga Zsuzsanna, Sólyom-Leskó Annamária, Kállay Miklós, Steckl Szabina, Nagy Balázs, Kocsis Dorottya, Antal Eszter: Analysis of a Special Sulphite-Producing Yeast Starter after Fermentation and during Wine Maturation, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 12: (17) p. 8848.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Zsuzsanna Varga, Andrea Bernáth, István Fazekas, Gábor Sándor Vértes: Evaluation of the manual and machine harvest of Irsai Olivér, Sauvignon Blanc and Szürkebarát, HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LAND USE BIODIVERSITY 32: (4) pp. 17-21.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Bodor-Pesti Péter, Somogyi Eszter, Varga Zsuzsanna: Digital image analysis methods in grapevine uvometric investigations, HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LAND USE BIODIVERSITY 32: (4) pp. 4-8.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Nagy Balázs, Varga Zsuzsanna, Matolcsi Réka, Kellner Nikolett, Szövényi Áron, Nyitrainé Sárdy Diána: Impact of Using Organic Yeast in the Fermentation Process of Wine, PROCESSES 9: (1) 155
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Somogyi Eszter, Varga Zsuzsanna, Pisák Flóra, Bálo Borbála, Bodor Péter: The effect of cluster thinning on berry shape of Vitis vinifera L. cv. ‚Italia‘., MITTEILUNGEN KLOSTERNEUBURG 69: (4) pp. 216-222.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )