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personal data approved: 2024. VII. 05.
Personal data
Zsófia Gulyás-Onódi
name Zsófia Gulyás-Onódi
name of institution
doctoral school
SE Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Academic staff member)
SE Doctoral School of University Semmelweis (Announcer of research topic)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. SE Doctoral School of University Semmelweis 100%
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 2022
discipline to which degree belongs pharmaceutics
institution granting the degree Semmelweis University
2022 - Semmelweis University, Budapest
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now
number of students who fulfilled course requirements
students who obtained their degrees:
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Cardioimmunology; inflammation as a therapeutic target in heart failure and other heart diseases. Molecular and cellular cardiology: metabolic diseases, ischaemia/reperfusion injury and heart failure.
research field in which current research is conducted theoretical medicine

Gergely Tamás G., Kucsera Dániel, Tóth Viktória E., Kovács Tamás, Sayour Nabil V., Drobni Zsófia D., Ruppert Mihály, Petrovich Balázs, Ágg Bence, Onódi Zsófia, Fekete Nóra, Pállinger Éva, Buzás Edit I., Yousif Laura I., Meijers Wouter C., Radovits Tamás, Merkely Béla, Ferdinandy Péter, Varga Zoltán V.: Characterization of immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced cardiotoxicity reveals interleukin-17A as a driver of cardiac dysfunction after anti-PD-1 treatment, BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 180: (6) pp. 740-761.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Onódi Zsófia, Koch Sheryl, Rubinstein Jack, Ferdinandy Péter, Varga Zoltán V.: Drug repurposing for cardiovascular diseases: new targets and indications for probenecid, BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 180: (6) pp. 685-700.
type of document: Journal paper/Review paper
language: English

Onódi Zsófia, Visnovitz Tamás, Kiss Bernadett, Hambalkó Szabolcs, Koncz Anna, Ágg Bence, Váradi Barnabás, Tóth Viktória É., Nagy Regina N., Gergely Tamás G., Gergő Dorottya, Makkos András, Pelyhe Csilla, Varga Nóra, Reé Dóra, Apáti Ágota, Leszek Przemyslaw, Kovács Tamás, Nagy Nándor, Ferdinandy Péter, Buzás Edit I., Görbe Anikó, Giricz Zoltán, Varga Zoltán V.: Systematic transcriptomic and phenotypic characterization of human and murine cardiac myocyte cell lines and primary cardiomyocytes reveals serious limitations and low resemblances to adult cardiac phenotype, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY 165: pp. 19-30.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 16
language: English

Kugler Szilvia, Onódi Zsófia, Ruppert Mihály, Sayour Alex Ali, Oláh Attila, Benke Kálmán, Ferdinandy Péter, Merkely Béla, Radovits Tamás, Varga Zoltán V.: Inflammasome activation in end‐stage heart failure‐associated atrial fibrillation, ESC HEART FAILURE 9: (4) pp. 2747-2752.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 2
language: English

Vörös Imre, Onódi Zsófia, Tóth Viktória Éva, Gergely Tamás G., Sághy Éva, Görbe Anikó, Kemény Ágnes, Leszek Przemyslaw, Helyes Zsuzsanna, Ferdinandy Péter, Varga Zoltán V.: Saxagliptin Cardiotoxicity in Chronic Heart Failure: The Role of DPP4 in the Regulation of Neuropeptide Tone, BIOMEDICINES 10: (7) 1573
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Onódi Zsófia, Ruppert Mihály, Kucsera Dániel, Sayour Alex Ali, Tóth Viktória E, Koncsos Gábor, Novák Julianna, Brenner Gábor B, Makkos András, Baranyai Tamás, Giricz Zoltán, Görbe Anikó, Leszek Przemyslaw, Gyöngyösi Mariann, Horváth Iván G, Schulz Rainer, Merkely Béla, Ferdinandy Péter, Radovits Tamás, Varga Zoltán V: AIM2-driven inflammasome activation in heart failure, CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 117: (13) pp. 2639-2651.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 20
language: English

van Esbroeck Annelot C M, Varga Zoltan V, Di Xinyu, van Rooden Eva J, Tóth Viktória E, Onódi Zsófia, Kuśmierczyk Mariusz, Leszek Przemyslaw, Ferdinandy Péter, Hankemeier Thomas, van der Stelt Mario, Pacher Pál: Activity-based protein profiling of the human failing ischemic heart reveals alterations in hydrolase activities involving the endocannabinoid system, PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 151: 104578
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 6
language: English

Nagy CT, Koncsos G, Varga ZV, Baranyai T, Tuza Sebestyén, Kassai F, Ernyey AJ, Gyertyan I, Kiraly K, Olah A, Radovits T, Merkely B, Bukosza N, Szenasi G, Hamar P, Mathe D, Szigeti K, Pelyhe C, Jelemensky M, Onodi Z, Helyes Z, Schulz R, Giricz Z, Ferdinandy P: Selegiline reduces adiposity induced by high-fat, high-sucrose diet in male rats, BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 175: (18) pp. 3713-3726.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 11
language: English

Onódi Zsófia, Pelyhe Csilla, Terézia Nagy Csilla, Brenner Gábor B, Almási Laura, Kittel Ágnes, Manček-Keber Mateja, Ferdinandy Péter, Buzás Edit I, Giricz Zoltán: Isolation of High-Purity Extracellular Vesicles by the Combination of Iodixanol Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation and Bind-Elute Chromatography From Blood Plasma, FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY 9: 1479
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 114
language: English

Baranyai T, Herczeg Kata, Onodi Z, Voszka I, Modos K, Marton N, Nagy G, Mager I, Wood MJ, El Andaloussi S, Palinkas Z, Kumar V, Nagy P, Kittel A, Buzas EI, Ferdinandy P, Giricz Z: Isolation of Exosomes from Blood Plasma: Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Ultracentrifugation and Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods, PLOS ONE 10: (12) e0145686
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 426
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:595 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:
thesis supervisor Zoltán Varga
one supervisor or with co-supervisor individual
degree PhD
starting of doctoral studies 2017
year in which degree was obtained 2022
diszertáció Main findings in the thesis (in English)The thesis
data of the public discussion defense

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