Personal data sheet
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personal data approved: 2013. XII. 31.
Personal data
name Antal Füst
name of institution
doctoral school
ELTE Doctoral School of Earth Sciences (Academic staff member)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. ELTE Doctoral School of Earth Sciences 100%
Contact details
E-mail address antalfustgmail.com
phone number +36 1 372-2500
mobile phone number +36 30 353-2766
Academic title
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2004
discipline to which degree belongs earth sciences
institution granting the degree HAS
2002 - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 1
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 1
students who obtained their degrees:
research area Geostatistics, geomathematics, economy of mineral resources
research field in which current research is conducted earth sciences

Füst A: Nukleáris hulladékok elhelyezése Magyarországon., HADTUDOMÁNY (ONLINE) 23: pp. 365-377.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Füst A, Fodor B: A kitermelt ásványi nyersanyag mennyiségének és minőségének meghastározása, BÁNYÁSZATI ÉS KOHÁSZATI LAPOK-BÁNYÁSZAT 145: (2) pp. 23-30.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Füst A: A természeti folyamatok monitoring hálózatainak tervezése és működtetése., BÁNYÁSZATI ÉS KOHÁSZATI LAPOK-BÁNYÁSZAT 144: (2) pp. 19-25.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Füst A: A jogszabályok és az államérdek ütközései. BKL-Bányászat, BÁNYÁSZATI ÉS KOHÁSZATI LAPOK-BÁNYÁSZAT 144: (1) pp. 6-9.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Füst Antal, Geiger János: Monitoringtervezés és -értékelés geostatisztikai módszerekkel I. : Szakértői véleményen alapuló, "igazoló" mintázás geostatisztikai támogatása, FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY 140: (3) pp. 303-312.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: Hungarian

Füst A: Geostatistical Model of Environmental Pollution, ACTA GEODAETICA GEOPHYSICA ET MONTANISTICA HUNGARICA 27: pp. 389-397.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Füst A: Negative Phenomena in Applying Concave Semi-variograms, ACTA GEODAETICA GEOPHYSICA ET MONTANISTICA HUNGARICA 27: (2-4) pp. 331-340.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: English

Füst A, Zergi I, Menz J: Genauigkeitsunfersuchungen für die lineáre Vorhersage von Lagerstättenparametern., NEUE BERGBAUTECHNIK 19: (4) pp. 128-130.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: German

Zergi I, Füst A, Menz J: Die Anwendung der Geostatistik für der Abbau von Bauxitlagerstätten in der UVR, NEUE BERGBAUTECHNIK 16: (12) pp. 447-449.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: German

Füst Antal: Optimale Erkundung ungarischer Bauxit-lagerstätten, NEUE BERGBAUTECHNIK 10: (1) pp. 27-31.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
language: German
Number of independent citations to these publications:
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works:

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )