Data sheet
basic data
Department of Economics and Business
identification number of the doctoral school 165 AKKREDITÁCIÓ LEJÁRT
name of doctoral school Doctoral School of Economics
city Budapest
head of the doctoral school László Mátyás
administration coordinator Éva Nagy Magyar ügyekért felelős munkatárs
classification by branch of science social sciences
research field economics
research area Economics
type of issued academic degree PhD
master program accepted as entrance requirement for the PhD program
economic analysis
year when doctoral program was accepted 
year when program began 
member of academic staff (including also all below) 14
announcer of research topic (in this doctoral school) 0
supervisor 0
core member 7
core member emeritus 0
Council of the Doctoral School 4
Habilitation Committee of the University 4
Doctoral Council of the University 5
in the school 
jelenlegi aktív hallgató
jelenlegi passzív hallgató
students with degree granting in process
all students enrolled once in the school until now
number of students who completed course requirements
number of students who successfully defended their thesis
all degrees granted in the school until now 
number of doctoral scholarships granted to the institution for the year 2022 / number of doctoral schools 0/2

thesis topics currently announced
overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Economics
theses defended in the shool
thesis discussions foreseen or accomplished
former core members

2016. szeptember 1. előtt indult képzés
by-laws (in Hungarian)
curriculum (in Hungarian)
quality assurance plan (in Hungarian)

2016. szeptember 1. után induló képzés
by-laws (in Hungarian)
curriculum (in Hungarian)
quality assurance plan (in Hungarian)

home page of the doctoral school (in Hungarian)
cooperation agreement (Magyar Nemzeti Bank)

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )