Core members of Festetics Doctoral School (according to the latest evaluation by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, core members compliant with requirements)
(CM = Core Member, CME = Core Member Emeritus, S = Supervisor, A = Announcer)

Angéla Anda Angéla Anda (CM, S, A)

Károly Dublecz Károly Dublecz (CM, S, A)

Gábor Galiba Gábor Galiba (CM, S, A)

 Gabriella Kazinczi (CM, S, A)

Előd Kondorosy Előd Kondorosy (CM, S, A)

András Makó András Makó (CM, S, A)

Szabolcs Nagy Szabolcs Nagy (CM, S, A)

László Pál László Pál (CM, A)

Zsolt Polgár Zsolt Polgár (CM, A)

János Taller János Taller (CM, S, A)

Zoltán Tóth Zoltán Tóth (CM, S, A)

Ottó Veisz Ottó Veisz (CM, A)

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