by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Lajos BesenyeiDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-112014-06-30
Lajos BesenyeiDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-012014-06-01
Pál BobvosDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2013-09-232017-09-29
László BodnárLászló BodnárDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-112014-06-30
Éva JakabÉva JakabDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; University of SzegedCore member2007-11-012017-04-13
János MartonyiJános MartonyiDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-152014-06-30
János MartonyiJános MartonyiDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-012014-06-01
Imre MolnárDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-012016-10-15
Imre MolnárDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-012014-06-01
Ferenc NagyFerenc NagyDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-012020-05-08
Tekla PappTekla PappDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesNational University of Public Service, Budapest*; University of SzegedCore member2013-09-232015-02-26
József RuszolyDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2007-11-012017-09-24
Krisztina Rúzs MolnárDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2014-06-012015-02-26
Imre SzabóImre SzabóDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; University of SzegedCore member2007-11-012013-09-23
Ildikó SzondiIldikó SzondiDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2013-09-232014-06-01
Albert TakácsAlbert TakácsDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2016-06-082016-11-21
Albert TakácsAlbert TakácsDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of Szeged*Core member2018-12-132023-09-28
Eszter Tóthné FábiánEszter Tóthné FábiánDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesUniversity of SzegedCore member2007-11-012014-06-01
László TrócsányiLászló TrócsányiDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; University of SzegedCore member2007-11-012014-07-01
László TrócsányiLászló TrócsányiDoctoral School of Law and Political SciencesKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; University of SzegedCore member2016-05-252022-04-19

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )