by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
István BábosikDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012014-09-01
György BárdosGyörgy BárdosDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2017-10-122019-11-18
László BernáthLászló BernáthDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2020-03-122024-08-15
Attila Czabaji HorváthAttila Czabaji HorváthDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2018-03-082019-11-19
Éva Feketéné SzakosÉva Feketéné SzakosDoctoral School of EducationBudapest University of Technology and Economics*; Eötvös Loránd University, BudapestCore member2013-09-122014-09-01
Erzsébet GolnhoferErzsébet GolnhoferDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, BudapestCore member2007-11-012011-01-01
Krisztina KárolyKrisztina KárolyDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012018-03-28
Orsolya KeresztyOrsolya KeresztyDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2016-09-142017-04-11
Orsolya KeresztyOrsolya KeresztyDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2017-10-122019-11-19
Mária M. NádasiMária M. NádasiDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012019-11-18
Péter MedgyesDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012014-09-01
György MikonyaDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012015-09-30
András NémethAndrás NémethDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012022-10-06
István PerjésIstván PerjésDoctoral School of EducationEszterházy Károly Catholic University*; Eötvös Loránd University, BudapestCore member2014-09-012015-09-15
László PethőLászló PethőDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012011-07-01
Attila SzabóAttila SzabóDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2017-10-122024-09-16
Judit SzivákDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2017-10-122024-02-28
Judit SzivákDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2016-09-142017-04-11
László TrencsényiLászló TrencsényiDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012014-04-17
Ágnes VámosÁgnes VámosDoctoral School of EducationEötvös Loránd University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012020-08-24

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