by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
András KecskésAndrás KecskésDoctoral School of LawKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; University of PécsCore member2019-01-172019-05-15
Erzsébet Szalayné  SándorErzsébet Szalayné SándorDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2017-03-212023-05-30
Nóra ChronowskiNóra ChronowskiDoctoral School of LawUniversity of PécsCore member2013-11-212014-09-15
Tímea DrinócziTímea DrinócziDoctoral School of LawUniversity of PécsCore member2013-11-212021-08-31
Antal ÁdámDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2013-11-212014-02-09
László KorinekLászló KorinekDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2007-11-012016-09-12
Antal VisegrádyAntal VisegrádyDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2007-11-012023-05-29
Zsolt György BaloghZsolt György BaloghDoctoral School of LawCorvinus University of Budapest*; University of PécsCore member2007-11-012014-08-31
György KissGyörgy KissDoctoral School of LawNational University of Public Service, Budapest*; University of PécsCore member2007-11-012015-03-17
István KajtárIstván KajtárDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2007-11-012016-09-12
Erzsébet Szalayné  SándorErzsébet Szalayné SándorDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2007-11-012013-09-11
László KecskésLászló KecskésDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2007-11-012023-05-24
Miklós  † KengyelMiklós † KengyelDoctoral School of LawKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; University of PécsCore member2007-11-012015-08-31
Flórián TremmelFlórián TremmelDoctoral School of LawUniversity of Pécs*Core member2007-11-012014-09-21
Mihály TóthMihály TóthDoctoral School of LawKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; University of PécsCore member2007-11-012019-09-01

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