by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Iván MajorIván MajorDoctoral School of Business and ManagementBudapest University of Technology and Economics*; University of PannoniaCore member2007-11-012009-03-17
Zsuzsanna BacsiDoctoral School of Business and ManagementHungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő*; University of PannoniaCore member2007-11-012020-07-31
Péter MihályiPéter MihályiDoctoral School of Business and ManagementCorvinus University of Budapest*; University of PannoniaCore member2007-11-012016-02-07
Tibor PuposTibor PuposDoctoral School of Business and ManagementUniversity of PannoniaCore member2007-11-012019-08-31
Mihály LakiDoctoral School of Business and ManagementUniversity of PannoniaCore member2007-11-012012-04-02
Zoltán GaálZoltán GaálDoctoral School of Business and ManagementUniversity of Pannonia*Core member2007-11-012022-01-31
Lajos SzabóDoctoral School of Business and ManagementCorvinus University of Budapest*; University of PannoniaCore member2011-09-012016-07-21
Péter HalmaiDoctoral School of Business and ManagementBudapest University of Technology and Economics*; University of PannoniaCore member2011-11-022016-09-30
Andrea ElekesDoctoral School of Business and ManagementBudapest University of Technology and Economics*; University of PannoniaCore member2014-07-042016-02-17
András TelcsAndrás TelcsDoctoral School of Business and ManagementUniversity of Pannonia*Core member2011-01-152012-02-20
András TelcsAndrás TelcsDoctoral School of Business and ManagementUniversity of Pannonia*Core member2012-07-042012-09-11
Gyula VastagGyula VastagDoctoral School of Business and ManagementSzéchenyi István University, Győr*; University of PannoniaCore member2011-09-262014-03-03
Alan ClarkeAlan ClarkeDoctoral School of Business and ManagementUniversity of Pannonia*Core member2019-03-272021-02-19
Mihály GörögMihály GörögDoctoral School of Business and ManagementUniversity of Pannonia*Core member2019-03-272021-09-20

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