by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Zita Zoltayné PaprikaZita Zoltayné PaprikaDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of BudapestCore member2012-03-282016-01-21
Zsuzsanna VajdaZsuzsanna VajdaDoctoral School of Social CommunicationKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest*; Corvinus University of BudapestCore member2011-11-172014-09-09
Róbert TardosDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of BudapestCore member2011-11-172013-07-23
Judit SassJudit SassDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2016-03-232020-10-14
Ferenc MoksonyDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2019-06-262020-10-14
Ferenc MoksonyDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2016-03-232016-08-25
Zsuzsanna Marjainé SzerényiZsuzsanna Marjainé SzerényiDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2016-07-182017-01-27
Andrea KárpátiAndrea KárpátiDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2019-07-082020-10-14
Gábor KapitányGábor KapitányDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of BudapestCore member2011-11-172013-07-23
Ágnes KapitányÁgnes KapitányDoctoral School of Social CommunicationMoholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest*; Corvinus University of BudapestCore member2011-11-172016-04-06
Dóra HorváthDóra HorváthDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2020-06-022020-10-14
Dóra HorváthDóra HorváthDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2011-11-172016-01-21
Özséb HorányiÖzséb HorányiDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2011-11-192020-03-15
Miklós HadasMiklós HadasDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2011-11-172013-07-01
Miklós HadasMiklós HadasDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2015-09-102020-10-14
Mihály GálikDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2011-11-182016-02-10
László FüstösLászló FüstösDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of BudapestCore member2011-11-172012-03-19
Csaba ForgácsCsaba ForgácsDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2014-09-042014-09-10
Nelu Bradean-EbingerNelu Bradean-EbingerDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of BudapestCore member2013-04-042020-10-14
József BöröczJózsef BöröczDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of BudapestCore member2016-03-232020-10-14
Réka BenczesRéka BenczesDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2017-01-272020-10-14
András BauerDoctoral School of Social CommunicationCorvinus University of Budapest*Core member2014-09-112016-01-21
Petra AczélPetra AczélDoctoral School of Social CommunicationMoholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest*; Corvinus University of BudapestCore member2011-11-172020-10-14

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