by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Mihály Révész T.Mihály Révész T.Postgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2007-11-012008-03-28
Gábor SulyokGábor SulyokPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2007-11-012013-09-27
Péter NyitraiPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2007-11-012008-03-28
István VavróPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2007-11-012015-09-28
Péter SzigetiPéter SzigetiPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2007-11-012021-09-30
András PatyiAndrás PatyiPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesNational University of Public Service, Budapest*; Széchenyi István University, GyőrCore member2007-11-012011-12-31
Zoltán Zsolt SzentePostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesNational University of Public Service, Budapest*; Széchenyi István University, GyőrCore member2011-05-182013-08-31
Gyula SzalayPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2013-09-272013-10-28
Péter SmukPéter SmukPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2014-09-152020-01-26
István StumpfIstván StumpfPostgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political SciencesSzéchenyi István University, Győr*Core member2015-09-012015-09-28

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )