by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Imre KocsisImre KocsisDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2023-02-082024-01-01
Imre KocsisImre KocsisDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2021-01-042022-06-20
Gábor József HalászGábor József HalászDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2014-02-212016-08-30
János KormosJános KormosDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2013-06-122015-06-01
László PokorádiLászló PokorádiDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversitas Budensis*; University of DebrecenCore member2007-11-012013-09-09
Tamás VertseTamás VertseDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012016-08-29
János VéghJános VéghDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Miskolc*; University of DebrecenCore member2007-11-012014-12-31
Mátyás (1931-2015) AratóDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012013-09-09
Attila PethőAttila PethőDoctoral School of InformaticsUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012022-10-12

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