by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Éva MartonyiDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012023-06-02
Judit Pojjákné VásárhelyiJudit Pojjákné VásárhelyiDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2013-06-192020-06-25
Edit MadasEdit MadasDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012020-02-13
László NagyLászló NagyDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012017-09-21
Lajos SiposLajos SiposDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2015-07-102017-09-21
Attila ThimárAttila ThimárDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2016-03-042016-04-14
Zsuzsa BognárDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2013-06-192015-02-28
Mc Ateer MichaelMc Ateer MichaelDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2014-03-052015-02-28
Norbert MátyusNorbert MátyusDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2014-05-052015-02-28
Ákos KovácsÁkos KovácsDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2014-05-052015-02-28
Lajos SiposLajos SiposDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012015-02-28
Anikó ÁdámAnikó ÁdámDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2014-05-052014-09-10
Péter Benedek TótaPéter Benedek TótaDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2014-05-052014-09-10
András VizkeletyDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012013-09-23
Margit ErdélyiDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, BudapestCore member2011-09-212013-09-23
László JónácsikDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012011-07-04
Zsuzsa BognárDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012010-12-15
Kathleen DubsDoctoral School of LiteraturePázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest*Core member2007-11-012010-12-15

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