Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Economics
Sums of numbers given by supervisors, or defences found in the data base. Supervisors: people marked as such for the DS, or a PhD student of them is marked as belonging to the DS.
Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Economics


number of active PhD students
in DS/altogether

number of all PhD students until now

phD students who completed course requirement

supervisions which led to a degree
in DS/altogether

phD students with thesis degree in the data base
in DS/altogether
Andrzej Baniak0/
Ádám Zawadowski0/04.513/33/3
Miklós Koren0/
Julius Horváth0/08.58.50/8.50/2
László Mátyás0/012.59.56/10.54/4
Botond Kőszegi0/014.514.53.5/12.53.5/3.5
László Csaba0/116.514.50/15.50/5.5

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