Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Chemistry
Sums of numbers given by supervisors, or defences found in the data base. Supervisors: people marked as such for the DS, or a PhD student of them is marked as belonging to the DS.
Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Chemistry


number of active PhD students
in DS/altogether

number of all PhD students until now

phD students who completed course requirement

supervisions which led to a degree
in DS/altogether

phD students with thesis degree in the data base
in DS/altogether
Csilla Albert2/20/00/0
Beáta Albert6/10.51841/5.51/1
Emese Bálint0.5/0.50/00/0
Balázs Bognár1/1100.5/0.50.5/0.5
Szilárd Fejér4/42.500/00/0
Attila Felinger6/6847/8.57/7
Csilla Fenyvesiné Páger1/110.50/00/0
Károly Héberger0/0330/30/2
Tamás Kálai0.5/12.520.5/2.50.5/2.5
Tamás Kégl2/2211/11/1
Ferenc Kilár3.5/3.513.59.56.5/9.56.5/8.5
László Kollár5.5/5.511713/15.512/12
Sándor Kunsági-Máté0.5/0.5663/53/4
Gábor Lente2/3330/20/2
Lilla Makszin1.5/1.5210/00/0
Gyöngyvér Mara3/5.50/10/0
Ildikó Miklóssy4.5/70.5/0.50.5/0.5
Lívia Nagy0/0.51.5/1.51.5/1.5
Géza Nagy1/11055.5/7.55.5/5.5
Katalin Ősz2/2220/20/2
Péter Pongrácz0.5/0.50/00/0
Pál Attila Salamon0/00/00/0
Rozália Veronika Salamon1/10/00/0
Róbert Szép5/5.53.501/11/1

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