Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences
Sums of numbers given by supervisors, or defences found in the data base. Supervisors: people marked as such for the DS, or a PhD student of them is marked as belonging to the DS.
Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences
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Results: 79 Visible: 1-79
number of active PhD students in DS/altogether
Present students given by the supervisors, marked as learning in the DS / all students given.
number of all PhD students until now altogether
All students supervised by the supervisors (numbers as given by them)
phD students who completed course requirement altogether
All students supervised by the supervisors who met the course requirements (numbers as given by them)
supervisions which led to a degree in DS/altogether
Supervisions which led to a degree in the DS (marked at the students' names) / altogether with the given supervisors
phD students with thesis degree in the data base in DS/altogether
Number of successful defences in the data base, with supervision of the given person, marked with the DS / all defences related to the given supervisor