Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics
Sums of numbers given by supervisors, or defences found in the data base. Supervisors: people marked as such for the DS, or a PhD student of them is marked as belonging to the DS.
Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics


number of active PhD students
in DS/altogether

number of all PhD students until now

phD students who completed course requirement

supervisions which led to a degree
in DS/altogether

phD students with thesis degree in the data base
in DS/altogether
József Abaffy0.5/
Árpád Baricz2.5/2.521.50/1.50/0
Orsolya Csiszár0.5/0.50.500/00/0
Dániel András Drexler3/3100.5/0.50.5/0.5
György Eigner3.5/40.500.5/0.50.5/0.5
Csaba Farkas0.5/0.50/00/0
Tamás Ferenci0.5/0.51/11/1
József Fogarasi1.5/
Péter Galambos3/44.512/22/2
Amirhossein Gandomi0.5/0.50/00/0
Tamás Haidegger3.5/7.51252/2.52/2
Csaba Hegedűs0.5/
László Horváth0/
Richárd Horváth0.5/6.50/1.50/0.5
Emőke Imre1.5/1.5110/00/0
Tamás Jancsó1/1101/11/1
József Katona0.5/0.50/00/0
Gábor Kertész2/2100/00/0
József Kopják3/30/00/0
József Kovács1.5/1.5200/00/0
Levente Adalbert Kovács4.5/4.51837.5/7.57.5/7.5
Attila Kővári0.5/2420/1.50/1.5
Miklós Kozlovszky8/8311/11/1
Sándor Kristály1.5/1.5422/42/2
Edit Laufer1.5/
Róbert Lovas4/4401/11/1
Attila Csaba Marosi0.5/0.50/00/0
Gábor Péter Molnár1/10/00/0
Amir Mosavi2/2000/00/0
Péter Tibor Nagy0/0.510.59.50/9.50/8
Ákos Odry1.5/1.50/00/0
Péter Odry1.5/1.5543/33/3
Márta Péntek0.5/2.576.50/60/6
Tibor Pogány0/0440/40/0
Valéria Póser2.5/
Ervin Rácz3.5/463.50/20/0
Tamás Ruppert0.5/3.54.510/10/1
Péter Sarcevic1.5/1.50/00/0
Gyula Simon0/03.52.50/30/3
Károly Széll1/21/11/1
Sándor Szénási5.5/
László Szilágyi3.5/3.5200/00/0
Márta Takács2/2321.5/1.51.5/1.5
József Tar5/59.564.5/4.54.5/4.5
Annamária Várkonyiné Kóczy0.5/0.575.52/5.52/2
Malgorzata Verőné Wojtaszek0.5/0.50/00/0
Zsombor János Zrubka2/4620/20/2

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