Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the György Málnási Bartók Doctoral School of Philosophy
Sums of numbers given by supervisors, or defences found in the data base. Supervisors: people marked as such for the DS, or a PhD student of them is marked as belonging to the DS.
Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the György Málnási Bartók Doctoral School of Philosophy


number of active PhD students
in DS/altogether

number of all PhD students until now

phD students who completed course requirement

supervisions which led to a degree
in DS/altogether

phD students with thesis degree in the data base
in DS/altogether
Virág Bene Zoltánné Pusztai0/00/00/0
András Czeglédi1/1312/22/2
Katalin Demcsák0/0000/00/0
Zoltán Gyenge2/2.5754/53/3
Attila Kiss0/2.51490/4.50/3.5
Sándor Krémer3/3323/33/3
Katalin Kürtösi0/4760/2.50/2
Zsuzsanna Máté0/
András Máté-Tóth1/1.512.573/12.53/4.5
Emese Mogyoródi1/1221/11/1
Ferenc Odorics0/243340/180/5
Tamás Pavlovits3/3211/11/1
László Perecz0/0441/2.51/2
Zsuzsanna Pörczi0.5/0.50/00/0
Bertalan Pusztai0/11.500/10/1
Klára Sándor0/0.5210/10/1
József Simon0.5/0.5202/22/2
Zoltán Somhegyi0/0000/00/0
Tibor Sutyák1/10.500/00/0
Réka Szilárdi2/20/00/0
Gergely Tari0/0000/00/0
János Tóth1/1212/22/2
Emőke Varga0/00.500/00/0
Éva Vígh0/0530/40/1.5

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