Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Pál Juhász-Nagy Doctoral School of Biology and Environmental Sciences
Sums of numbers given by supervisors, or defences found in the data base. Supervisors: people marked as such for the DS, or a PhD student of them is marked as belonging to the DS.
Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Pál Juhász-Nagy Doctoral School of Biology and Environmental Sciences


number of active PhD students
in DS/altogether

number of all PhD students until now

phD students who completed course requirement

supervisions which led to a degree
in DS/altogether

phD students with thesis degree in the data base
in DS/altogether
László Antal3/31/11/1
István Bácsi2/
Viktória Bácsiné Béres0.5/0.5111/11/1
Miklós Bán4/4.5310.5/0.50.5/0.5
Zoltán Barta7.5/7.58.529/98.5/8.5
Gyula Batta4/63.51.50/20/1
Zsigmond Benkő0/0.50.500/00/0
Csaba Berta2/20/00/0
Herta Czédli1.5/1.5000/00/0
György Dévai8/833.524.524/2415/15
Erzsébet Fekete3/3325/55/5
Sándor Gonda0/1000/10/1
István Grigorszky4.5/
István Gyulai5.5/5.52.500/00/0
Béla Halasi-Kovács0.5/0.50/00/0
Levente Karaffa4/
Dénes László Kocsis1.5/2.5000/00/0
András Kosztolányi1.5/
Enikő Krasznai0.5/0.5000/00/0
Ádám Zoltán Lendvai3.5/4.5202/22/2
Szabolcs Lengyel7.5/88.515/55/5
András Liker0/1.5860.5/6.50.5/5
Zsuzsa Lisztes-Szabó1/1110/00/0
Viktor Löki3/3000/00/0
Ádám Lovas-Kiss3/30/00/0
Balázs András Lukács2/2100/00/0
Tibor Magura3.5/
Csaba Máthé2/
Zsuzsa Máthéné Szigeti1/1100/00/0
Grant Colint McDonald1/1110/00/0
Edvárd Mizsei3.5/3.50/00/0
Attila Molnár V.6/610.57.55.5/5.55.5/5.5
Jenő Nagy0/00/00/0
Zoltán Németh1/12.500.5/0.50.5/0.5
Krisztián József Nyeste2/2000/00/0
Viktor Oláh1/1000/00/0
Dalma Papp1/10/00/0
Ibolya Revákné Markóczi4/7530/1.50/1.5
Lajos Rózsa0/01.51.51/21/2
Edina Simon5/54.52.52/2.52/2.5
Judit Sonkoly1/1000/00/0
Gábor Sramkó7/7.52/32/2
Tamás Székely7.5/9.520140/10/1
Gábor Szemán-Nagy1/2332/32/3
András Tartally1.5/1.52.501/11/1
Jácint Tökölyi1/
Péter Török5/5116.56.5/6.56.5/6.5
Béla Tóthmérész10/1012.51019.5/19.518.5/18.5
Dávid Tőzsér1/10/00/0
Gábor Vasas1/
Zsolt Végvári3/32.521.5/1.51.5/1.5

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