Ágnes Zsófia Kovács thesis topics
sorted by deadline
Ágnes Zsófia Kovács thesis topics

abbreviated name

doktori iskola rövidítése

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application
SzTE DSL-USZDSL-USZÁgnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31
SzTE DSL-USZDSL-USZÁgnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31
SzTE DSL-USZDSL-USZÁgnes Zsófia KovácsDiscourses of American modernism2025-03-31
SzTE DSL-USZDSL-USZÁgnes Zsófia KovácsDiscourses of American realism2025-03-31
SzTE DSL-USZDSL-USZÁgnes Zsófia KovácsModernist US travel writing from postcolonial perspectives2025-03-31

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