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Varga-Bogdanov AnitaDeák JuditVirók Dezső2018-01-12 14:00:00Development of a novel chlamydia growth-monitoring method and its application for screening anti- and pro-chlamydial compounds.2018-04-05
Horváth TamaraPapp AndrásVezér Tünde2019-05-13 13:00:00Investigations of certain organ specific toxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles by in vivo and in vitro methods2019-06-06
Prazsák IstvánBoldogkői ZsoltTombácz Dóra2021-05-27 08:00:00Long Read Sequencing of the Varicella-Zoster Virus and Vaccinia Virus Transcriptome2021-06-03
Torma GáborBoldogkői ZsoltTombácz Dóra2024-03-01 10:00:00Analysis of large DNA viruses by long-read RNA sequencing2024-04-04
Csabai ZsoltBoldogkői ZsoltTombácz Dóra2018-02-26 10:00:00Multiplatform analysis of hepresvirus transcriptomes.2018-06-07
Szekeres MártaSomogyvári FerencSzolnoki Zoltán2016-11-03 14:00:00Genetic background of neurological diseases2016-12-08
Sárközi KittiPapp AndrásSzabó Andrea2015-05-15 12:00:00Functional neurotoxicity of arsenic and manganese as environmental agents and the possible protective role of natural antioxidants2015-05-28
Rárosi FerencNyári TiborStéhlikné Boda Krisztina2021-03-05 11:00:00Statistical methods to support medical decision-making on patient positioning for breast irradiation2021-04-15
Baaity ZainSomogyvári FerencSóki József2022-08-25 14:00:00Investigating important aspects of antimicrobial resistance in Bacteroides strains and a direct qPCR method as a promising tool for Mycoplasma detection2022-10-15
Németh BalázsMándi YvetteSahin-Tóth Miklós2014-06-20 14:00:00Genetics of endocrine and exocrine diseases of the pancreas2014-12-11
Watti JezdancherKelemen OguzPócs Dávid2023-11-27 10:00:00Enhancing smokers’engagement during Facebook-based smoking cessation interventions2023-12-14
Eszes Dóra JúliaNagymajtényi LászlóPetrovski Beáta2023-06-29 10:00:00DIABETIC RETINOPATHY SCREENING USING TELEMEDICINE TOOLS2023-10-12
Klinovszky AndreaBuzás NorbertPapp-Zipernovszky Orsolya2022-03-30 13:00:00The role of behavioral characteristics in disease-management of insulin-treated type 2 diabetes mellitus patients2022-04-14
Hulmán ÁdámKarsai JánosNyári Tibor2014-05-19 13:00:00Epidemiological aspects of cardiometabolic risk2014-06-05
Afriza UmamiPaulik EditMolnár Regina2024-05-22 13:00:00Health status and healthcare-seeking behaviour of medical students in the view of acculturation in Hungary2024-05-30
Glavinas HristosDuda ErnőKrajcsi Péter2007-09-20 10:00:00Utilization of membranes vesicles to study the interaction of the ABCB1 and ABCG2 transporters and small molecules to predict the ADME properties of pharmaceuticals2009-06-04
Máténé Köteles Éva SzilviaBarnai MáriaKósa István2024-01-17 13:00:00Telemedicine based physical training monitoring integrated in the physiotherapy of Metabolic syndrome patients2024-04-04
Moshkov NikitaHorváth PéterKertész-Farkas Attila2022-10-27 10:30:00Application of deep learning algorithms to single-cell segmentation and phenotypic profiling2022-12-15
Pukancsik DávidMátrai ZoltánKásler Miklós2017-10-11 14:00:00Objective decision making between conventional and oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction.2017-12-07
Kovács KatalinKereszty ÉvaInstitóris László2024-05-16 10:00:00Medico-legal aspects of drug use intoxication and drugged driving, with a special emphasis on the abuse of new psychoactive substances2024-05-30
Tokodi MargarétaRovó LászlóBella Zsolt2018-10-12 14:00:00Effect of the allergic inflammatory disease in the upper respiratory tract to the cognitive functions and the physical performance.2018-12-13
Újhelyi MihályMátrai ZoltánBak Mihály2018-06-12 14:00:00„ANALYSIS OF CONTRIBUTING FACTORS OF THE BREAST CANCER MORTALITY RATE IN HUNGARY BETWEEN 2002 AND 2014”2018-06-25
Antal-Szabó RékaBuzás Norbert2024-02-01 10:00:00On the importance of communication in dental practice and preparing dental students for their profession beyond the clinical aspects2024-04-04
Éder KatalinDuda Ernő2008-06-24 14:00:00The biological role of Tribbles proteines in the inflammatory responses of monocytes. The link between inflammation and atherosclerotic signals2008-11-11
Soós IstvánSzabad János2014-02-25 09:00:00Vapors of benzene, a parquet varnish and a synthetic thinner induce chromosome loss in cells of the Drosophila wing primordia.2014-04-10
Piukovics KláraUrbán Edit2017-05-03 14:30:00Epidemiology of most frequent infectious complications in immunocompromised patients: focusing on bacteraemia, CMV and HHV-6 infections in haematological patients, and following autologous stem cell t2017-06-08
Mahmood Alshateri BakhtiyarSóki József2024-05-23 13:00:00Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of metronidazole and β-lactam antibiotic resistance of Bacteroides species2024-05-30
Csanádi ÁgnesMiczák András2010-06-08 14:00:00RNA metabolism in mycobacteria: The role of RNase E2010-10-21
Varga Zoltán GáborMolnár József2014-12-16 14:00:00Modification of quorum sensing in bacterial culture2015-04-02
Rusz OrsolyaKahán Zsuzsanna2018-11-29 10:00:00New approaches in the neoadjuvant systemic therapy of breast cancer2018-12-13
Nikolényi AlizKahán Zsuzsanna2011-05-31 12:00:00New possibilities for the tailored therapy of breast cancer patients2011-06-09
Gajdács MárióSpengler Gabriella2019-05-03 13:00:00Multidrug resistance reversing activity of organoselenium compounds.2019-06-06
Dózsai DávidCsonka Ákos2023-01-16 14:00:00Features of atypical femoral fractures in a clinical setting2023-04-06
Kele BeatrixDeák Judit2011-12-08 12:00:00Comparative molecular genetic studies of nucleic acid detection of human noroviruses2011-12-15
Takács SzabolcsPapp András2012-09-20 14:30:00Central nervous effect of manganase in rats investigated by repeated simultaneous electrophysiological and behavioral recording2012-12-13
Csonka ÁkosMolnár József2016-01-25 14:00:00Comparison of the effects of resistance modifiers on prostate cancer, mouse lymphoma and colon cancer cells2016-04-07
Szatmári AngelikaHelembai Kornélia2020-12-03 10:00:00Impact of paramedical counseling on infertile male patients’ coping strategies and care satisfaction2020-12-15
Hofner PéterMándi Yvette2008-03-20 14:00:00The role of cytokines and pattern-recognition receptors in inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases: clinical and in vitro investigations2008-06-12
Kovács Ida JusztinaPusztai Rozália2009-06-24 13:00:00Factors affecting the transplacental transmission of human cytomegalovirus2009-11-23
Balogh Emese PetraBurián Katalin2014-06-03 14:00:00The anti-chlamydial activity of defensin-like proteins2014-06-05
Oláh PéterBoldogkői Zsolt2017-04-24 16:30:00High-throughput transcriptomic analysis of Pseudorabies virus2017-06-08
Orosz LászlóMegyeri Klára2010-12-17 14:00:00The effects of Herpes simplex virus and Vesicular stomatitis virus infections on the expression patterns of p63 and Bax in epithelial cell lines2011-04-28
Szél BorbálaTálosi Gyula2017-11-07 15:00:00Complex infection control strategies at the neonatal intensive care unit with a special focus on hand hygiene2017-12-07
Kókai DávidBurián Katalin2022-05-10 14:00:00The impact of mucolytics on Chlamydia infection and the induced immune response2022-05-26
Pető ZoltánNagy Erzsébet2011-10-14 14:00:00Results of a local antibiotic management program and national survey on antimicrobial consumption and on the availability of microbiology laboratory services on adult intensive care units in Hungary2011-12-15
Ködmön CsabaNagy Erzsébet2012-04-18 14:00:00Evaluation and use of the laboratory methods in diagnosis and control of tubercolosis2012-06-07
Harmati MáriaBuzás Krisztina2020-05-26 14:00:00Small extracellular vesicles convey the stress response of tumour cells2020-06-04
Darázs BarbaraVarga Zoltán2023-06-06 10:00:00Monitoring of anatomical changes during adaptive brain radiotherapy in glioma patients2023-06-08
Kis ZoltánGönczöl Éva2008-06-26 12:00:00Infections and atherosclerosis: Chlamydophila pneumoniae persistence in mice, interaction of Chlamydophila pneumoniae and human cytomegalovirus with human dendritic cells2008-12-11
Szabó Ágnes MíraMiczák András2013-12-04 14:00:00Vaccination against chlamydial and mycobacterial infections2013-12-12
Kiscsatári LauraKahán Zsuzsanna2016-11-28 14:00:00Experimental study of radiogenic heart damage using in vitro and in vivo animal models2016-12-08
Pappné Ábrók MariannaDeák Judit2021-01-21 13:00:00Streptococcus agalactiae screening of pregnant women and detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: application and improvement of the method2021-04-15
Szablics PéterVarga Csaba2021-10-26 10:00:00Effects of physical activity on the aging process - with non-invasive follow-up and invasive cross-sectional researches2021-12-17
Bukva MátyásBuzás Krisztina2024-05-23 14:00:00Small vesicles, great value: machine learning analysis of molecular fingerprint in extracellular vesicles for tumor diagnostic purposes2024-05-30
Faludi IldikóEndrész Valéria2010-06-07 14:00:00Generation and evaluation of vaccine candidates against2010-10-21
Pásztor KataMegyeri Klára2014-12-12 14:00:00The in vitro effects of Herpes simplex virus and Rubella virus on autophagy2015-04-02
Sárvári Károly PéterUrbán Edit2018-02-16 13:00:00„Epidemiological- and antibiotic susceptibility investigation of Hungarian Bacteroides fragilis group clinical isolates”2018-04-23
Oszlánczi GáborVezér Tünde2011-05-12 12:00:00Nervous system effects and oxidative stress in rats treated with metal oxide nanoparticles2011-06-09
Tóth CsabaSükösd Farkas2018-06-29 10:00:00Expression of the apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain (ARC) in liver metastasis of colorectal cancer and its correlation with clinical data and other prognostic and predictive proteins2018-10-11
Dulic SonjaBalog Attila2018-12-19 13:00:00Investigation of the adaptive immune response in immune-mediated diseases.2019-04-04
Kis ErikaHorváth Andrea Rita2011-12-02 12:00:00Methodological approaches to evidence based guidelines in burn injury2011-12-15
Patyi MártaHajdú Edit2015-09-28 14:00:00Hospital hygienic surveillance studies and their application2015-10-22
Taybani Zoltán JamalVárkonyi Tamás2020-05-15 13:00:00De-escalation of complex insulin regimens while preserving good glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients2020-06-04
Körtvélyessy GyőzőBaráth Zoltán2023-11-03 11:00:00The impact of different cone-angle implant-abutment relationships on the long-term success of implant restorations2023-12-14
Engi HelgaMolnár József2008-01-17 13:00:00Perspectives in cancer chemotherapy, in vitro and in vivo experiments2008-06-09
Fülöp ÁdámBoldogkői Zsolt2024-04-25 10:00:00Transcriptomic analysis of a human and an insect DNA virus using an integrated sequencing approach2024-05-30
Sárközi LeilaVezér Tünde2009-05-14 13:00:00Neurotoxic effects of manganese oxide nanoparticles in rats2009-06-04
Horváth ÁdámSomogyvári Ferenc2014-05-26 14:30:00Application of multiplex real-time PCR and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer for the detection and differentiation of the most frequent causative agents of systemic infections from biological flu2014-06-05
Eitel ZsuzsaNagy Erzsébet2017-06-08 11:00:00Phenotypic and genotypic investigation of antibiotic resistance of clinical Bacteroides isolates2017-10-12
Paróczai DóraBurián Katalin2021-05-26 10:00:00Investigation of drugs influencing the outcome of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and the immune response induced by the pathogen2021-06-03
Grexa IstvánHorváth Péter2024-08-16 14:00:00Development of intelligent microscopy systems
Varga ZoltánKahán Zsuzsanna2010-11-18 10:00:00New approaches for the prevention of radiation lung damage in breast cancer2010-12-16
Badarch JavzanPaulik Edit2022-05-12 10:00:00Health risk behaviors among adolescents in Mongolia: cross-sectional national school-based surveys from 2013 and 20192022-05-26
Horváth ZsoltBak Mihály2011-06-23 14:00:00Early detection and treatment of certain malignant tumors2011-12-15
Szalay BrigittaVezér Tünde2012-04-06 13:00:00Iron oxide nanoparticles and their toxicological effects: in vivo and in vitro studies2012-06-07
Moldován NorbertBoldogkői Zsolt2020-05-26 10:00:00Comprehensive characterization of viral transcriptomes using long-read sequencing2020-06-04
Juhász KataDuda Ernő2013-06-07 14:00:00Reverse signaling of tumor necrosis factor. Novel functions of the signaling molecule CKIP-12013-06-13
Dósa SándorEndrész Valéria2016-11-21 14:00:00Investigation of Herpes simplex-1 latency in vivo and in vitro2016-12-08
Gyukity-Sebestyén EdinaBuzás Krisztina2020-12-10 11:00:00Exogen and endogen events trigger complex interactions in the melanoma microenvironment2020-12-15
Takács AndreaPappné Terhes Gabriella2023-12-05 10:00:00Epidemiology and clinical features of SARS-CoV-2 and Herpesvirus infection during childhood2023-12-14
Baráth ZoltánMolnár József2008-05-30 13:00:00Modulation of efflux pumps in tumour cells as a possible way of reversal multidrug resistance2008-06-12
Greskovics-Dobra GabriellaBuzás Krisztina2024-05-24 10:00:00Investigating circulating extracellular vesicles for enhanced brain tumor diagnosis and prognosis2024-05-30
Schelz ZsuzsannaMolnár József2010-04-29 12:00:00Combat resistance in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells2010-06-03
Lantos Ildikó IlonaEndrész Valéria2018-06-21 14:00:00„A kardiovaszkuláris rendszer és a gasztrointesztinális traktus Chlamydia fertőzésének modellezése”2018-06-25
Pócs DávidKelemen Oguz2021-10-21 10:00:00Online motivational interviewing counselling approach to reduce tobacco use2021-12-17
Nagy ÉvaHorváth Andrea Rita2011-04-06 13:00:00Methodological quality and validity of content of clinical practice guidelines in laboratory medicine2011-06-09
Varga-Tóth AndreaPaulik Edit2019-04-03 13:00:00„Reproductive health information, behaviour and sexual education of adolescent girls in Hungary”2019-06-06
Csonka AndreaSpengler Gabriella2022-10-25 14:00:00Selenocompounds as novel anticancer agents against resistant breast cancer and antibacterial agents in Chlamydia trachomatis D2022-12-15
Maróti-Nagy ÁgnesPaulik Edit2011-11-29 13:00:00Health, health-related behavior and Quality of Life of middle- and old-aged women in Hungary.2011-12-15
Serly JuliannaMolnár József2012-05-31 14:00:00Inhibition of drug resistance in two cancer cell lines(MDR and A2780CIS) in vitro; and the role of selected single nucleotide polymorphisms in cancer2012-06-07
Taybani Zoltán JamalVárkonyi Tamás2020-05-15 13:00:00De-escalation of complex insulin regimens while preserving good glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients2020-06-04
Dorogi BenceMátrai Zoltán2023-03-29 14:30:00Evaluation of advanced clinicopathological and structural aspects of modern oncoplastic breast cancer surgery2023-04-06
Molnár ReginaNagymajtényi László2009-04-22 13:00:00The influence of socialization to medical profession on the development of family and occupational roles2009-06-04
Juhász ZoltánHajdú Edit2017-02-08 11:00:00Evaluation of the Hungarian ambulatory antibacterial use in urinary tract infections with different methods2017-04-08
AL-LUHAIBI ZAID ISAM ISSAMegyeri Klára2022-03-04 10:30:00Direct and indirect effects of microorganisms on autophagy2022-04-14

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