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Doctoral defenses of Doctoral School of Business and Management

name of doctoral candidate

thesis supervisor


date of defense

title of thesis

date of decision of DS
Anil Yildirim PoyrazMária Szalmáné Csete2024-09-18 10:00:00Exploring Multifaceted Dimensions: Revealing Underlying Factors in the Governance of Sustainability Transition
Ibrahim HamzaSarolta Tóvölgyi2024-10-03 15:00:00Empirical analysis of gamification influence on organisational behaviour: Exploring game elements exposure influence on employees’ work engagement, job satisfaction, and performance
Dina Majed ALFREAHATZoltán Sebestyén2024-09-27 12:00:00Analyzing Project Profitability: Implications of Standards and Traditional Success Factors

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