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Doctoral defenses of Doctoral School of Informatics

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Balázs LudmányImre SzeberényiGábor Domokos2024-06-04 13:15:00An algorithmic approach to classical and mechanical shape descriptors of sedimentary particles2024-06-27
András Gábor GazdagLevente Buttyán2024-06-11 13:15:00New Methods for Security and Privacy of CAN Bus Communication2024-06-27
Ravi SharmaBalázs János Villányi2024-04-26 13:15:00Research of Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 in Enterprise Resource Planning2024-05-30
Pegah RahimianLászló Toka2024-04-26 13:45:00Deep Learning Techniques for the Analysis of Soccer Matches2024-05-30
Richárd Péter PalinczaPéter Pál Pach2024-05-28 13:15:00Counting type and extremal problems from Arithmetic Combinatorics2024-05-30
Bence GraicsIstván Majzik2024-04-11 14:30:00Formal Modeling, Verification and Test Generation for Component-Based Reactive Systems2024-04-25
Illés SoltGábor Magyar2024-03-22 09:15:00Context-awareness and Learning Strategies to Improve Text Mining for the Life Sciences2024-03-28
Kindson MunonyePéter Martinek2024-01-31 13:15:00Approaches to Performance Optimization, Interoperability, and Security in Microservices2024-02-29
Ágoston SiposTamás Várady2024-01-29 14:15:00Implicit surface patches in 3D geometric modeling2024-02-29
Ruba ALMahasnehLászló Kóczy T.2024-01-30 11:15:00Modelling Various Extensions of the Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem Under Uncertain Conditions2024-02-29
Yahia AnaneBalázs Benyó2023-12-01 10:15:00Development and Optimization of Glucose-Insulin System Models and Methods for Intensive Care Patients under Model-based Glycemic Control2023-12-14
Ádám BudaiKristóf Csorba2023-11-21 14:15:00Applying Deep Learning for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Image Processing2023-11-30
Gergely Ferenc RáczBalázs Csébfalvi2023-08-23 14:15:00Isotropic 3D Sampling and Signal Reconstruction2023-09-28
Hasanain AlabbasÁrpád Huszák2023-09-25 12:15:00Routing strategies in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks2023-09-28
Mohammad BawanehVilmos Simon2023-06-12 15:15:00Public Service Optimization in Automated Cities2023-06-29
Husam RajabTibor Cinkler2023-06-16 09:15:00Enhanced Power Management for Massive IoT2023-06-29
Kristóf MarussyIstván Majzik2023-06-14 10:15:00Abstraction Techniques for the Analysis and Synthesis of Critical Cyber-Physical System Architectures2023-06-29
László Viktor JánokyPéter Ekler2023-06-02 13:15:00Performance Modelling of Highly Dynamic Distributed Systems2023-06-29
Vilmos Csaba Rotter2023-05-31 10:15:00Performance Analysis of Cloud Resource Management Algorithms2023-06-29
Mátyás SzántóLászló Vajta2023-05-02 10:15:00Közösségi adatgyűjtésen alapuló térképépítés képfeldolgozási módszerek alkalmazásával2023-05-25
Balázs NémethBalázs Sonkoly2023-04-17 10:30:00Novel Service Placement Algorithms over Softwarized Network and Cloud Infrastructure2023-04-27
Khalil MebarkiaZoltán Zsóka2023-04-20 10:15:00Quality of Service Ensurance for Service Function Chaining supporting Network Slicing2023-04-27
Aymen AlAwadiSándor Molnár2022-10-24 10:15:00Towards Comprehensive and Effectual SDN Traffic Engineering Framework for Data Center Networks2023-01-26
Bence BruncsicsPéter Antal2022-12-15 09:15:00Modelling Multivalent Protein Binding-kinetics2022-12-15
Attila HidegBertalan Forstner2022-11-10 13:15:00Design of Distributed Universal Dispersal Algorithms for Artificial Swarms2022-11-24
Khalid M.M. KahlootPéter Ekler2022-11-07 09:15:00Incorporating Dimension Reduction and Clustering into Data Processing Pipeline for Improving the Performance of Machine Learning Models2022-11-24
Ferenc Attila SomogyiGergely Mezei2022-11-11 14:15:00Investigating Text-Based Domain-Specific Modeling Techniques2022-11-24
Attila KlenikAndrás Pataricza2022-11-14 10:15:00Measurement-based Performance Evaluation of Distributed Ledger Technologies2022-11-24
Szilvia LestyánGergely Biczók2022-11-14 14:15:00Privacy of Vehicular Time Series Data2022-11-24
Máté Imre NagyGábor Rétvári2022-10-12 16:15:00Novel Network Optimization and Data Compression Methods2022-10-27
Gábor SoósPál Varga2022-08-31 14:15:00Life Cycle Modeling of IoT Systems and Integration Method with 5G-based Industrial Cellular Networks2022-09-29
Dániel KozmaPál Varga2022-09-09 14:15:00Digital Production and Supply Supported by Lifecycle Management in Industry 4.02022-09-29
Tamás LévaiGábor Rétvári2022-09-15 13:15:00Embedding and Batch-Scheduling Data Flow Graphs in Software Switches2022-09-29
Mohammad SaleemBence Kővári2022-05-09 10:15:00Improved preprocessing and classification algorithms for online signature verification2022-05-26
Omar Al-DebagyPéter Martinek2022-05-23 15:15:00Microservices Identification Methods and Quality Metrics2022-05-26
Mohammed Al-MazaidehJános Levendovszky2022-04-05 14:15:00Innovative Techniques to Robust Wireless Sensors Networks2022-04-28
Tuan Hai NguyenVan Tien Do2022-04-12 12:00:00Scaling Resources with Reinforcement Learning2022-04-28
István KovácsTamás Várady2022-03-21 13:45:00Curves and surfaces determined by geometric constraints2022-03-31
Maiass ZaherSándor Molnár2022-03-30 14:15:00Traffic Measurements, Scheduling and Characterization of SDN-based Data Center Networks2022-03-31
Munqath Al-AtarAttila Sali2022-02-01 10:15:00Key and Functional Dependency Constraints for Incomplete Databases with Limited Domains2022-02-24
Balázs VassJános Tapolcai2022-02-08 14:15:00Modeling and Enumerating Geographically Correlated Failure Events in Communication Networks2022-02-24
Zsófia BodóBéla Lantos2022-02-10 15:15:00Modern Control Methods for Unmanned Aerial and Ground Vehicles2022-02-24
Dávid PappGábor Szűcs2021-12-16 12:15:00Felügyelet nélküli és kiegyenlítettség-vezérelt aktív tanulásos képosztályozás2021-12-16
Tamás TóthIstván Majzik2021-11-26 10:15:00Abstraction Refinement-Based Verification of Timed Automata2021-12-16
Attila Mátyás NagyVilmos Simon2021-11-05 10:15:00Distributed Systems and Algorithms in Smart Cities2021-11-25
Dorottya Futóné PappLevente Buttyán2021-10-28 08:45:00Improved security and protection from malware for embedded IoT devices2021-10-28
Tamás TóthfalusiPéter Orosz2021-09-22 10:15:00Supporting Operational Management of IP-based Voice Services2021-09-30
Ágota Enikő KacsóLászló Szécsi2021-07-06 10:15:00New Methods in GPU Computing for the Simulation of Biophysical Systems2021-09-30
Sevinj YolchuyevaBálint Gyires-Tóth2021-06-21 13:15:00Novel NLP Methods for Improved Text-To-Speech Synthesis2021-06-24
Máté HorváthLevente Buttyán2021-05-12 10:15:00Cryptographic Problems in the Context of Data Markets2021-05-27
Márton VaitkusTamás Várady2021-05-20 14:15:00Generating Smooth Surfaces from Discrete Pointsets2021-05-27
Márton József TóthBalázs Csébfalvi2021-04-28 17:15:00Automatic Detection of Anatomical Regions in Three-Dimensional Medical Images2021-04-29
Dávid HonfiZoltán Imre Micskei2021-03-11 13:15:00Evaluating and Improving White-Box Test Generation2021-03-25
Márton SzemenyeiFerenc Vajda2021-02-17 16:15:003D Shape Recognition Methods for Tangible User Interfaces2021-02-25
Domonkos István VargaCsaba Attila Szabó2021-02-10 13:15:00Exploiting Semantic Information for Image Retrieval and Analysis2021-02-25
Dhari Ali Mahmood GhrairiGábor Horváth2021-01-08 10:15:00Performance Analysis of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks2021-01-28
Ákos HajduZoltán Imre Micskei2020-11-24 12:15:00Effective Domain-Specific Formal Verification Techniques2020-11-26
Mohammed Salah Al-RadhiTamás Gábor Csapó2020-09-01 10:15:00High-Quality Vocoding Design with Signal Processing for Speech Synthesis and Voice Conversion2020-09-24
Patrik János BraunPéter Ekler2020-09-18 09:15:00Design and Performance Evaluation of Content Sharing and Streaming Techniques in Distributed Communication Networks2020-09-24
Yangyuan LiVan Tien Do2020-06-09 15:00:00A Method to Process Images Data and Prediction Models for some MapReduce Applications2020-06-25
Máté Ákos TündikGyörgy Szaszák2020-06-11 10:00:00The Functional Expansion of Automatic Speech Recognition Output Based on Novel Prosody- and Text-Based Approaches2020-06-25
Gábor KissKlára Vicsi2020-06-10 10:00:00A depressziós beszéd akusztikai-fonetikai jellemzőinek vizsgálata2020-06-25
Ádám KnappLászló Pap2020-02-25 11:15:00Channel Equalization and Mobility Management Methods in New Generation Mobile Communication Systems2020-02-27
Vince MolnárIstván Majzik2020-02-18 12:45:00Extensions and Generalization of the Saturation Algorithm in Model Checking2020-02-27
Csaba DebreceniDániel Varró2019-11-18 09:15:00Advanced Techniques and Tools for Secure Collaborative Modeling2019-11-28
András Ferenc KalmárRolland Vida2019-09-10 15:15:00Self-Optimized Clustering and Routing in the Internet of Things2019-09-26
Gábor SzárnyasDániel Varró2019-06-14 14:15:00Query, Analysis, and Benchmarking Techniques for Evolving Property Graphs of Software Systems2019-06-27
Oszkár SemeráthDániel Varró2019-06-17 14:15:00Formal Validation and Model Generation for Domain-Specific Languages by Logic Solvers2019-06-27
Gergely SubaPéter Arató2019-06-05 13:15:00Modellalapú új módszer heterogén többprocesszoros architektúrák rendszerszintű szintéziséhez2019-06-27
Imre KocsisAndrás Pataricza2019-06-07 10:15:00Qualitative models in resilience assurance2019-06-27
László GönczyTamás Bartha2019-04-23 10:15:00Modeling for the Dependability of Complex Services2019-04-25
Krisztián NémethGábor Rétvári2019-04-23 15:15:00Optimal Resource Pooling over Legacy Equal-Split Load Balancing Schemes2019-04-25
András VörösTamás Bartha2018-11-30 10:15:00Symbolic Verification of Petri Net Based Models2018-12-13
Márton Ákos SiposHassan Charaf2018-11-30 12:30:00Network Coding for Distributed Cloud, Fog and Data Center Storage2018-12-13
Thai Hoc NguyenJános Levendovszky2018-10-31 16:30:00Energy-Efficient and Reliable Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks2018-11-29
András KőkutiVilmos Simon2018-09-24 15:15:00Self-Organization in the Future Wireless and Mobile Networks2018-09-27
Bernát WiandtVilmos Simon2018-09-19 15:15:00Optimalization of Self Organizing Computing Systems2018-09-27
Attila BörcsCsaba Benedek2018-06-26 11:15:00Four-dimensional Analysis of Dynamic Urban Environments in Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR Data2018-09-27
Gergely Gyula OrbánGábor Horváth2018-05-30 14:15:00Complex Methods for Automated X-ray Image Analysis2018-06-28
Alexandra SzöllősiPéter BaranyiGábor Magyar2018-05-14 11:15:00TP Model Transformation Based Control Theory Optimization of Nonlinear Models2018-05-31
Bence Márton BolgárPéter Antal2018-02-19 13:15:00Multiple kernel data and knowledge fusion methods in drug discovery2018-02-22
Dávid SzabóAndrás Gulyás2017-12-15 15:15:00The Network Forming Effects of Routing Policy2018-01-25
Péter MegyesiSándor Molnár2018-01-25 10:15:00Traffic Measurements, Characterization and Emulation in Emerging Networks2018-01-25
Péter FehérLászló Lengyel2017-07-05 15:15:00Methods for Improving and Applying Graph Rewriting-Based Model Transformations2017-09-28
Dmitriy DunaevLászló Lengyel2017-06-26 12:15:00A Three-Address Code Based Intermediate Level Code and Data Obfuscation Method2017-06-29
Zoltán SzatmáriIstván Majzik2017-06-12 10:15:00Metamodel-Based Model Generation and Validation Techniques with Applications2017-06-29
Zoltán UjhelyiDániel Varró2017-05-11 14:15:00Program Analysis Techniques for Model Queries and Transformations2017-05-25
Dániel DarvasIstván Majzik2017-05-15 11:15:00Practice-Oriented Formal Methods to Support the Software Development of Industrial Control Systems2017-05-25
Attila Csaba MarosiPéter KacsukSándor Juhász2017-03-22 13:15:00Challenges and Formal Aspects of Volunteer Computing2017-03-30
Zoltán András MóczárSándor Molnár2016-12-06 15:15:00New Methods for Efficient Data Transport in Future Networks2016-12-15
Balázs János VillányiPéter Martinek2016-11-09 10:15:00Schema Matching Techniques in Service-Oriented Enterprise Application Integration2016-11-24
Luca SzegletesBertalan Forstner2016-09-22 14:15:00Machine Learning Methods in Biomarker Analysis and its Application on Mobile Devices2016-10-27
Farhad KiaJános Levendovszky2016-09-20 16:15:00Developing a fully automated algo-trading system2016-10-27
Gábor HullámGyörgy Strausz2016-06-13 14:15:00Bayesian Relevance and Effect Size Measures2016-06-30
Péter FülöpSándor Imre2016-06-27 10:15:00Complex Mobility Management Algorithms and Applications2016-06-30
Balázs HidasiGábor Magyar2016-06-28 11:15:00Context-aware factorization methods for implicit feedback based recommendation problems2016-06-30
Gergely ÖllösRolland Vida2016-04-28 11:15:00Efficient Sampling in Wireless Sensor Networks2016-04-28
István Róbert SiposJános Levendovszky2016-04-25 16:15:00Real-Time Stochastic Portfoilo Optimization2016-04-28
Sándor KolumbánIstván Vajk2016-03-11 13:15:00System Identification in Highly Non-Informative Environment2016-03-31
Ákos PernekIstván VajkLevente Hajder2016-01-27 14:15:00New Methods for 3D Object Reconstruction and Camera Auto-Calibration2016-02-25

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