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Doctoral defenses of Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences

name of doctoral candidate

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title of thesis

date of decision of DS
Benedek KovácsJános Tóth2012-03-23 14:00:00Parameter estimation of dynamical systems2012-04-17
Márton BalázsBálint Tóth2003-05-28 12:00:00Coupling methods in stochastic deposition models2003-06-10
Balázs RáthBálint Tóth2010-04-27 14:00:00Asymptotic behavior of random graphs evolving in time2010-04-28
Bálint VetőBálint Tóth2011-06-28 16:00:00Asymptotic behaviour of random walks with long memory2011-09-13
Illés HorváthBálint Tóth2015-07-08 16:00:00Random processes with long memory2015-09-24
Anna RudasBálint Tóth2013-05-16 14:30:00Asymptotic behaviour of random growing trees2013-05-30
Benedek ValkóBálint Tóth2004-09-17 16:00:00Hydrodynamic behavior of hyperbolic two-component systems2004-09-21
Géza CsimaJenő Szirmai2017-12-15 10:00:00Isoptic curves and surfaces2018-01-25
Gergely BércziAndrás Szenes2008-09-29 14:30:00Multidegrees of Singularities and Nonreductive Quotients2008-09-30
Péter FrenkelAndrás Szenes2008-05-13 16:00:00New constructions in classical invariant theory2008-09-05
Péter NándoriDomokos Szász2013-05-15 16:00:00Asymptotic properties of the Lorentz process and some closely related models2013-05-30
Tamás VarjúDomokos Szász2006-12-21 15:00:00Local limit theorems and recurrence for the planar Lorentz process2007-01-23
Imre Péter TóthDomokos Szász2006-04-28 11:00:00Ergodicity and Correlation Decay in Billiards2006-06-20
Abd El Moez Gouda Mohamed AshrafTamás Szántai2005-06-20 10:00:00Probability estimation and its applications2006-06-22
Balázs SzékelyTamás Szabados2005-06-07 14:00:00Strong approximation of stochastic processes using random walks2005-06-22
Barnabás FarkasLajos Soukup2012-04-10 16:00:00Combinatorics of Borel ideals2012-04-17
Ágnes TóthGábor Simonyi2013-01-07 14:00:00Colouring problems related to graph products and coverings2013-03-28
Marcell NagyKároly Simon2023-09-20 13:00:00Classification Problems in Network Science and Higher Education2023-10-26
Roland MolontayKároly Simon2021-05-07 10:00:00Structural analysis of networks2021-05-27
István KolossváryKároly Simon2019-06-05 16:15:00Fractals in dimension theory and complex networks2019-06-27
Lajos VágóKároly Simon2020-10-06 15:00:00Projections of self-similar sets and measures and Degrees of random and evolving Apollonian networks2020-10-29
Péter MóraKároly Simon2013-05-16 16:00:00Random and deterministic fractals2013-05-30
Rudolf Dániel ProkajKároly Simon2024-06-04 13:00:00On the dimension theory of piecewise linear iterated function systems2024-06-27
Balázs BárányKároly Simon2012-06-20 16:30:00Dimension Theory of Non-conformal Attractors and Overlapping Self-similar Sets2012-06-26
Eszter RozgonyiCsaba Sándor2016-02-03 10:30:00Some problems related to the additive representation functions2016-02-25
KARRAR AL-SABTIGábor Sági2024-05-31 13:00:00Model Theory of Metric Spaces with Applications2024-06-27
Gábor HegedűsLajos Rónyai2005-11-28 15:30:00Göbner bases in combinatorics2006-01-31
Bálint FelszeghyLajos Rónyai2008-03-12 16:00:00Gröbner theory of zero dimensional ideals with a view toward combinatorics2008-03-18
Dávid SzeszlérAndrás Recski2005-11-24 17:00:00Combinatorial algorithms in VLSI routing2006-01-31
Csongor György CsehiAndrás Recski2018-03-06 16:00:00Graphicity of the union of matroids2018-03-29
Gábor SalamonAndrás Recski2010-05-28 10:00:00Degree-Based Spanning Tree Optimization2010-06-22
László RuppertDénes Petz2012-10-16 13:00:00Efficient State Estimation for Quantum Systems2012-12-18
András SzántóDénes Petz2015-01-23 14:00:00Complementarity in Quantum Systems2015-02-26
Attila AndaiDénes Petz2004-11-05 14:00:00Információgeometria a kvantummechanikában2004-12-07
Júlia RéffyDénes Petz2005-11-18 11:00:00Asymptotics of random unitaries2006-01-31
József PitrikDénes Petz2010-05-20 13:00:00Markov property in non-commutative probability2010-06-22
Terézia Pethőné VendelMárta Nagyné Szilvási2004-05-24 11:00:00Görbe- és felületmodellezés vegyes típusú Spline-függvényekkel2004-06-22
Csaba TóthAttila Nagy2024-08-28 12:00:00On the right regular representation of semigroups
Márton ZuborAttila Nagy2019-06-11 10:30:00On commutative substructures of special algebraic structures2019-06-27
Gergely BunthMilán Mosonyi2024-07-22 15:00:00On quantum Rényi divergences
László NémethEmil Molnár2007-05-17 10:30:00Szabályos mozaikok vizsgálata2007-06-20
Attila BölcskeiEmil Molnár2002-07-04 14:00:00Klasszifikációs problémák síkban és térben2002-10-15
Eleonóra StettnerEmil Molnár2006-03-27 15:30:00Felületek számítógépes előállítása és a 3- felület szimmetriacsoportjai2006-06-20
András MagyarErzsébet Lukács2019-03-29 15:00:00Standard Koszul algebras2019-05-30
Kitti Katalin VargaGyula Y. Katona2021-10-19 15:00:00Properties of minimally tough graphs2021-11-25
László PappGyula Y. Katona2022-10-13 09:00:00Optimal pebbling number of graphs2022-10-27
Benjámin Richárd BorsosJános Karátson2022-02-04 12:00:00Quasi-Newton type iterative solution of nonlinear elliptic PDEs with non-uniform monotonicity conditions2022-02-24
Petra Renáta RigóTibor Illés2020-06-22 14:30:00New trends in algebraic equivalent transformation of the central path and its applications2020-06-25
Gergely WintscheKároly ifj. Böröczky2003-06-23 14:00:00Véges gömbelhelyezések és fedések2003-10-14
Márton KissMiklós Horváth2007-06-19 14:30:00Sajátértékeloszlás és inverz feladatok2007-06-20
Franciska PetényiErzsébet Horváth2016-11-15 14:15:00SOME QUESTIONS ON THE REPRESENTATIONS OF FINITE GROUPS Depth, Vanishing properties, Expansiveness2016-11-24
HAYDER JANABIErzsébet Horváth2022-03-04 10:00:00Investigation of depth of subgroups of finite groups2022-03-31
Mohamed Ahmed Elaiw AhmedÉva Gyurkovics2005-06-08 15:00:00Stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems by receding horizon control via discrete-time approximations2005-06-22
Gábor Molnár-SáskaLászló Gerencsér2006-01-26 14:00:00Statistical Analysis of Hidden Markov Models2006-01-31
Lajos LócziBarnabás Garay2007-05-18 12:00:00Discretizing Elementary Bifurcations2007-06-20
Attila VéghÁkos G. Horváth2006-12-14 10:00:00RÁCSOK, KÖR- ÉS GÖMBELRENDEZÉSEK2007-01-23
Péter BiróTamás Fleiner2008-01-04 14:00:00The stable matching problem and its generalizations: an algorithmic and game theoretical approach2008-01-15
Anwar Hassan Aly ShabanMiklós Farkas2005-05-18 10:30:00Population Dynamics in a Patchy Space and Turing Bifurcation2005-06-22
József Zoltán FarkasMiklós Farkas2005-06-21 16:00:00Linearized stability of structured population dynamical models2005-06-22
Rahele MoslehIstván Faragó2022-05-06 11:00:00Numerical solutions of malaria models - a qualitative approach2022-05-26
Anita VargaMarianna Eisenberg-Nagy2023-01-16 13:00:00New Ai-Zhang type long-step interior point algorithms using the algebraically equivalent transformation technique2023-02-23
Zsolt TalataImre Csiszár2005-04-27 14:30:00Model Selection via Information Criteria for Tree Models and Markov Random Fields2005-06-22
Tamás KóiImre Csiszár2017-12-04 15:00:00Error exponents for communication models with multiple codebooks and the capacity region of partly asynchronous multiple access channel2017-12-14
Máté BaranyiMarianna Bolla2022-09-15 10:30:00Some advances in multivariate statistical modeling2022-09-29
Fatma AbdelkhalekMarianna Bolla2021-12-13 14:00:00Graphical models & structural equation modeling2021-12-16
Ahmed ElbannaMarianna Bolla2018-03-09 14:00:00Multiple interaction strategies, parameter estimation, and clustering in networks2018-03-29
Róbert PálovicsAndrás ifj. Benczúr2017-12-14 10:00:00Revealing information networks2018-01-25
Balázs RáczAndrás ifj. Benczúr2009-10-19 16:00:00Monte Carlo Methods for Web Search2009-11-17
Fanni Mincsovicsné SélleyPéter Bálint2019-05-28 14:00:00Asymptotic properties of mean field coupled maps2019-06-27
Júlia KomjáthyMárton Balázs2012-12-05 16:15:00Asymptotic Behavior of Markov Chains and Networks: Fluctuations, mixing properties and modeling hierarchical networks2012-12-18
HANEEN KAREEM HUSSEIN AL-JANABIGábor Bacsó2023-02-02 12:00:00Some Algebraic Aspects of Graphs2023-02-23
Attila LovasAttila Andai2017-12-04 13:00:00Az információgeometria alkalmazása kvantummechanikai rendszerekre2017-12-14
Sándor Krenedits2015-06-09 11:00:00FOURIER ANALYSIS – EXTREMAL PROBLEMS2015-09-24
Lóránt Farkas2016-12-22 17:00:00Generalization of Types and Typical Sequences for Quantum Channels and Asynchronous Multiple Access Channels2017-01-26
Zoltán Gábor Molnár2021-05-12 13:00:00Quantification and epsilon-invariance in some epsilon calculi2021-05-27
Ilona Nagy2021-12-14 10:00:00Qualitative investigations of kinetic differential equations2021-12-16
Krisztina Kiss2009-06-16 15:00:00Ratio-dependent predator-prey systems2009-09-08
Tamás Ladics2015-06-26 15:00:00Error analysis of operator splitting methods with application to reaction-diffusion problems2015-09-24

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