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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Computer Science

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Hamza Bassam Hussien BaniataInvestigating privacy preserving Blockchain applications, and Blockchain integration methods with Quantum Computing and Machine Learning2024-09-15SZTE
József BékésiAlgorithm development for scheduling problems2024-09-15SZTE
Gábor Iván BerendAnalyzing and developing algorithms for computational semantics2024-09-15SZTE
Árpád BeszédesAnalysis and improvement of fault diagnostic capabilities of software testing2024-09-15SZTE
Árpád BeszédesSoftware fault localization techniques involving context information2024-09-15SZTE
Árpád BeszédesEnhancement of software fault localization using machine learning2024-09-15SZTE
Árpád BeszédesEfficient dependence analysis methods in large-scale, complex architecture software systems2024-09-15SZTE
Árpád BeszédesHeuristic detection of equivalent mutants in mutation testing2024-09-15SZTE
Vilmos BilickiResearch of modern domain specific software architectures2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiDatabase description using natural language2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiUse of digital and analogue methods in the neural network2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiExamining and applying the measure of uncertainty in practice2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiDecision trees on continuous data, its construcion and examination.2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiApplication of the clustering procedures in machine learning2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiApplicability of fuzzy models in machine learning2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiNew types of fuzzy control procedures2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiApplying the incomparability measure in decision processes2024-09-15SZTE
Richárd FarkasHuman-in-the-loop machine learning for Natural Language Processing2024-09-15SZTE
Boglárka Gazdag-TóthDeveloping and applying reliable global optimization algorithms2024-09-15SZTE
Boglárka Gazdag-TóthSolving facility location problems with global optimization methods2024-09-15SZTE
Gábor GosztolyaMedical Speech Processing2024-09-15SZTE
Péter Hegedűs
Rudolf Ferenc
Machine learning aided vulnerability detection and automated mitigation techniques2024-09-15SZTE
Péter Horváth3D image analysis and machine learning methods using deep learning for understanding neuron cell communication2024-09-15SZTE
Márk JelasityRobustness and Interpretability of Artificial Intelligence Systems2024-09-15SZTE
Zoltán KatóBeyond Point-based 3D Reconstruction and Visual Localization of Objects2024-09-15SZTE
Zoltán KatóGeometric Alignment and Fusion of Visual Objects2024-09-15SZTE
Attila KertészEfficient management of Smart Systems exploiting Cloud, Fog, IoT and Blockchain technologies2024-09-15SZTE
Attila KertészAnalysis and Applications of Quantum and Post-Quantum Blockchains2024-09-15SZTE
Miklós KrészScheduling problems in public transportation2024-09-15SZTE
Miklós KrészGraph based data mining2024-09-15SZTE
András MárkusInvestigating AI-based resource management methods of the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum2024-09-15SZTE
András PluhárExtremal and algorithmic problems on graphs2024-09-15SZTE
András PluhárCombinatorial games2024-09-15SZTE
Róbert RajkóApplication-oriented programming a Raspberry Pi tiny computer2024-09-15SZTE
Róbert RajkóSetup and control (IoT programming) of sensors with a Raspberry Pi tiny computer2024-09-15SZTE
Róbert RajkóApplication-oriented developments of convex geometrical/linear algebraic algorithms2024-09-15SZTE
Gergely VadaiExamination of human activity and motion patterns2024-09-15SZTE
László VidácsRecommendation systems for software engineering2024-09-15SZTE

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