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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, György Málnási Bartók Doctoral School of Philosophy

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Virág Bene Zoltánné PusztaiChanges of human thought in the process of movie production2025-05-30SZTE
Virág Bene Zoltánné PusztaiPhilosophy of the image and the media2025-05-30SZTE
Virág Bene Zoltánné PusztaiThe rising role of image and its influence on humanity2025-05-30SZTE
András Czeglédi
Zoltán Gyenge
Modern aesthetics2025-05-30SZTE
András CzeglédiPhilosophical and aesthetic aspects of "the sublime"2025-05-30SZTE
András CzeglédiAmerican philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Katalin DemcsákIssues of mediality in contemporary theatre2025-05-30SZTE
Katalin DemcsákCulture-hermeneutics2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengeModern Art2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengeThe Metaphysics of Theatre2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengeKierkegaard's philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengePost-Kantian Ethics2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengeSchelling's philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Attila KissPhilosophy and theories of subjectivity in literary criticism2025-05-30SZTE
Attila KissThe relation of philosophy and literature2025-05-30SZTE
Katalin KürtösiAesthetics and theory of drama2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna Máté
János Tóth
Utopias and counter utopias2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéThe Interrelations of Cultural and Artistic Spheres2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéPhilosophical Issues in Visual Culture2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéProblems in Hungarian theories of art and aesthetic thought2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéPhilosophical Dilemmas of the Crisis/Change of Art2025-05-30SZTE
András Máté-TóthIssues between philosophy and the theory of religion in the history of Hungarian science2025-05-30SZTE
András Máté-TóthReligion and religious experience in Central Eastern Europe2025-05-30SZTE
András Máté-TóthIndividual and society in post-secular thought2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiAncient Greek theories of the soul2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiPresocratic philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiPlato's critique of art2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiTragedy and philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiModern theories of tragedy in philosophy (Hegel/Kierkegaard/Nietzsche)2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiThe philosophy and trial of Socrates2025-05-30SZTE
Ferenc OdoricsInterpretations of the Aesthetic and Metaphysical Tradition2025-05-30SZTE
Ferenc OdoricsFilm and its borderlines2025-05-30SZTE
Tamás PavlovitsFreedom (political, positive, negative, autonomy) and free will, freedom and determinism from Antiquity to the present2025-05-30SZTE
Tamás PavlovitsInterpretations of the concept of infinity in European thought (Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Cusanus, Pascal, Descartes, Leibniz, Lévinas, etc.)2025-05-30SZTE
Tamás PavlovitsCartesian ethics2025-05-30SZTE
Tamás PavlovitsPractical Philosophy and the Philosophical Tradition2025-05-30SZTE
Tamás PavlovitsPhilosophies of early modernity (Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, Malebranche. Locke, Berkeley, Hume)2025-05-30SZTE
Tamás PavlovitsFoucault's philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
László PereczPhilosophy of Science in 19th and 20th Century Hungary2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna PörcziCommunity and philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Bertalan PusztaiPilgrimage and tourism: allegorical interpretations of modernity in the context of travelling in search of authenticity2025-05-30SZTE
Klára SándorEvolution and Culture2025-05-30SZTE
Klára SándorLanguage, culture, Society2025-05-30SZTE
Klára SándorThe heritage of the Humboldtian paradigm philosophy of culture and language in 20th century philosophy of language and hermeneutics (Wittgenstein, Bahtyin, Fish)2025-05-30SZTE
Klára SándorThe Cultural Consequences of Social Digitalization2025-05-30SZTE
József SimonProblems of Modality in the Late Middle Ages2025-05-30SZTE
József SimonMachiavelli's philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
József SimonObjective Reality (Suárez, Descartes, Kant)2025-05-30SZTE
József SimonMoral atheists and immoral metaphysicians in Early Modernity2025-05-30SZTE
József SimonThe Philosophy of Duns Scotus2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán SomhegyiThe Aesthetics of Ruins. Theoretical Problems of Monuments and Monument Preservation2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán SomhegyiContemporary Art and Architecture2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán SomhegyiAesthetic and Historical Aspects of Landscape Depictions2025-05-30SZTE
Tibor SutyákPhilosophy of mind2025-05-30SZTE
Réka SzilárdiReligion and meme2025-05-30SZTE
Réka SzilárdiNationalism and theories of religion2025-05-30SZTE
Gergely TariThe medicalisation of everyday life (with special regard to sexuality and gender)2025-05-30SZTE
Gergely TariRespect of human autonomy and the principle of informed consent in reproductive medicine (esp. during pregnancy and birth)2025-05-30SZTE
Emőke VargaTheories of art on the concurrence of verbal and visual media representation2025-05-30SZTE
Éva VíghMoral philosophy in the Courtly Culture of Renaissance and Baroque2025-05-30SZTE
Éva VíghStudia humanitatis and humanism2025-05-30SZTE
Éva VíghAristotle's ethics in early Modern Italy2025-05-30SZTE
Éva VíghFamous female figures in Italian Renaissance and Baroque2025-05-30SZTE
Emőke VargaLiterature and Fine Art Through the Mirror of 20th Century Art Theories2025-05-30BTK
Emőke VargaTheory of Illustration2025-05-30BTK
Emőke VargaTheories of the Relation of Text and Image2025-05-30BTK

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