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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Mathematics

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Gergely AmbrusConvex geometry and analysis2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátIntersecting hypergraphs, finite geometries2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátGraph Drawings2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátEdge-decompositions of graphs with a condition on the edge-connectivity2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc Ágoston Bartha
Mónika Van Leeuwen-Polner
Numerical methods of dynamical systems2024-12-31MatDI
Béla CsabaGraph embedding problems2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor CsendesAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
Attila DénesDynamical systems with applications in biology2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc FodorStochastic geometry2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc FodorDiscrete and convex geometry2024-12-31MatDI
Ábel GarabQualitative theory of Dynamical Systems2024-12-31MatDI
János Karsai"Computable" teaching materials, model-based mathematics education2024-12-31MatDI
János KarsaiComputer-aided study of models in life sciences2024-12-31MatDI
Eszter Katonáné HorváthLattice-valued functions2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor KrisztinTheory and applications of functional differential equations2024-12-31MatDI
Gábor Péter NagyComputational aspects of non-associative structures2024-12-31MatDI
Béla NagyExtremal problems for polynomials and rational functions2024-12-31MatDI
Gábor Péter NagyApplications of finite fields and finite geometries2024-12-31MatDI
Gergely RöstDynamical systems and applications in mathematical biology2024-12-31MatDI
László StachóSemigroups of holomorphic automorphisms2024-12-31MatDI
Vilmos TotikAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
Viktor VíghKülönböző, általában aszimptotikus természetű kérdések vizsgálata véletlen konvex halmazok metszeteiről, különös tekintettel egy konvex halmaz véletlen eltoltjainak metsz2024-12-31MatDI

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