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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Geosciences

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Károly BartaEffects of the inland excess water retention to the water quality and the soil fertil2024-11-20SZTE
Károly BartaThe role of soil moisture in the extreme hydrological situations (drought, inland excess water)2024-11-20SZTE
Szabolcs FabulaSocio-spatial impacts of urban and regional policies2024-11-20SZTE
Jenő Zsolt FarkasLand use and land use change analysis and modelling in urban-rural fringe zones2024-11-20SZTE
Tamás Mátyás GálUrban climate modelling2024-11-20SZTE
Tamás Mátyás GálEvaluation of the effect of climate change on urban areas2024-11-20SZTE
János Geiger
Janina Horváth
Applied geomathematical modeling2024-11-20SZTE
János Geiger
Janina Horváth
Scaling problem of geology2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor GulyásAsessing small-scale heterogeneity of Quaternary freshwater carbonates from Hungary2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Environmental historical and environmental geochemical analysis of archeological samples2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor Gulyás
Krisztián Fintor
Archaeometric analysis of archaeological ceramics2024-11-20SZTE
Ferenc GyőriCultural geography2024-11-20SZTE
Ferenc GyőriOn the paths of knowledge-geography: talent geography, education-geography2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor HegedűsRural land acquisition processes and conflicts in developing countries2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor HegedűsSociogeographical study of Western European immigrants in Hungary2024-11-01SZTE
Gábor HegedűsThe social geographical study of gated communities2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor HegedűsNew rural development possibilities and models in Hungary2024-11-20SZTE
Ferencné Kevei
Márton Kiss
Landscape ecological analyses2024-11-20SZTE
Ferencné Kevei
Márton Kiss
Karst morphology and karst ecology2024-11-20SZTE
Zoltán KovácsInvestigation of political geographical phenomena2024-11-20SZTE
Zoltán KovácsChallenges of sustainable urban development2024-11-20SZTE
Ferenc KovácsCurrent issues of environmental GIS and remote sensing monitoring2024-11-20SZTE
Tivadar M. Tóth
Yana Fedortchouk
Fractured fluid (hydrocarbon, geothermal) reservoirs2024-11-20SZTE
Tivadar M. TóthCrystalline basement of the Tisza Megaunit2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor MezősiNatural hazards in Hungary2024-11-20SZTE
Dávid Molnár
Pál Sümegi
Quaternary malacology2024-11-20SZTE
Dávid MolnárPaleoenvironmental analyses of Cumanian mounds (kurgans)2024-11-20SZTE
Dávid Molnár
Pál Sümegi
Paleoecological analyses on loess-paleosol sequences2024-11-20SZTE
Dávid Molnár
József Szatmári
Photogrammetric processing and interpretation of geological and anthropogenic objects2024-11-20SZTE
László Mucsi
József Szatmári
Investigation of hyperspectral and 3D remotely sensed information in spatial processes2024-11-20SZTE
László MucsiTimeseries Land Cover and Land Use Monitoring and Classification Using GIS and Remote Sensing Technology2024-11-20SZTE
Erika NagyGrowth, economic restructuring and urban change int he ear of global/financial capitalism2024-11-20SZTE
Gyula Nagy
Szabolcs Fabula
Social challenges of territorial and urban development2024-11-20SZTE
Erika NagyEconomic marginalization in rural spaces2024-11-20SZTE
Gyula Nagy
Zoltán Kovács
Measurement and social geographical interpretation of urban social inequalities2024-11-20SZTE
Erika NagyThe production of symbolic economy in cities in Central and Eastern Europe2024-11-20SZTE
Viktor PálPotential applications of alternative methods in teaching economic and human geography2024-11-20SZTE
Viktor PálSocial geographical analysis of the relationship between spatial processes and tourism products2024-11-20SZTE
Viktor PálGeographies of health from Hungarian and international perspectives2024-11-20SZTE
Félix SchubertBrittle microstructures2024-11-20SZTE
Félix SchubertPalaeo fluid migration2024-11-20SZTE
György SiposInvestigation of fluvial terrace formation and denudation rates in the Western Tian San and Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan2024-11-20SZTE
György SiposInvestigating anthropogenic and natural phenomena in near surface sediments2024-11-20SZTE
György SiposMethodological investigations on luminescence dating2024-11-20SZTE
György SiposQuaternary landform evolution2024-11-20SZTE
György SiposHuman impacts on rivers2024-11-20SZTE
János SzanyiUtilization of geothermal energy2024-11-20SZTE
János SzanyiConsequences of groundwater production2024-11-20SZTE
József Szatmári3D city models and modeling procedures2024-11-20SZTE
Péter SzilassiLandscape pattern and it's connection with the landscape ecological parameters2024-11-20SZTE
Péter Szilassi
Ferenc Kovács
Assessment of changes and relationships in the landscape2024-11-20SZTE
Péter SzilassiGeographical analyses of the cultural ecosystem services2024-11-20SZTE
Zalán Tobak
Boudewijn Van Leeuwen
Spatial data infrastructures - possibilities and challenges2024-11-20SZTE
János UngerUrban climatology2024-11-20SZTE
Boudewijn Van LeeuwenInland excess water mapping using active and passive remote sensing data2024-11-20SZTE
Boudewijn Van LeeuwenMachine learning in Geoinformatics2024-11-20USZ

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