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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Linguistics

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Szergej TóthRussian Linguistics2025-03-30JGYPK
Éva DékányTheoretical Linguistics, Hungarian linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
Katalin DoróEnglish Applied Linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
Erzsébet Drahota-SzabóContrastive Linguistics, Culture Specific Items and Translation, Translation of Set Phrases (Idioms, Proverbs, Collocations), Language Games and Translation,2025-03-30SZTE
Márton Gergely HorváthLinguistique française2025-03-30SZTE
Zoltán Dániel KádárSociopragmatics, intercultural communication, linguistic (im)politeness2025-03-30SZTE
István Keneseitheoretical linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
Tamás KispálGerman lingustics2025-03-30SZTE
Klára SándorHungarian linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
Tibor SzécsényiComputational Linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
István ZimonyiAltaic studies2025-03-30SZTE
Marianne Bakró-NagyUralic linguistic2025-03-30BTK
Mária BaktiInterpreting Studies, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)2025-03-30BTK
Gábor Balázs L.Hishistorical Solitude2025-03-30BTK
Erzsébet BarátEnglish Applied Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Péter BassolaGerman linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Tibor BertaSpanish syntax, Spanish historical syntax, Iberian Romance morphosyntax2025-03-30BTK
Károly BibokRussian Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Anna FenyvesiEnglish Applied Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Tamás ForgácsSprachwandel im Ungarischen. Historische Valenzforschung: Valenzwandel im Ungarischen.2025-03-30BTK
Zsuzsanna GécsegFrench linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Lívia Ivaskótheoretical linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Mihály Kocsishistorical solitude2025-03-30BTK
Márta LesznyákTranslation Studies, Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism2025-03-30BTK
Miklós NémethHungarian linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Enikő Németh T.Theoretical linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Andreas Noldageneral linguistics and German linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Krisztina PolgárdiTheoretical Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
György ScheiblGerman linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Anita SchirmHungarian and theoretical linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Katalin SipőczUralian linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Dávid Szabófrench linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Krisztina SzécsényiThe syntax of the left periphery of the clause: word order, scope, and information structure2025-03-30BTK
Veronika VinczeTheoretical Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Andrea Zentainé KollárItalian linguistics, Italian sociolinguistics2025-03-30BTK

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