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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Theoretical Medicine Doctoral School

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deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Tim Crul„Functional role of lipid raft and non-raft membrane domains in compartmentation of Ca2+-induced cAMP signaling in polarized epithelial cells”2024-12-31In1st
Ferenc Peták
Barna Babik
„Assessment of lung ventilation and perfusion”2024-12-31OFOII
Zoltán UngváriVascular contributions to cognitive decline and dementi2024-12-31OFOII
Zoltán UngváriVascular aging: molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences2024-12-31OFOII
Roland PataiUnderstanding the role of glial cells in the degenerative and regenerative processes of acute and chronic neurodegeneration2024-12-31BRC
Krisztián PajerTreatment of central nervous injuries with humoral factors2024-12-31Anath
Gyöngyi Horváth
Gabor Tuboly
Translational research for the mechanisms of pain2024-12-31Phys
László CzakóTherapeutic ERCP2024-12-31IN1ST
László CzakóTherapeutic endoscopic ultrasound in pancreatic diseases2024-12-31In1st
Eszter Farkas
Ferenc Bari
The susceptibility of the brain to spreading depolarization2024-12-31OFOII
Tamás LetohaThe role of syndecans in pathological protein aggregation2024-12-31Pharm
Lóránd KissThe role of pancreatic ductal CFTR Cl- channel in acute pancreatitis2024-12-31PATHP
Miklós JászberényiThe role of neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine regulation of adaptive processes.2024-12-31PATPH
Viktória VengloveczThe role of mucin in the pathomechanism of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31FFI
Viktória VengloveczThe role of ion transport mechanisms in the inflammatory diseases of the esophagus2024-12-31FFI
Antal NógrádiThe role of endogen progenitors in spinal cord regeneration2024-12-31ANAT
Petra PallagiThe role of Ca2+ signaling in the physiology and pathophysiology of the pancreatic ductal epithelial cells.2024-12-31In1st
Eszter Farkas
Ákos Menyhárt
The pharmacology of anoxic depolarization2024-12-31OFOII
Eszter FarkasThe pathophysiology of spreading depolarizations in cerebral ischemia2024-12-31Cellb
Endre DobóThe origins and targets of the hippocampal cholinergic nerve fibers2024-12-31ANAT
Zoltán ifj RakonczayThe investigation of the pathomechanism of acute pancreatitis in rodents2024-12-31Patho
Zsolt BagosiThe interaction between neuropeptides and addictive drugs2024-12-31PATHP
Zsolt BagosiThe effects of ghrelin and GHRP-6 on the changes of locomotion and dopamine induced by nicotine and nicotine withdrawal in rats2024-12-31Pathp
Zoltán ifj RakonczayThe effect of analgesics on the severity of acute pancreatitis2024-12-31Patho
Zsolt BagosiThe actions of addictive drugs on neurohormones and neurotransmitters2024-12-31PATHP
Mária Anna Deli
Szilvia Veszelka
Targeting nanoparticles across the blood-brain barrier2024-12-31SZBK
Csaba TömbölySynthesis and in vitro pharmacological characterization of bifunctional MOP – CB1 receptor ligands2024-12-31BRC
Lajos KovácsSynthesis and analysis of quadruplex nucleic acid derivatives2024-12-31OVI
László Siklós
Roland Patai
Study of immune/inflammatory processes in models of neurodegeneration2024-12-31SZBK
László MadácsySmall caliber pancreatic stents in the management of acute biliary pancreatitis and the prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis2024-12-31ENDO
Péter MakraSignal processing problems in the study of cortical spreading depolarisation2024-12-31OFOII
László Magor LőrinczSerotonergic neuromodulation in the olfactory cortex2024-12-31Phys
Klaudia FarkasRole of therapeutic drug monitoring in inflammatory bowel diseases2024-12-31I.BEL
István Krizbai
Elek Attila Farkas
Role of the neurovascular unit in inflammatory processes of the central nervous system2024-12-31SZBK
Imola WilhelmRole of the blood-brain barrier in the formation of brain metastases2024-12-31SZBK
Viktória VengloveczRole of iontransporters in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31FFI
Gergely FodorRespiratory mechanical investigations in small animal models2024-12-31OFOII
Viktória VengloveczRelationship between diabetes and cystic fibrosis2024-12-31FFI
Gyula SáryRehabilitation of neurological diseases by virtual reality2024-12-31PHYS
Ádám LégrádiRegulation of neuronal and glial functions by carbohydrate binding proteins in cell cultures2024-12-31MOLMD
Péter CsibriReading, as a specialized form of visual perception2024-12-31PHYS
Tim CrulProteomic characterization of pancreatic ductal organoids: towards biomarker identification and personalized medicine2024-12-31BelKl
Zoltán SzabóProteomic analyses for pharmaceutical research2024-12-31OVI
Gabriel FenteanyProtein–protein interactions regulating signaling processes involved in cancer progression and metastasis2024-12-31OVI
Mária DuxPeptidergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of headaches.2024-12-31PHYS
Richárd RókaPathogenetical role of intesinal barrier function in functional gastrointestinal diseases2024-12-31in1st
Zoltán SzepesOperative endoscopic interventions2024-12-31IN1ST
László MadácsyNew possibilities in the endoscopic practice training (simulators and biological models)2024-12-31ENDOK
István KrizbaiNeurovascular unit under physiological and pathological conditions2024-12-31SZBK
Ferenc DomokiNeurovascular unit function and dysfunction in health and disease states.2024-12-31PHYS
Gábor Jancsó
Mária Dux
Neuropeptides in the pathophysiology of primary headaches2024-12-31Phys
Tim CrulNanodomain-specific characterization of the membrane contact site proteome during store-operated calcium entry2024-12-31BelKl
József TolnaiMonitoring of physiological processes with telemedicine tools2024-12-31OFOII
Krisztina CsabafiModulatory role of neuropeptides on neuroadaptive processes in the CNS.2024-12-31KÓRÉ
Ákos MenyhártModulation and regulation of astrocyte spatial buffering in cerebrovascular disease states2024-12-31OFOII
Eszter Farkas
Ákos Menyhárt
Modulation and regulation of astrocyte spatial buffering in cerebrovascular disease stat2024-12-31OFOII
Ferenc ÖtvösModelling ligand characteristics and receptor specificity in the opioid system2024-12-31BRC
Károly Gulya
József Tolnai
Microscopic image analysis of protein aggregates in the brain2024-12-31Cellb
Márta GálfiMethods of the neuroendocrine research2024-12-31KBIOL
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of distal axonal degeneration in long peripheral nerves2024-12-31Anat
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of axon degeneration in ageing and disease2024-12-31Anath
Eszter HegyiMechanism of genetic risk in chronic pancreatitis2024-12-31TMI
Antal BerényiMany neuropsychiatric disorders are coupled with altered, pathologic oscillations at the neuronal network levels, which prevents proper information processing. While the2024-12-31PHYS
Károly GulyaLocalization of microglial cells in normal and pathologic human brain2024-12-31SMMT
Gabriella Nagyné EördeghLearning functions is psychiatric disorders.2024-12-31PSYCH
Zsuzsanna ValkuszInvestigation the effects of Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDC) in neuroendocrine system in vitro and in vivo2024-12-31in1st
Renáta Molnár-GáspárInvestigation on different cell death types and protection against them in cardiomyocytes2024-12-31BIOKE
László Siklós
Roland Patai
Investigation of ultrastructural alterations and microanalytical changes associated with degeneration of motor neurons2024-12-31SZBK
Antal BerényiInvestigation of the neuronal network dynamics and > connectivity of the striatum2024-12-31PHYS
Gyöngyi HorváthInvestigation of the motor control2024-12-31Phys
Péter HegyiInvestigation of the early phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis: from bed to the bench side research2024-12-31TMI
Petra PallagiInvestigation of ethiological background of pancreatic involvement in inflammatory bowel disease.2024-12-31In1st
Attila NagyInvestigation of associative learning in neurological and psychiatric disorders2024-12-31PHYS
Attila Nagy
András Kelemen
Investigation of associative learning in neurological and psychiatric disorders2024-12-31PHYS
Zoltán ifj Rakonczay
Lóránd Kiss
Investigating the effect of organosulfur molecules on the severity of experimental acute pancreatitis2024-12-31KÓRÉL
László CzakóInteractions between the exocrine and endocrine pancreas2024-12-31In1st
Zsolt László DatkiIn vivo modeling the role of serotonergic system in longevity regulation2024-12-31PSYCH
Balázs NémethGenetics of pancreatitis2024-12-31In1st
Péter Sántha
Gábor Jancsó
Ganglionic and transganglionic neurodegenerative changes induced by cytostatic agents in the somatosensory system2024-12-31PHYS
Péter SánthaFunctional regeneration of cutaneous chemosensitive afferent nerves following peripheral nerve lesions2024-12-31PHYS
Ferenc DomokiExperimental studies on the pathomechanism of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.2024-12-31PHYS
Krisztina BuzásExosomal information transfer through the blood-brain-barrier2024-12-31FOK
Csaba Lengyel
Norbert Buzás
Evidence-based patient pathway management in oncology and diabetology2024-12-31In1st
Klaudia FarkasEvaluation of clinical and therapeutic response based on patient-specific cytokine and microbiome profile in inflammatory bowel diseases2024-12-31In1st
Richárd RókaEtiology and diagnosis of colorectal neoplasm2024-12-31IN1ST
József MaléthEpithel cell signalling under physiological and pathophysiological conditions2024-12-311INST
András MihályEpilepsy-induced hippocampal neuroplasticity in a rodent model2024-12-31Anat
Richárd RókaEpidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome2024-12-31in1st
Gergely Fodor
Zsolt Tóth
Enhancing life sciences data collection and processing using artificial intelligence solutions2024-12-31OFOII
Gyula SáryElectrophysiological examination of the mammalian visual system2024-12-31PHYS
Zoltán SzepesEfficacy of diagnostic and palliative endoscopic procedures in the management of upper gastrointestinal malignancies2024-12-31In1ST
Zoltán Szepes
Renáta Bor
Efficacy and safety of endoscopic procedures in the diagnosis colorectal cancers and in the treatment of early carcinomas2024-12-31In1st
Gyula SzabóEffect of neuropeptides to algesia2024-12-31PATPH
Gyula SzabóEffect of experimental alcohol tolerance to the neuroadaptive processes of central nervous system2024-12-31PATPH
László CzakóEarly diagnosis of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31In1st
László MadácsyDiagnosis and management of gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi motility disorders2024-12-31ENDO
László MadácsyDevelopment of computer database and application of machine learning algorithms to assist the real time differentiation between adenomatous and hyperplastic subcentrim2024-12-31ENDOK
László SiklósDevelopment of a computer assisted, dissector-based quantitative morphometry system and its application for electron microscopic structural analysis of specimens from the2024-12-31SZBK
Gyöngyi HorváthDevelopment and characterization of schizophrenia animal models2024-12-31Phys

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