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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Medical Scienses

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Andrea OroszAnalysis of temporal instability of cardiac ventricular repolarization in subjects with different clinical conditions2024-12-31SZTE
Ferenc PetákCardiorespiratory interactions in the pathomechanism of pulmonary diseases2024-12-31SZTE
Ernő ZádorFactors regulating skeletal muscle remodelling2024-12-31SZTE
Ernő ZádorExploring signal pathways with the help of transgenic skeletal muscle2024-12-31SZTE
Márta Julianna SárközyExperimental investigation of radiation-induced heart disease2024-12-31SZTE
Anikó Keller-Pintér
László Rovó
New therapeutic possibilities to increase muscle volume of atrophied vocal folds2025-06-30SZTE
Márta Julianna SárközyThe effects of chronic renal failure on the cardiovascular system2024-12-31SZTE
Márta Julianna Sárközy
László Dux
Identification of laboratory diagnostic markers in disease models2024-12-31SZTE
István BaczkóMechanisms and novel pharmacological treatment options in atrial fibrillation2024-12-31SZTE
Tibor PáliThe protein-lipid interaction with native vacuolar proton-ATPase as a putative factor in the pH regulation of intracellular organelles2024-12-31SZBK
Attila Gergely VéghMechanobiology of the neurovascular unit in health and disease2024-12-31SZBK
Krisztina NagyStudying the effect of heterogeneous environment on bacteria using microfluidic devices2024-12-31SZBK
József MihályInvestigating the molecular mechanisms of sarcomerogenesis2024-12-31SZBK
Tibor PáliDevelopment of catanionic liposomes for novel drug delivery applications2024-12-31SZBK
Ervin WelkerThe role of the prion protein in the progression of transmissible spongiform degenerations2024-12-31SZBK
József MihályInvestigating the molecular mechanisms of sarcomerogenesis2024-12-31SZBK
Tibor Páli
Zoltán Kóta
Biophysical and biochemical studies of yeast vacuolar membranes2024-12-31SZBK
Lóránd KelemenCell-cell interaction studied with optical tweezers2024-12-31SZBK
Gaszton VizsnyiczaiStudying and directing the motility of bacterial cells in microfabricated channels.2024-12-31SZBK
Tibor PáliProtection of biological model membranes from lipid-peroxidation using flavonols, aiming therapeutic benefits2024-12-31SZBK
Lajos MátésGenetic instability as the driver of carcinogenesis2024-12-31SZBK
Pál OrmosSingle particle manipulation by laser tweezers2024-12-31SZBK
Péter VilmosInvestigation of the function of nuclear actin2024-12-31SZBK
Csaba VizlerNew possibilities for the treatment of inflammatory disorders and opportunistic infections2024-12-31SZBK
Péter VilmosInvestigation of the nuclear transport and function of the actin-binding Moesin protein2024-12-31SZBK
Gábor János SzebeniMultiplex immunophenotyping by single-cell cytometry2024-12-31SZBK
Gyula TiminszkyThe regulation of chromatin structure and nuclear transport during DNA damage repair2024-12-31SZBK
László PuskásFunctional genomics studies of pathological samples2024-12-31SZBK
Tibor PáliBiophysical and biochemical studies of yeast vacuolar membranes and the vacuolar proton-ATPase2024-12-31SZBK
Sándor ValkaiA logical gate based on an itegrated optical structure with biofilm as an active element2024-12-31SZBK
Tibor PáliDevelopment of catanionic liposomes for novel drug delivery applications2024-12-31SZBK
Róbert GáspárInvestigation of the obesity-induced alteration in uterine contractility in pregnant rat model2024-12-31SZAOK
István KonczEarly Repolarization Syndrome: novel therapeutic possibilities, new insights into the mechanisms2024-12-31SZAOK
László Rovónew therapeutic possibilities to increase muscle volume of atrophied vocal folds2024-12-31SZAOK
Dóra TombáczUsing OMICS approach for the analysis of viral gene expression2024-12-31SZAOK
Zoltán MarótiBionformatic analysis of whole genome sequences of archaic samples2024-12-31SZAOK
Szabolcs Péter TallósyIn vitro investigation of intracellular gas metabolism in hypoxia-related disorders2024-12-31SZAOK
Mária DuxRole of the trigeminovascular system in the pathophysiology of migraine2024-12-31SZAOK
Zsolt BoldogkőiGene transfer with intelligent viral vectors2024-12-31SZAOK
Anikó GörbeTesting of protective effect and the relating intracellular signaling pathways of potential cardioprotective molecules on cell-based models in vitro2025-06-30SZAOK
Andrea Szabó
Jorge Correia-Pinto
Examination of the efficacy of in vivo simulation trainings in surgery2024-12-31SZAOK
Anita SejbenEvaluation of IBD-associated non-conventional dysplasias2024-12-31SZAOK
Anita SejbenEvaluation of histopathological patterns of liver metastases2024-12-31SZAOK
Tamás ZomboriEvaluation of clinicopathological features in different solid tumours aiming to identify prognostic factors2024-12-31SZAKK
Péter Géza HausingerClinical (invasive) and experimental (disruptor effects) examination of the vascular system2024-12-31SZAKK
Gabriella Varga
Dániel Érces
Effects of complement C5a inhibitor therapy on macro- and microcirculatory disturbances in experimental models of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia2024-12-31SMI
Dániel Érces
Gabriella Varga
Influencing the macrohemodynamic, microcirculatory and inflammatory consequences of cardiac tamponade by methane inhalation2024-12-31SMI
Zsolt SzabóChanges in pulmonary microcirculation during thoracic surgery2024-12-31MODI
Zsolt SzabóInvestigation of ventilation strategies during thoracic surgery on enhanced postoperative recovery after surgery2024-12-31KRÉKF
Csaba PálDeciphering evolutionary processes behind antibiotic resistance by novel tools in Synthetic Biology2024-12-31BRC
Zoltán VillányiDetection and targeting translational defects in tumor cells.2024-12-31BMBT
Gábor CserniPrognostic pathology of tumors2024-12-31BKMÖK
István BaczkóAtrial fibrillation, heart failure, mechanisms of verticular cardiac arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, cardiac electrophysiology, proarrhythmic effects of drugs, myocard2024-12-31ÁOK
Petra HartmannExamining the effect of methane on ischemia-reperfusion-induced mitochondrial dysfunction2024-12-31ÁOK
László VirágStudy of cardiac repolarization process2024-12-31ÁOK
László DuxStandardization and quality control of macromolecular assays in pathobiochemistry, clinical biochemistry2024-12-31ÁOK
Norbert NagyInvestigation of the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger: from physiology to arrhythmias2024-12-31ÁOK
József FurákInvestigation of minimal invasive approaches in perioperative management on enhanced recovery after surgery2024-12-31ÁOK
Balázs ÖrdögPathomechanisms of inherited cardiac arrhythmias2024-12-31ÁOK
Mihály BorosClinical and experimental analyses of mitochondrium-drug interactions in gastrointestinal diseases2024-12-31ÁOK
Tamás Bálint CsontThe role of extracellular matrix proteins and proteoglycans in cardiac stress adaptation2024-12-31ÁOK
Gergő SzűcsEndogenous and exogenous cardioprotective mechanisms in metabolic diseases2024-12-31ÁOK
András VarróCellular and subcellular mechanism of the cardioactive drugs in the heart2025-06-30ÁOK
Attila FarkasThe clinical and experimental examination of cardiac arrhythmias and the investigation of the mechanism of the cardiac muscle contractility2024-12-31ÁOK
Petra HartmannExamining the effect of methane on ischemia-reperfusion-induced mitochondrial dysfunction2024-12-31ÁOK

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