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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Izabella FüziMoving images in new media2025-03-310144
Izabella FüziEarly cinema as new media2025-03-310144
Izabella FüziNarrativity and intermediality2025-03-310144
Tamás JászayContemporary Drama and Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayContemporary World Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayHistories of Hungarian Theatre in the 20th and 21st Century2025-03-311133
Vera Farkas-KérchyLiterary Theory, Interdisciplinary Perspectives2025-03-311133
Vera Farkas-KérchyPerformativity and Theatricality2025-03-311133
Vera Farkas-KérchyDrama and Theatre2025-03-311133
Endre HársHistory of German Literary Genres in Early 19th Century2025-03-312326
János NagyillésReception of Ancient Culture and Literature2025-03-313105
Irén Annus(Visual culture in the US2025-03-313213
Irén AnnusIdentity Studies in American context2025-03-313213
Anna KérchyThe Literary Fantastic: from Gothic to Postmodernism; Theories of the Fantastic2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyTheories of posthumanism, literary and artistic representations of humanimal relations and metamorphoses2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyChildren's literature, Young Adult Literature, Fairy-Tale Studies2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntersections of Women's Literature and Arts, Gender Studies, and Body Studies, with a speciel interest in Corporeal Narratology2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntermedial Cultural Representations and Fantastic Imagination in the Victorian and Postmodern Period2025-03-313303
Attila KissLiterature and the semiotics of the subject2025-03-313314
Ágnes Sávai-MatuskaPerformance traditions in late Tudor and early modern English drama: drama, ritual, theatre2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálMemory Studies2025-03-31adtsz
Korinna CsetényiGothic and horror fiction2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálReading the City: the cultural representations of the American and British City in literature and film2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálFilm Studies: the interrelations of film and history2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálUrban Studies2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára Szélpál20th Century American Intellectual and Cultural History: alternative and unconventional histories, alternative concepts of American culture and society2025-03-31adtsz
Kinga DávidLa letteratura romantica e risorgimentale italiana2025-03-31PE108
Kinga DávidLe zone centrali e limitrofe della letteratura italiana contemporanea2025-03-31PE108
Zoltán DragonFilm Adaptation: Intertextual, Dialogic and Transmedial Approaches in English2025-03-31PE119
Zoltán DragonNew Media and New Formulations of the Visual2025-03-31PE119
Zoltán DragonVisual Culture in the U.S.: Photography and the Moving Image2025-03-31PE119
Florence BoulerieFrench literature and arts of the 18th century2025-03-31PE121
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsDiscourses of American modernism2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsDiscourses of American realism2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsModernist US travel writing from postcolonial perspectives2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Sávai-MatuskaMultimedia Shakespeare adaptations2025-03-31tsz
Orsolya SzilvássyLetteratura per l'infanzia e literacy (letteratura italiana per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza)2025-03-31tsz
Ágnes Sávai-MatuskaIntersections between early modern and postmodern performance traditions2025-03-31tsz
Gyöngyike MikolaRussian-Language Literature in Emigration2025-03-31tsz
Gyöngyike MikolaRussian Cultural Codes in the 20th Century and Contemporary Hungarian Literature2025-03-31tsz
Orsolya SzilvássyLa narrativa letteraria e cinematografica italiane dal neorealismo a oggi2025-03-31tsz.
Lorenzo MarmiroliRapporti culturali e letterari italo-ungheresi2025-03-31tsz.

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