by doctoral school by research field by research topic  
Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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List of all the thesis topic proposals

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research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Tibor VargaThe role of alcoholic impairment in traffic2024-12-31IGORV
Tibor VargaThe role of licit and illicit drugs in traffic accidents2024-12-31IGORV
Tamás Szili-TörökAdvances in non pharmacological therapeutic approaches in the treatment of complex arrhythmias2024-12-31BEL
Máté VámosClinical outcomes of modern transvenous lead extraction techniques2024-12-31BEL
Máté VámosDiagnostic and therapeutic potential of the latest cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs).2024-12-31BEL
Kinga DávidLa letteratura romantica e risorgimentale italiana2025-03-31PE108
Kinga DávidLe zone centrali e limitrofe della letteratura italiana contemporanea2025-03-31PE108
Zoltán Baráth
Éva Kereszty
Forensic aspects of oral injuries2024-12-31STOMA
Margit Pál
Márta Széll
Genetic background of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis2024-12-31Gen
Béla KövesModern prevention of urinary tract infections2024-12-31JAHN
Péter Tenke
Béla Köves
The methods of minimizing iatrogenic infections2024-12-31Jahn
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Analysis of transcriptional interference networks.2024-12-31Mdbio
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Virome and aging: a longitudinal multi-OMICS study using dogs as a model2024-12-31MDBIO
Dóra TombáczThe effect of the lifestyle of the microbiome2024-12-31MdBio
Dóra Tombácz
Zsolt Csabai
Research of microbes using genomics and gene technology approach2024-12-31MdBio
Tibor PankotaiDevelopment of new generation serum based tumor diagnostics2024-12-31FOKOR
Tibor PankotaiMapping the connection between DNA repair and tumorigenesis2024-12-31FOKOR
Csaba CsíkosThe concept of metacognition; metacognition-based development in the classroom.2025-01-10NI
Csaba CsíkosAssessing and fostering the strategic components of mathematical thinking.2025-01-10NI
Éva D. MolnárSelf-regulation and the ethics of care2025-01-10NI
Éva D. MolnárEffective and ineffective strategies of learning2025-01-10NI
Judit DombiComputer-mediated communication2025-01-10NI
Judit DombiThe Role of Extramural English Input in Language Learning2025-01-10NI
Judit DombiPragmatics in English Language Teaching, L2 Pragmatics2025-01-10NI
József Balázs FejesSupporting equity in education at the system level2025-01-10NI
József Balázs FejesThe relationship between learning motivation and the social environment2025-01-10NI
Anita HabókResearch on self-regulated language learning strategy use2025-01-10NI
Anita HabókResearch on first and second language reading strategies.2025-01-10NI
Anita HabókResearch on learning to learn. Perceptions on learning.2025-01-10NI
Anita HabókThe effect of learning strategies and techniques on meaningful learning.2025-01-10NI
Mária HerczTeachers’, Teacher Candidates’, and Parents’ Thinking on Education2025-01-10NI
Mária HerczEntrepreneurial Education with Active Learning Strategy2025-01-10NI
Mária HerczSupporting teachers and trainees2025-01-10NI
Ágnes HódiAssessment and development of reading2025-01-10NI
Ágnes HódiInformation and communication technologies in education2025-01-10NI
Anikó KálmánNew teaching methods and learning environments to empower learners in the globalising world.2025-01-10NI
Krisztina KapornaiRisk and protective factors for mental disorders in child and adolescent2025-01-10NI
László KasikPossibilities of development of social problem solving2025-01-10NI
László KasikDevelopment of social problem solving2025-01-10NI
László KasikAvoidance as a social problem solving style2025-01-10NI
Enikő KissQuality of life and mental illness in children and adolescents2025-01-10NI
Tamás MartosSocial ecology of young people’s health goals2025-01-10NI
Edit Katalin MolnárReading and writing academic texts in higher education2025-01-10NI
Edit Katalin MolnárThe development of teacher knowledge2025-01-10NI
Gyöngyvér MolnárComputer-based assessment2025-01-10NI
Gyöngyvér MolnárAssessment and development of thinking skills in technology-based environment2025-01-10NI
Gyöngyvér MolnárLogfile analyses, learning analytics, educational data mining2025-01-10NI
Edit Katalin MolnárWriting and written composition2025-01-10NI
Marianne NikolovAssessing language proficiency2025-01-10NI
Marianne NikolovClassroom-based research on language learning2025-01-10NI
Marianne NikolovIndividual differences in language learning2025-01-10NI
Marianne NikolovIndividual differences in language learning2025-01-10NI
Attila PásztorAssessment and devleopment of thinking skills2025-01-10NI
Bettina PikóThe role of risk and protective factors in school health education2025-01-10NI
Bettina PikóHealth and problem behavior among school-aged children2025-01-10NI
Viola SallayEnvironmental emotional self-regulation processes and health in educational institutions2025-01-10NI
János SteklácsEye tracking, learning and cognitive development2025-01-10NI
Beáta Szenczi-VelkeyDeveloping reading motivation2025-01-10NI
Beáta Szenczi-VelkeyThe role of affective factors in the educational outcomes of atypically developing students2025-01-10NI
Klára TarkóMulticultural and intercultural education2025-01-10NI
Klára TarkóEducation for a healthy lifestyle, health promotion in public education and in higher education.2025-01-10NI
Edit TóthThe effects of large-scale assessments on educational practice2025-01-10NI
Tibor VidákovichSystem-level assessments: international and national student assessment programs in education2025-01-10NI
Tibor VidákovichTheory and practice in the development of exams and test construction methods for exams2025-01-10NI
Tibor VidákovichFormative and diagnostic assessment and the development of school work2025-01-10NI
Tibor VíghThe development of teacher candidates' competencies.2025-01-10NI
Tibor VíghDevelopment, assessment and evaluation of foreign language competencies2025-01-10NI
Pálma BenedekThe evaluation, surgical and conservative treatments of Sleep Disorders2024-12-31HEIMP
László SzabóDiagnostics and treatment of micturition problems in childhood2024-12-31HEIMP
Ferenc BognárDevelopment of a business-economic risk assessment methodology2025-05-31Bp
Balázs TóthApplication of multi-field dual-mixed variational formulation to coupled initial-value problems of linearly thermoelastic solids2024-12-31MMI
István Attila PirosDevelopment of a Continuous Cryogenic Pellet Extruder and Determining Its Operational Parameters for Plasma Fuelling and Plasma Density Control in Fusion Reactors2024-10-15GT3
József SókiExamination of the antibiotic resistance mechanisms of anaerobic pathogens by molecular methods2024-12-31MIKRO
Zsófia ÁsványiInnovative work schemes2024-09-30KTK
Márta BakuczNew trends in tourism2024-09-30KTK
István BudaiResearch on application-centric composites2025-05-15DE MK
János CsapóChances and opportunities for the development of smart tourism and smart destinations in regional context2024-09-30KTK
Zoltán Gál
Norbert Szabó
Regional innovation systems and regional innovation development2024-09-30KTK
Zoltán GálRegional Analysis of financial markets from a global-local perspective2024-09-30KTK
Sándor HajduRecearch of modelling and control methods for automated guided vehicles (AGV)2025-05-15DE MK
Géza HusiDesigning and Developing Extended and Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems Applying the Principles of Industry 4.02025-05-15DE MK
Ákos JarjabkaHigher education management2024-09-30KTK
Ferenc KalmárThermal sensation approach of the interrelation between asymmetric radiation and air temperature2025-05-15DE MK
Dániel KehlAdvanced data analysis in regional development2024-09-30KTK
Dániel KehlAdvanced data analysis in regional development2024-09-30KTK
Imre KocsisIntelligent computing based development of diagnostic and process monitoring methods for modern mechanical engineering systems2025-05-15DE MK
Péter KorondiCognitive Telemanipulation2025-05-15DE MK
Kármen KovácsBehavioural economics regarding consumer decisions2024-09-30KTK
Kármen KovácsBehavioural economics regarding consumer decisions2024-09-30KTK
Ferenc Kruzslicz
Miklós Hornyák
Transfer learning in economics2024-09-30KTK
Ákos LakatosExamination of the thermal properties and application possibilities of advanced thermal insulations and building technology materials2025-05-15DE MK
Tamás MankovitsMechanics and optimization of engineering structures2025-05-15DE MK
Péter PetrikOptical characterization of metal surfaces and thin films2025-05-15DE MK
Gábor RappaiHandling time series anomalies in econometrics2024-09-30KTK
Zoltán ScheppForecasting foreign exchange rates of emerging countries2024-09-30KTK
Roland SchmuckStrategic management and business models2024-09-30KTK
Tamás Sebestyén
Richárd Farkas
Applied and empirical researches in market theory and industrial organization. Investigating market price mechanisms.2024-09-30KTK
Tamás Sebestyén
Norbert Szabó
Economic and environmental impact assessment of alternative technologies in a spatial general equilibrium model framework2024-09-30KTK
Tamás Sebestyén
Richárd Farkas
Empirical applications of spatial econometrics in regional and space-related researches2024-09-30KTK
Tamás SebestyénSystemic risk and efficiency gains in global production networks2024-09-30KTK

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )