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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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List of all the thesis topic proposals

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deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Katarzyna ZomboryAdoption in the European Convention on Human Rights Law2024-12-31MEÁJK
Tamás ZomboriEvaluation of clinicopathological features in different solid tumours aiming to identify prognostic factors2024-12-31SZAKK
István ZimonyiAltaic studies2025-03-30SZTE
Andrea Zentainé KollárItalian linguistics, Italian sociolinguistics2025-03-30BTK
Ákos ZarándyMachine vision and learning2024-12-31PPKE
Ákos ZarándyResearch of data fusion algoritms for autonomous vehicle control2024-12-31PPKE
János Zádori
Anna Vágvölgyi
Az in vitro fertilizációs kezelések sikerességére ható prognosztikai paraméterek elemzése2024-12-31REPR
Ernő ZádorExploring signal pathways with the help of transgenic skeletal muscle2024-12-31SZTE
Ernő ZádorFactors regulating skeletal muscle remodelling2024-12-31SZTE
Zsuzsa WoperaHarmonization of Hungarian Civil Procedure and the European Law of Civil Procedure2024-12-31ÁJK
János WölflingSynthesis of heterocyclic steroids2025-02-01MAKT
Imola WilhelmRole of the blood-brain barrier in the formation of brain metastases2024-12-31SZBK
Attila WiesztFamily business research2024-12-31BCE
Marcin WielecI. International protection of the victim in criminal trial II. Innovation and technologies in the criminal trial - review of international solutions and assessment of t2024-12-31MEÁJK
Ervin WelkerThe role of the prion protein in the progression of transmissible spongiform degenerations2024-12-31SZBK
Marija WakounigDiplomatiegeschichte2025-04-01AUB
Marija WakounigAdels-/Dynastiegeschichte2025-04-01AUB
Marija WakounigHerrschaftssymbole2025-04-01AUB
Marija WakounigAdels-/Dynastiegeschichte2025-04-01AUB
Marija WakounigHerrschaftssymbole2025-04-01AUB
Johannes WachsDigital Supply Chains2024-12-31BCE
Gyöngyi VörösmartyPurchasing and supply management2024-12-31CUB
Erika VörösModern neuroimaging2024-12-31RADIO
Petrov VladanConstitutional identity: a Core of Modern Constitution or a Constitutional Fiction? – a special view on the constitutional systems of the Former Real Socialist States2024-12-31MEÁJK
Gaszton VizsnyiczaiStudying and directing the motility of bacterial cells in microfabricated channels.2024-12-31SZBK
Csaba VizlerNew possibilities for the treatment of inflammatory disorders and opportunistic infections2024-12-31SZBK
Dezső VirókIn vitro and in vivo identification of anti-chlamydial substances2024-12-31OMI
László VirágStudy of cardiac repolarization process2024-12-31ÁOK
Mario VinkovićEqual treetment and Free Movement of Workers2024-12-31MEÁJK
Veronika VinczeTheoretical Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Péter VilmosInvestigation of the nuclear transport and function of the actin-binding Moesin protein2024-12-31SZBK
Péter VilmosInvestigation of the function of nuclear actin2024-12-31SZBK
Zoltán VillányiDetection and targeting translational defects in tumor cells.2024-12-31BMBT
Viktor VíghKülönböző, általában aszimptotikus természetű kérdések vizsgálata véletlen konvex halmazok metszeteiről, különös tekintettel egy konvex halmaz véletlen eltoltjainak metsz2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor VíghDevelopment, assessment and evaluation of foreign language competencies2025-01-10NI
Tibor VíghThe development of teacher candidates' competencies.2025-01-10NI
Éva VíghFamous female figures in Italian Renaissance and Baroque2025-05-30SZTE
Éva VíghMoral philosophy in the Courtly Culture of Renaissance and Baroque2025-05-30SZTE
Éva VíghAristotle's ethics in early Modern Italy2025-05-30SZTE
Éva VíghStudia humanitatis and humanism2025-05-30SZTE
Franciska Vidáné dr. ErdőInvestigation of membrane transporter interactions in rodents using microdialysis techniques (The effect of aging, dermal transporters, BCRP at the blood-brain barrier)2024-12-31PPKE
Tibor VidákovichFormative and diagnostic assessment and the development of school work2025-01-10NI
Tibor VidákovichTheory and practice in the development of exams and test construction methods for exams2025-01-10NI
Tibor VidákovichSystem-level assessments: international and national student assessment programs in education2025-01-10NI
Emőd VeressThe challenges of Hungarian company law and securities law regulation2024-12-31MEÁJK
Emőd VeressConvergence and Divergence in Private Law in East-Central Europe2024-12-31MEÁJK
Emőd VeressComparative legal examination of Central and Eastern European private law systems and institutions2024-12-31MEÁJK
Apor Veres-SzékelyInvestigating the pathomechanism of chronic diseases associated with pathological tissue remodeling and fibrosis2025-05-31SE
Zoltán Veres
Katalin Juhász-Dóra
Analysis of the service environment in the services market2024-12-31PE
Szilvia VeresSprouts stress physiology as potential phytochemical prevention2024-12-15DE
Szilvia VeresPhysiological examination of nutrient utilization efficiency in different genotypes2024-12-15DE
Szilvia VeresPhysiological justification background of plant condition diagnostics in precision crop cultivation2024-12-15DE
Zoltán János VerébStem cell based bioengineered cartilage constructs for the investigation of biological treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis2024-12-31BŐR
Dániel VerébQuantitative methods in clinical radiology2024-12-31RADIO
Viktória VengloveczThe role of ion transport mechanisms in the inflammatory diseases of the esophagus2024-12-31FFI
Viktória VengloveczRelationship between diabetes and cystic fibrosis2024-12-31FFI
Viktória VengloveczThe role of mucin in the pathomechanism of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31FFI
Viktória VengloveczRole of iontransporters in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31FFI
Péter VékásApplications of artificial intelligence in insurance2024-12-31CUB
Péter Vékás" Actuarial science, Mortality forecasting, Longevity risk, Pensions"2024-12-31CUB
Attila Gergely VéghMechanobiology of the neurovascular unit in health and disease2024-12-31SZBK
Orsolya VásárhelyiIntersectional Inequalities in Online Science Dissemination2024-12-31BCE
Orsolya VásárhelyiLeveraging Diversity to Mitigate Algorithmic Discrimination in Data Science2024-12-31BCE
Miklós VáryMacroeconomics with special emphasis on monetary and fiscal policy (applying DSGE models, agent-based models, and network science)2024-12-31CUB
András VarróCellular and subcellular mechanism of the cardioactive drugs in the heart2025-06-30ÁOK
Krisztina Városiné DemeterThe contribution of operations management to performance2024-12-31BCE
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
Anita Varga-BogdanovAntichlamydial compounds and processes2024-12-31OMIKR
Zoltán Varga3D printing for radiotherapy2024-12-31ONKO
Zoltán VargaNew radiotherapy procedures for the treatment of cancer patients2024-12-31ONKO
Zoltán VargaHungarian and international regulation of state (public)revenue2024-12-31ME
Tibor VargaThe role of alcoholic impairment in traffic2024-12-31IGORV
Tibor VargaThe role of licit and illicit drugs in traffic accidents2024-12-31IGORV
Gergely VargaPlasma cell dyscrasias2025-05-31SE
Gabriella Varga
Dániel Érces
Effects of complement C5a inhibitor therapy on macro- and microcirculatory disturbances in experimental models of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia2024-12-31SMI
Emőke VargaLiterature and Fine Art Through the Mirror of 20th Century Art Theories2025-05-30BTK
Emőke VargaTheories of the Relation of Text and Image2025-05-30BTK
Emőke VargaTheory of Illustration2025-05-30BTK
Emőke VargaTheories of art on the concurrence of verbal and visual media representation2025-05-30SZTE
Szabolcs VárbíróEndocrinological features, treatment options and pathomechanism of polycystic ovary syndrome2025-05-31SE
Boudewijn Van LeeuwenInland excess water mapping using active and passive remote sensing data2024-11-20SZTE
Boudewijn Van LeeuwenMachine learning in Geoinformatics2024-11-20USZ
György VámosiInteraction of nuclear receptors and their cofactors studied by modern fluorescence microscopy tools2024-11-15DEBSI
György VámosiInvestigation of the intracrine signaling of membrane receptors2024-11-15DEBSI
Máté Vámos
László Sághy
Short- and long-term clinical outcomes after transvenous lead extraction2024-12-31IIBEL
Máté VámosClinical outcomes of modern transvenous lead extraction techniques2024-12-31BEL
Máté VámosDiagnostic and therapeutic potential of the latest cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs).2024-12-31BEL
István Vályi-NagyCOVID-19: course, predictive and prognostic factors, diagnosis and therapy2025-05-31SE
Zsuzsanna ValkuszInvestigation the effects of Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDC) in neuroendocrine system in vitro and in vivo2024-12-31in1st
Sándor ValkaiA logical gate based on an itegrated optical structure with biofilm as an active element2024-12-31SZBK
Gabriella Vadászné BognárSimilarity solutions of MHD flow in non-Newtonian power-law fluid2024-12-31GET
Gabriella Vadászné BognárAnalysis and evaluation of coating characteristics2024-12-31GET
Zoltán UngváriVascular contributions to cognitive decline and dementi2024-12-31OFOII
Zoltán UngváriVascular aging: molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences2024-12-31OFOII
János UngerUrban climatology2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor UdvaryRegulation of autonomous vehicles2024-12-31KREÁJ
Sándor UdvaryCollective litigation2024-12-31KREÁJ
Bence UdvarhelyiDevelopment tendencies of European criminal law and its impact on the substantive criminal law of the Member States2024-12-31MEÁJK
Vilmos TotikAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI

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