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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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topics both in English and Hungarian
Current thesis topic proposals of University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Linguistics

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Enikő TóthExperimental semantics/pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
Csilla RákosiMethodological issues in experimental pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
Ágoston TóthQuantitative lexicography2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárMetaphor analysis2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiSpecial varieties of language2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárTranslation studies2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiLanguage acquisition2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárMetaphor analysis2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiConstructions at the syntax-semantics interface2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárGerman pronominal system2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter SzűcsThe linguistic properties and behavior of pronouns2024-11-15DEBTK
Franciska SkuttaLinguistic Approaches to Narrative: Analysis of French Literary Texts2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter SzűcsCross-clausal dependencies2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French2024-11-15DEBTK
Éva KardosArgument structure2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French Language2024-11-15DEBTK
Éva KardosTense and aspect across languages2024-11-15DEBTK
László HunyadiExperimental Phonetics2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissThe Latin-Romance Transition: Documents and Theoretical Approach2024-11-15DEBTK
Csilla RákosiFallacies2024-11-15DEBTK
Enikő TóthGrammar and Pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
Csilla RákosiPlausible argumentation in theoretical linguistics2024-11-15DEBTK

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