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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Miskolc, István Sályi Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Balázs TóthApplication of multi-field dual-mixed variational formulation to coupled initial-value problems of linearly thermoelastic solids2024-12-31MMI
Krisztián HriczóNumerical simulation of the heat and mass flow of a solar collector applying alternative liquids2024-12-31MAT
György KovácsTechnical diagnosis and maintenance of machines and mechanisms2024-12-31GYT
Szabolcs Szávai
György Kovács
Multi-objective optimisation of composite sandwich structures2024-12-31GET
Ferenc SarkaResearch on the behaviour of components made with additive technology against long-term, constant loads2024-12-31GET
Ferenc SarkaResearch in the operating conditions of toothed elements made with additive technology2024-12-31GET
Gabriella Vadászné BognárSimilarity solutions of MHD flow in non-Newtonian power-law fluid2024-12-31GET
Gabriella Vadászné BognárAnalysis and evaluation of coating characteristics2024-12-31GET
Péter BencsDevelopment and application of optical measurement techniques to determine the characteristics of a flow around a heated cylinder2024-12-31EVG
Péter BencsDevelopment and application of optical measurement techniques to determine the characteristics of a flow around a heated cylinder2024-12-31EVG
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of clinching2024-12-31ATI
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of multipoint forming of sheets2024-12-31ATI

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